Real Estate Transfers
M'ary E. Vincent to John C. Wilsoñ and wife, Ami Arbor, $1,700. John C. Wilson and wife to Mary E. Vincent, Ann Arbor. $500. Wm. S. Carr by heirs to Wm. Brighton, Manchester, $200. M. Eyan and wife by sheriff to John Gallager, Dexter, $1,997.97. Fannis J. Wines to Jos?ph L. Rose, Ann Arboï, $3,500. tïenry H. Feun and wife to Myrtie l'enn, Chelsea $500. Augustus M. Alban to Rol)t. M. Alban, 'Northfield, $6,050. BeBj. Simons tó Lillie Simons, Ypsilaxttl, $700. We are interested to bear tnat Mr. L. O. Goodrich, the grand lecturer for the R. A. M., leaves on Satuivlay for a four weeks' tour through the nortliern península to hold schools in the chapters at the different places on this route. First he expects to visit Alpema and from there on noftu as far a Ontonagon. Already he has fteen holding schools in the lo.wer península.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
Mary E. Vincent
John C. Wilson
William S. Carr
William Brighton
M. Ryan
John Gallager
Fannis J. Wines
Joseph L. Rose
Henry H. Fenn
Myrtie Fenn
Augustus M. Alban
Robert M. Alban
Benjamin Simons
Lillie Simons