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The office oí The Democrat lias be in removed to the building oceupied fcy The Daily Knies, on S. Main st. The boanl of healü should requeat the city marshal to defer auy farther stirring oí' the waters of the Huron until the heated term is oer. Timid people aro ïiaturaliy anxious to kuow il' Si'ci-'nary G-age wrote that ourreney mess.-icrc witli which the president threatens to bombard congress. More iliaii iiaJf of the inc-rease in the expendí tures of the goveniment last year was on account of naval construction. If we-expect to go into the annoxation brtstness, srill largor siuiis wiïl hare to be speut. After having purchased and paid for the Illinois legisl&ture and the 'iiicago city coimcil, the managers of the street railway franchise syndicale uaturalljr object to having aspersions cast. npon their property. Tbc Kalarnazoo Telegraph is a f raid some one may libel the Chicago aldermau. If there's a good healthy iibei left in Chicago aifter the street raüway syndicate gete what i! wants, BoineBody ought to notifj' 'Mayor Harriáon. The Demacrat is siirprised to lind in au organ of the swallow-it-whole stripe of tbe Lansing RepuWican an admission tliat there is social diseontfiir. Ncrtv if our corttemporary will dlgest the fact tbat tLere is never social discontent without social abuses it will have placed itself in a pcsition to discover soïne things whieh soem to have escaped its notiee lethen o. Satisfied t great péiwérs will never undértake coercive measures evacúate TUessaiy. the Sultan is no-t disjiosed to accade to the (iemands of "the powers to accept the condiuos laid down by the ambassadors í or the conclusión of peace wlth Greece. The qiiestiOB ïiow nartürally artses, what do the powers mean to do, if thcy really have auy intention of doiug aaythiag? Farmers out on tiie gravel rond co"uplain of the ungentlonmnly eondnet oï mnny wilhelmen wlio ]ass tliat way. The L. A. W. should make a buslaoss of "setting clown" on fchose oí wheels 'who make use of the highway to make life a burden to residents along the way. A few hair-braiued freaks who eau only make theinseh-cs conspicuous by their ciKSsedness can easily briag every oue who rides o wheel into disfavor. Awording to the dispatches in the morning papers, tin crisis of the greal al strike is rapidly approachin.;. With the going out of the 'st Virginia miners, there will bs a complete tie up of production and a coa! f-iir.ine of natioiiai scope will result In the meantime earnest efforts ara l'cing made to secure a settlement of ■the controversy throngh arblfcration It is feared, however. tliat no progresa can be made in this directioia until the operators have sold all the coa: they have iu stock at advanced prices The situation is full of dangev. and r.nless some plan of arbitration is speedily adopted. most sei-ions results caonot fail to ensue. 'A prominent resident ia the eastern part of the city, one who severed liis connec-tions with the Democratie part last fall over the trifling matter of the color of the money in which his clients sliould pay for his services, was liearc to ruminate as follows whlle wending his way to his office a few mornings, ago: "How dear to our heart is the olc silver dollar when soir.e kind subscnb er presenta it to view - the liberty liead without necktie or collar, aud al the strange things that seem to us new. The wide sprauling eagle, the arrow below it, the stars and the words and the strange things they teil. The coin of our fathers; we're glad that we know it, for some time or other 'twill come in quite well - thi spread-eagle dollar, the star-spanglet dollar, the old silver dollar we all lovo so well." Those despised silver dollars come ia pretty handy just now.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat