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Phiscator's Story

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San francisco, August 4. - Fraiik l'hu-ator, the Barada, Jlkdi., man who n'ívrte such a strike ín the Klonrvke geld fleltis, ii.'is been iHterviewed liere. He said: ■[ have been mining for l" yeatfs, .! was Qöt until last fall that ! smu-k it ï-icj]. Ia tlie si?riug of ÍS90 I went to Afask.i. deterammed to tiy tor gold in soocae of the lietóta of i so much ha been saitl. Af. Juiveseu I met Kt'llcr and Kei-ry and we dft" riniiii d to joia forees. 1 went ".o Cirele City aihl then to Mam: ciiek. meeting with Itttle or no ces al "ither creek. Later iu thy year I .joumeyed to Miehael's for j.;i ■ovisiolls.. i-etnniins in i;ne o llu' news aibont tlie iÖseovei-y on Bouaaza axték. Our pany imajodiately lel't; tiT öüe Klondyki.', arplving tkere Aagust 24. Ar thai time the-rc vyere xcvy few poople ir. Sise country. We prospectBái firèt on Bcnaaoza and later went to 121'. Dorado ciek. C'li :nents, KelleT and: mysolf weae ïhe Bnst ou that creek, rascl we loeaSfed a diseovery claim, thinkhig it wríeíd be a separarte district. We also' iocated two clainis ou Bölïauza crp&, but Eater were forced1 fo abandonr tliem. "In two and a. haif montlm" tin:, witli the aid of nine uien, I tootë froin my claim $90,0712. On a pitee of grouad 35xS6 feet I tcok out sqD.SOil. Same idea ol' (lie richnftss of ielaiTa i;iay be had when I say ttart two n.r-u shovelëd two hours nd cfeiifi! ti] ?G,OÜO. The nest day they worktcl two hours, 4,500 being: the re-mlt. At another tine they worked lEpw hcurs and a half and took out S.7".."oo. "i do not think it likeljt that I w-fll return, to the Klondyke district, ot-xt si.rin."-. or at any other time, if ' I c.'.ii avoid it. I find that the dimat does not a.sree with me. While in Senttle I made arrangement.s witli a ge-ncteman wlui, for the c?ortsidíratoii of S500' a month and a. stake of .s'.o.orio. vrtlï. look after my interests at öie diggümg. "Not half has yet been toid of ihc flonderful resources of the eaSSirer ui.i ! territory. It is as country abounding in riohes, and in ttme; iu my opinión, will ibecome most prosperous on earth. "TEe next steaimer from Dftwsom City San Francisco will. bring pröbiïWjr three öt f o ut niillioa'Kl-bllarsn golil du&t. Among the suücesstürl minea who will return to civilízana itli iüeir pockets lined witial. gol'ái niggest iiray be irteatloned i Frank Densmore anl Win. McFee. . The will briag at least .;:XK),000. .TinimieHeAmee will bring out $120.(KHi.. asid; Joo Wáltt will return to nis Mtane in Jcwer California with ?35,0(X, cUffit being the aniount for which Iiè! s-oïci Lus claiáit. "Olv course it must not beMiuiicrstood: that everj' man who has gnnB'tothe Kloadyke has made mony.. Ta ':u-t. flie sitnation is just the reverse.. ïutl will say tlat every wmw wuo ïa.s worked has made moneyy fá ;heix tlian he eould have anirwherijilsaa The frouble wah tbe olti'tüiiTierg s tüflt they take flvings easy. :,;.] so Hit tlie yonng fellows, who aro ain)itiwsï -and unaoenstomed to tiae'liardh)l', go ahead of tliem."


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