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Tuesday, Hupst Ifth. THEWORIDS lARSEST.GRAHDESTBESTAMUSEMEMTlNSTnUT5Wt5f3 Cars, 4 Tbhn rnwniifTfnnMSfflMiiRiisnipisPtiiMriPiF, A ti I I 1 JÊ POStl''V QfFlCES' n r I J]! 3 NORTHUMBERUNB AT LONDON. LNS. 1200 PEOPLE CMPLOYED _0 8 RUÉ DE PONT fVAHCMt PARíS , FRANCE. ry TFIITQ rnuCDiucto irocc Main ausiMESS OFFiCt. M LW YORK .CITY tnu ucnino l AIREO A POINT TO REMEMBER: IF ÍT'S STATED HERf, 'S THUE-EffEflYTHIHS EXHIB1TED EXACTLY AS ADVERT1SED 3 Circus Rings, 3 Elevated Stages, A Race Track AND STUPÈNDOUS AERIAL ENCLAVE. New Vaudeville Entertainment! In the Big Menagerie Pavilion. comprfsíng a real potpourri of Mystery, Dances. Music, Juügling. Feats of Magie, Matnematic, Snake CharminR and Fire Eating. NEWWONAN J. I flj HQRSES fnerofnrelRlnlfgatOneTiine ON HORSEBACK-fe ln Une Klng Vf fl] Am The Human Arrow, shot wKN HLBII) through the air from a Rom vf' ) an Crossbow. ) AT X l inUAUfJS ■nrWJL P ) JUiinn lln; The Giantess Gorilla. %5}TO MÍImvS PIRriK Three f uil and complete CirIlimTBSiïUcWaii mbUJ cus Companies in 3 Rings 7 OTOTïiiJl toVSSm with 300 Skilled' Expert Performers. WmmlU W1 HinndrnmP With a Grand Series of ÊÊMm VwêÊË " ippUUÏ UiilC Kxeiting Events by 50 BkÏÏS. wifnr Mle and Female Jockeys. !$Ê$&mMÈyjÈW Tniirnampnh Grandest Kinds of OWÊÊ 'uUIIIdlIlclll! Equestrian, Ground, ër&r' &Pffll!ir Mid-air, Leaping, Tumbling, Athlet yimy %r 'I i MIRPÍ Great Peter the Small lis I ' iit nüpnsn'Pripo The most complete ZooQfv. J MÜ IllCflÖCIICJ logical Exhibit in the e "Z? - -r? - -k) world. Two Menageries of Wild and rWMSf TS tiÊ? T;ained Beasts. I Av wjkfi v5 t;?(IP! Three Stages for the ExhibiAinWV fc&k V ö ulügCi ton of Marvelous Olympian ZlTO JBW " kW Games. lL 11 l'w% V. I M rinuino Actually Twentyof themost J;J vIvlnL ' %%&. uiunilö renowned Pantomimic FunL &4ai vs vTT7=''47% MPir makers, besides 20 Animal Clowns in n??rH v ÜtiMwMÊ ? Queer Tricks, and Two Lady Clowns. nYÈWW$% mWa RGlItlllola most daring and expert lT'ïw' %rÊ&z% Mid-air performers, Champions of I 1 Af-C i , ,.}1.t I TrainPK Hosts of Jtale and Female SSLfí 1 CTX llullICIo Animal Trainers, perform -S-jr fff. iD Troupes of Wild and Domestic 'an''L! A8Í RaPÍnn Al1 kinds of spirited and exf Gs-i' p0 ' IIQUIIg citing Turf Ötrugjrlea, Ev. 5' % ents, Superb Rivalries, Bareback -g?w_--- and Side Saddle Contests. VV MÊm-" ÍPRÍIRSK The most exp ' ou earth iWVWm flbilÜDHlO lc the most UmlUng and JgaËsj? daring feats ever dreamed of. HIGHWIRE. WÈm Cumnadc Champions in every line y&f OyilllluHö from all parts Of tne worid, I Á I in a series of wonderf ui performances Jy í i l-lpnhanfo Three Herds of 2i Wisest ( LiC(J!lülllö and most intelligent PachI ƒ yderms, in novel tricks and poses. - _____ LI L P4MF1 S Two droves of Asiatic PFD_ _ &■ fièi UnmLLU Dromedaries, single and rtKFORMdMQ DgGS. L3fonie:s doublé humped, and all trained. 'N rébt5L ANt) PiPF Fifty Cages, containing Rare j j VSi-EPHAMT ""QI-" Trained Wild Beasts, Birds, 'léJb a vs. Monkeys and Curious Creatures. W jSrk. h-- . TFU k - Enormous ' Water-proof Jfi'Ju fifll iiV Canvasses, the best and larj? hu llkL J I est ever made, and seating the great Í7ffSSÜKL. M HflffP Fair Containing 400 supeib ülv WSKI "Ö'S horses, worth 5160,000. One öl laJ Éil&WvfeMrEKKfíH of the Lreatest sights ever seen. ÉÊi í ' UmhÊÊpWmÊi TWINy Badica and Doodica. the fam TTwÊi flÊ$ÊÊÊÈii't!akmFaËÊ ous Orrissa twins. Greatest n at ''&?iM$íl3lMwNtt I ''v'n f-uriosity on earth. m ïïf IXCj' M öl WtíSf frandP Snimak Curious Animal 1 ÏJUMU iJJUfBE ilra"ëeflllllMI!) Freaks, H ai ríes s x, ei Xx&,ï& iijë!fÈ)ifÊ$Ê0zM. Horse, Steer with 3 horns, 3 eyes, X"'1" - --jTp nostrils; Dwarf Zebus. Sacred Bnlls, # . -Vim Buflalo, Eland, Tiny Elephants and ( -AcLOWNSè." Ptlflipï Two Droves of Educated Ponij &i, , riÊ? ""'" ies, including the Jumping SjvTftV fl MwWfofëlh Wonder. "Joie," Júpiter, Oxford Jayte#StmfeM% pSïlUlpihNS0"12 Champion Mate jy-"jr?ry9 TWVfVTV UnlliriUi1ü and Femaie Bareback JU tís&9. C5sNq."5v Equestrians ; all there are in country. vA rVNi I riñüTF'J'v The Tallest Woman on nöÜK, %JI Tl ( t O"1"11-"" Earth, standing nearly J ?jWj XJfC- The Ciieapest and Greatest of all Shows 'rrsf IT TT Tlip Only Show Exhitiitiiiï in the City i v if LoL f&ZÁ I l Nihï York. The only Show in Faet Worttt nT ii-v, ƒ L-S0ñ í&ííi "- Visitinü. It has no Ei val! Ir bas DO Tra rl Lví - leer! ïhere are none to compare witli i; ! SïïëZl A GREAT NATIONAL INSTITUTIOM. il lUindFRll PVPÍV " thrllllna story of circus life. by the eminent noveHst. C'haiu.fn Tiif.oH in uu til II uiroii DORE MuBHAY, profusely illutrated, beautiful colored cover. For sale In all book stores, on advance adverti.sing cars, and in the circus Prlcé only 25 cents. Mighty New Million Dollar Street Parade. Reproduction of the Great Pageant in Honor of the Return of Columbus to Barcelona, Anibian Nishis' Tales. JNursery's Rliymes and Children'a Fables. 24 Elephants, nd the Wondrous 40-HOKSE TJEAM , at rto'clock on morniug of ahow. Everybody BhOOidseeit. ijilenp Mxcursioüs on ajl Kuilroads. ADMiaSlON TO ALL, 5O CENTS. Chlldren Under 9 Years. Half Price. Two Extlbitions Daily, at 2 acd S P. M. Poorsopen an lIourEarlier. Reseived eats at the regular price, and Adnsission Tickets at usual sllght advance at MOOKÏ'S Drug Store, 8 lluron Street. Will ËxWbit in Detroit, AUK. Kitti.


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