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Washtenaw County

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Chas. Vogel, of Toledo, sprat Sunday and Monday with his parents east of towu. Fr. preached at St. Mary's clmrch. Friday eve. A elass of young ladies was received into the Sodalitj society. Mr. Fallis, of Lowell. is a guest of B. S. Ileliker, of the Freeman House. Albert W. Dorr, of the V. of M.. ia spending his vacation at Ben Mattison 's. Fred Hall, Dr. Chadwick, Sidney ('use and Den Forrey celebrated at Jackson and Clark 's Lake, Monday. The "(ilorious Fourth" was an un usually quiet day at this place. But for the occasionnl explosión of a lirecracker and the home displays of üreworks, !y a few patriotic citizens, one would scarcely realize that it was the Xation's greatest holiday. A box social was held at Rev. 1). II. Yocum's, Wednesday evening'. Chas. Carner, a former resident of this place, died Sunday at Toledo. Mrs. Fischer and family. of Toledo, visited at Mrs. Kennzler's, Moñday and Tuesday. Mrs. Kennzler has been quite sick, but is much better at present. The wall for Win. Burtless" new house is nearly complete. Pev. Burnett, of Teeumseh, preached at the M. E. church, Snnday. Gust Kulil and Bert Witheral. of the U. of M., returned home Saturday. CHKLSEA (HAT. Mrs. John Depuy is quite sick at her home on Middle street. Percy Brooks is fast recoyering from a severe attack of congestión of the lungs. Ralph Freeman is again at work in L. F. Freeman's store, after sereral weeks illness with rheumatism. Geo. 'an Tassel, chief engineer of the Western Wheel AVorks of Chicago, visited Nelson C. Freer of this plactlast Monday. About twenty young people spent the Fourth at ííorth Lake, as niany more were at Cavanaugh, and tlie tovvii was well represeuted at Pinckney, if one may judge from the number of arres s made. Mrs. Wm. T)epuy, of Alpena, is visit ing relatives in this neighborhood. F. P. Giazier is organizing a stock company to push the water works and to stand the expense of the recent lawsuit with the town. The workmen of the stove works are the principnl stock holders, each one being ailowed to take two sliares. The capital stock of the company is about ten thousand dollars. Chas. Carmer, of Toledo, aged 19, a son of Mrs. Conrad Spimagle, of this place, died last Sunday. The funeral was held from St. Mary's church Monday ifternoon, and the "regular funeral service of the church was held Tuas day morning. Charles was one of our brightest young men, a gradúate of the High school in '9i5. and known and respected by all. His death was peculiarly distressing and sudden. and was caused by apenaicitis, aggrava ed by a ' recent vacciuation and exposure to the heat. MILÁN MATTERS. The Presbyterian ladies' sewing circle met with Mre. Josepli Gauntlet last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. li. E. Tripp and family spent Monday at "Whitmore Lake. The Methodist pic nic, in Hack's woods, Monday, was a decided success. There was a large crowd and everyone enjoyed themselves. J. Burnap, an old resident of Milan ] died Tuesday of paralysis. Mr. and Mrs. Clark, James Clark, Mr. and Mrs. John Putnam and Susie Knight are speuding a few days al Monroe. E. A. Reynolds, who bas been spending a few weeks here with his manv friends and relatives, returned to Detroit. Tuesdáy, accompanied by his daughter, Maud, who came down Sunday afternooQ. Miss Grace Debenham started for Peru, Ind., last Saturday, 10 spend a lew weeks with friends there. The Universalista held services in the Union school last Sunday morning. T. Ilill is making extensive improvements on his buildings. Miss Estella Ward is spending the week at Mooreville with her sister, Eva Davenport, Two of the high school graduates have obtained schools to teach next fall- Miss Anna lirown, the Haleighville school and Estella Ward, the Hedner school. Prof and Mrs. Warren Babcock returned home trom the Agricultural College last week Thursdny to spend the vacation with friends and relatives in this place. The Ladies' Aid society of the Bap tist church held their regular social at Mrs. Ann Davis' last Wednesday. Chas. Pullen assumed the offlce of postmaster last Thursday. Henry Calhoun, of Clinton, occupied the pulpit of the Baptist church last Sunday morning. Mrs.'lïomer t-ill and daughter have gone to Xew York state for a few weeks' visit. WHITMOKK I.AKK AVES. Mrs. Fred Pray of (rand ]{apids is visiting at the Pra homestead south of the lake. Wil! Stevens and family of Jackson are visiting at his mother's, and enjoying the fine lishing here. Mis. Matie Burnett and daughter are visiting in Diamondale. .Mr. Leasenby of Oolumbu, Ohio, eame up Saturday morning to spend' the "Fourth," with nis wife and VV. I! liane and family, returning Mondav evening. A young man by the name of illiams in the emplov ol Mr Bi was drowned in Silver Lake near I buis, tast Saturday af ternoon. He and a companion were bathing and it is po?ed he was , taken with crauiKs J he body was recoven-d. Mis Maude Moss visited friends in 1-hnt and üwosso the "Fourth." Cangregations were light last Sunday in this neck o' woods. on account of the intense heat. isut for the lake ze the weather would have been almost unendurabie. The event of the season so far was the weü advertised picnic of St. Thomas's Catholic church of Ann Arbor. held n the grove here last Monday. üespite the intense heat the morning trains were well Blled and niany came in carriages, so that by noon between two and tliree thousand people had Hssembled, each intent ou a good time, and satislied when night came that they had had a very enjoyable outinï. An abundance of table room had been arranged and at an early hour the hangry crovd began to devour the eatables lïetermined to get the start of the rain, if it came as last year. About eleven o'clock we were treated to a íine shower that laid the dust, cooled the atmosphere, and but temporarily interfered with the dinner arrangements, which proceedert rapidly for two or three hou s. The amount of food furnished and finished was beyond computation. and must have gladden'ed the parish purse to the tune of several hundred dollars. The steamer and other boats were kept busy handling the crowds who "would a riding go. At about three o'clock p. m. Father Goldrick, toastmaster, in the absence of Mayor Hiscock who was to have presided, called the assembly to order, and in a few well chosen words of wel come, proceeded to announce the program, which was opened with "Ilail ('olumbia'' by Hecker's military band from Ann Árbor, who volunteered their service for the occasion. The ehairman then introduced as the speaker of the day, Ilon. T. J. McDonald of Toledo, af ormer Washtenaw county boy, and his address was in keeping with "The day we celébrate" and was heartily enjoyed by the large audience. Af ter some vocal music and a solo hy Frank Mclntyre, lleny Conlin entertained the company with some timely and pertinent suggestions. facetiously delivered and well received which put the coinpnny in so happy a state of mind that they were fully prepared to relish the successive numbers by the redoubtable "Jim Harkins " Your readers know him so well that they will not be surprised that he had torespond with and encoré, and if he had answered to the ealls, they would have kept him singing the rest of the day. The exercises over at the stand, a large quantity of ice-cream was disposed of, and at 6:30 o'clock Prof. G. 15. liooney made a very successful balloon ascensión which elosed the program of the day, and in a short time the loaded trains took the multitudes away with the exception of the young people who staid the evening to "trip the light fantanstic toe," at the two hotels. Everj body, old and young seemed intent on a good time, the crowd was as orderly and wellbehaved as a lot of Sunday school scholars at a fes! i val, and "all went as merry as a marriage bell." '-Railroad Jack" 'entertained the crowd on the street while they were waiting for the balloon ascensión. Xo accident whatever, as far as your repoiter could learn, cccurred tornar the pleasures of the day, the hotel had their houses and hands f uil all day and night. While the weather has been so extremely hot for a few days, it has afforded the farmers a fine opportunity to gather in part, one of the heaviest hay crops this section of country has produced in many years, and it is being put away in splendid condition too. Wheat harvest is not many weeks away hereaboute several íields will be ready for the sickle by the last of this week. üur neighbor village of Hamburg is haring an epidemie of measles, and they have enough to go around too. E. X. Hall having disposed of his business in Ann Arbor, will move to his father's farm. WHITTAKER. Mrs. Colt' ís spending a week in Wyandotte. Miss Lizzie Lawson, of Detroit, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. W. Lowe. Thomas A. Sprague has returned trom Canada. Krank 3. Gabel has quit barbering in Maybee and returned home. Henrv Kramer look advantage of the cheap ratea to spend a f ew days with friends in Cleveland. öome one triéd to breuk into L..T. Millers shoe shop on Saturday night, but was caujht in the act and skipped. Miss Gertie Gabel returned home trom Ohio. Thursday evening, af ter an absence of six months. Miss Gusta Doty went to Monroe, Friday, wlicii' slie will attend asummei school for the next six weeks. John Wanty sued F. W. Ilorner before Squire Wm. II. Bishop, Thursday. for 816.75 for work done in the spring, was given a judgment of S 10.75, and the circuit ceurt. Visitors at the old Hurley homestead the (irst of the week weré Miss Kate Ilnrley, of Detroit; Mert Ilurley and Frank Fullerton and wife, of Toledo. YPSILANTI PLAIÍÍS. Mrs. Mary McManning and children of lietroit who have been visiting relatives here for the past two weeks returned to their home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. ]5ert Smith of Grand Rapids are visiting Wm. Smith and family. Miss Minnie Greges of Iron Mountuin is home spending her vacation. Mrs. II. Dolby is very sick with the measles. VOKK YAltNS. Hev. Calhoun, ot Clinton, preached in the Baptist church here Sunday in the place of Rev. Bank, who is taking a vacation. Win. L. McAJlister is entertaining three sisters and a brother-in-law from Alabama. ('lande Brenner came down from Detroit to spend the Fourth with his mother. (laude. Harinon and family, of Detroit, spent the Fourth with J JL Clark. W. 1 1 . Sweet.of V])silanti, is spending considerable of his time here loókinc after things on His farm.


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