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Michigan Melange

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Marquette, Mit'h., June 16.- Daniel Sheehan, a lumherman, has been jailed at Ontonagon to await trial for murderous assault with a revolver upon nis wife in a St. Paul passenger train. Because of domestic troubles and alleged nonsupport by her husband Mrs. Sheehan left her home and, taking her babe wlth her, boarded a train. Sheehan fullowed with two drawn revolvers one of whieh he aimed at his wife and was only prevented from committing murder by the intervention of Mrs. Mary Toplin, a friend who had accompanied Mrs. Sheehan to the train. The passengers were paralyzed with terror, but Mrs. ToDlin seized the would-be murderer's arm with such force that tha thrce f hots he fired in rupid succession miXHod thir mark and ratped through the seat between the two women. At the thlrd shot Mrs. Sheehan gave up the balie, her refusal to surrender which was the immediate cause of the shooting. Sheehan returned to his house, but Mrs. Toplin followed and despite his threats to shoot her she snatched the babe from the couch, where Sheehan had placed it, and hurried back to lts fear-strlcken mother. Through sheer awe at the woman's nerve the husband made no attempt to execute his threat and a moment later submitted quietly to arrest. Both husband and wife are well known at Sagl' naw. DETROIT GIRL NOW A COUNTES& Miss Ella Walker the Wlfe of Connt Man. fred Voii Matuschka. Detroit, June 16.- At 5:30 o"clock yesterday afternoon Bishop John S. Foley, of the Roman Catholic see of eastern Michigan, unlted hi marriage Count Manfred von Matuschka, Baron 3e Toppolezen and Spatten, and Miss Ella Walker, at the resídence of the brlde'a father, Franklin H. Walker. The civil ceremony was performed by Justice Schellenburg at n-oon. Count Matuschka resides in Sil-esia and is of Hurgarían extraction. He is a lieutenant in the Regiment der Gardes du Corps, a reserve force of the Germán army. Two other members of the Germán nobility, the count's brother Eberhardt von Matuscaka and Count Aikman, were present at the ceremony. Miss Walker ia a Rranddaughter of Hiram Walker, the founder iM the great distillery at Walkerviüe, Ont. The wealth of the Walker famiiy is estimated at from $10,000.000 to $15,000,000. The wedding was strktly private, only a few immediate relatives and friendg of the contracting parties being present. The count and countess expect to proceed at ocne to the home of the Matuschka in Germany. IRON MINES TO RESUME. Welcome News at Ironwood - Many Men To Be Employed Ironwood, Mich., June 11.- Th? wr-1come intelligence has been received hete that the Metropolitan Iron and Steel company, controlling the Nnrrie group of mines, had efïected another sale oí 100,000 tons of ore and that other sales are in process of negotiation which will keep the mines busy during the entire season and also clean up their Iarge Etotk of surplus ore. "With this information comes ord-:rs from the headquarters of the company for the resumption of night operations, which means the doubling of the f orce and the re-employment of 500 men. It is also stated from reliable authority that the Ashland company, whose mine ia located in this city, had sold 100,000 tons for this season's delivery, which will tax this property to its fullest capacity and necessltate the employment of a Iarge additlonal force.' This good ncws is especially welcoine. as times have been dull for two months past and the prospect for the future was anything but promising. A general revival of business here is sure to follow. HEIRESS ELOPES AMTH AN ACTOR. Niece of a Michigan Kx-Coiigressman Marríes a Soiir and Dance Man., Mich., June 14. - Miss Bello Alken, niece of Congressman S. M. Stephenscn and reputed heiress to 30,000. has eloped with an actor named Joseph Willardl, lately doing a song and dance act in a 10-cent dramatic aggregation. The young people of Menominee were induced by Willard and another actor named Harry Lester to get up a benefit performance, the local talent dolng the minor parts, while Willard and Lester were the stars. Miss Aiken took a leading part, and It was at the rehearsals that ?he met and beeame infatuated with Willard. News was received that the young couple had gone to Peshtigo, Wis., were quietly married and took the afternoon train for Chicago. The bride'f engagement to a young budness man o this city was announced a few month? Bgo. The engagement was recently canceled. Willard's antecedents are unknown. Row in u Methodist Church. Nlles, Mich., June 11.- The congregatlon oí the Methodist church at Nunica ís divided against the pastor, Willlam Lawton, who has of late censured hls townspeople In hls sermons. Some of hls enemies at a recent service cursed the pastor in the church and nailed up the doors with the congregatlon inslde. One member of the congregation broke a window, climbed out and opened the doors. Six of the disturbers have been arreated. Jnmped froin a Train. Houghton, Mich.. June 12. - Sheriff Lean was taking William Lovejoy, charged wlth highway robbery, from Houghton to Calumet, and Lovejoy jumped from a car window whlle the train was going at full speed. The sheriff and three deputies gare chase aa soon as the train was etopped, but the prisoner escaped in the heavy underbrush. i'Ihï Diiv at Detroit. Detroit, June 15. - A feature of Flag Day in Detroit was the raising of the big rlag and Union Jack prasented to the city of Detroit by the crtw of the United States cruiser Detroit. The banners were hoisted from the ground in front of the city hall to the il?.gsta.ff on top of the bnilding, short'.y aïter noon, by some United States marines amid cheers of the crowd. Mayor Maybury and others made short appropriate addresses and the bright new emblema of patriotism fluttered flnely in the fresh breeze. , UNION PRESSMEN IN COUNCIL. Will Discuss a Sliorter Work-Day and Questions of Interest, Detroit, June 15. - Men who manipúlate printing presses from nearly all the larger cities of America gathered in the Griswold House last night and enjoyed a social reception preliminary to the ninth annual convention. Refreshments were served and there were informal welcomeg by local members and responses by visiting delegates. Nearly 100 delegates have arrived, many of them accompanled by ladies. The business sessions begin today. The two principal questions being discussed are action towards a shorter work-day and a final settlement regarding the admission of Job pressmen, feeders, and helpers to full membership in the union. The latter classes have hitherto been affiliated as auxiliary to the Pressmen's union, and at the last convention action was taken allowing them admission to full membership. This, however, has not been carried out by the local unions, and a means of enforcing last year's action in this regard will be urged. Had un Idea of Making Money. Charlotte, Mich., June 15.- Martin Gibbs, a well-to-do farmer of Eaton, was arrested on a charge of forgery. He is street commlssioner of the town and employs considerable labor. He is alleged to have defrauded the town out of a large sum of money by issuing fraudulent orders on the treasurer for fictitious ñames, and as a "matter of aocommodation to the workmen," drawing the money ánd retaining it. Irftrgest ClasH in lts H story. Menominee, Mich., June 12. - Commencement exercises of the Menominee high school were held in the Presbyterlan church Thursday evenlng. The Hon. J. J. Brown of Manistique delivered the oration. The clasa of '97 is the largest In the history .of the school- twenty young women and five young men. Morteapro for $50,000,000. Adrián, Mich., June 14. - The Lake Shore Rallway company filed a mortgage at the registrar s office bere Saturday for $50,000,000, running to the United States Trust company, New York, J: B. Dye, trustee. The mortgage providea 3% per cent interest, payable semi-annually In gold, present standard. I'olso In the Ice Creara. Frankfort, Mich., June 12. - Twenty members of the Portnighty club, a swell i Frankfort social organization, are in a i critical condition, as a result of eatlng ] ice cream. Analysís showed verdigris in large quantltiea, the freezlng being corroded. State Tax Lery For Michigan. Lansing, Mich., June 15. - Auditor General Dix haa determined that the state tax Ievy for the present year wil] be $2,397,907 and $2,012.227 for 1898. The state taxes for the biennial period will be $690,000 lesa than for 1S95 and 1896. Scorchers Kun Over Girls. Escanaba, Mich., June 11. - As John Kowan and Frank Snyier were ing on a tandera they ran Into two giris, aged 10 and 12 years, throwing them to th. pavement violently. Rowan and Snyder were arrested. Chrfstian JEndeavor Convention. Adrián, Mich., June 12.- The National Christian Endeavor convention of the Methodist Protestant church is in session nere. State Noixit. Fire destroyed the Casino hotel and saloon near Dollar Bay, Mich. Loss, $5,000. Albert Wilson was accidentally killed at Plainfield, Livingston county, Mich., by his stepson. John Yost, a Branch county, Mich., iarmer, was struck b a runaway team and fatally injured. Neal Reynolds, a well-to-do young farmer residing six miles west of Saginaw, Mich., was kicked and instantly killed by a vicious horse. Irving Bates feil from a dam at Grand Lodge, Mich., and was drowned. Hiram A. "Waite, ex-city comptro"r of Huron, Mich., was sentenced to fivs years in the state house of correction oni conviction of embezzlement of several thousand dollars from the city.


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