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$3,000 take.s a hu-ge house less than a block from the campus; all modern improvements, if sold before "Septeinber Is. Inquire at Democrat office. FOR SALE- For $ 1,5.50 j new eightïoom iiouse on Hill street roar Packanl. Address C, care Democrat. FOR SAÜjEJ-New Iiouse wlth all irouern con veniep ces. coraren i ent to campus and street car line, for $2,500. Address A. care Democrat. (Davis & Seaibalt headquarters for all fruiis in season and for staple and fancy irroceries. Tiie f act tiiat au article comes from Davis & Scabolfs is a gu.irautee of its worth and pvrlty. XOW IS THE RIÜHT TIME. T am giving very lovv estiuiates on the Winchester and other Steam Boilers for house heating. Price nearly as low as lwt air. Come and see. I aso have a large force of workinen ?nd eau now lili all orders pi-ompily. slrall be pleased to give low estlmates on sanitary plumibing and sewer work. J. F. SÖHÜH, "1 23 E. Wflshington st. CLUBBING LIST Order your papers through Tns Democrat and get more value for your money. The Democrat is now the leading county newspaper, and we offer you in eombination the very best newspapers and agricultural papers of the country. THE DEMOCKAT AXD The Detroit Weefcly Tribune.. ..?1 00 The Detroit Tvice-a-Week Free Fress i 20 Gleanings in Bee Culture 1 5 Hoard's Dairyman 1 15 American Poultry Journal 1 00 Farm Poultry 1 l'5 Farm Journal i 00 American Swineherd 1 00 Michigan Farmer 1 25 The Rirral New Yorker 1 35 The Orange Judd Farmer 1 25 The Interior 2 25 The Independent 3 00 Century 4 00 St. Nicholas 3 00 Harper's Magazine 3 o0 Harper's Weekly 3 70 Harper's Bazaar 3 70 National Tribune 1 30 Youth's Companion 1 75 Weekly Inter-Ocean 1 20 Cosmopolitan 1 30 Review of Reviews 2 50 Munsey's 1 25 The Argosy „. 1 25 Send all orders through the DEMOCRAT. I WHY SHOULD YOÜ BE I TORMENTED f With flies and all kinds of Insects? I STICKY FLY PAPER I J POISOfi FLY PAPER 1 or some other of our Insect :-: Destroyers !] } MUMMERf S DRUGSTORE 17 E. Washington Street, ■J Cor. Fourtta Ave. dTxuütrijfÜTjïjïjTjTïiKnÏLKnO S8LVER 7 ie k. A, viú &flí %i n i 'O'" cocL,"' I F.asy 10 Wcar. I Ketalns iiopcewurecn I,1 ■ : Iwitj ComEcrt, I Neveriuovc , 1 n MANpFAC: C'RED AT 290naln PU. &ÜFFAL0. ' . FOB SALE AT MANN'S DRUG STORE, 39 South Main St. THE EUG THAT THE ANN ARBOR Steam Carpet Cleaning Works AND Fluff Rug Faotory is going; to give out to its customers can be seen at the FACTORY AT 47-49 WEST HÜEON STREET FIVE HUNDID PRJZES Valué- $1,202,00 To be Gíven to Subscribers to the ' UNION GOSPEL NEWS. Do You Want One of These Beautjful Prizes. See how many legitímate worde you can make with the letters in the words "Union Gospel JSews," using each letter as deslred, but not more times in any word than it appears in "Union Gospel News." Proper nouns, foreign and obsolete word, sufflxes and prefixes. Scotch and provincial Em-lish words and Anglo-Indian words are not allowed, and words t.hat are spelled alike but have different nieanings can be used but once. To lllustrate the work: On, in, go, pen, sew, sun,. new, gun, eet. You may use these words in your list. A few hours' worü will give you many words. Try it. Our Offer:- For the largest mimbr of legitímate words we will give One Kleeanl I'Jano-SGOO. For the next two largest listswewill give Two Fine Marlor örsraus-W2OO. For the next three largest ltsts, Three Splendld Blcycles- S:iOOFor the next largest list, One Excellent Sewlne For the next largest Hst, One Complete Encyclopedist! O For the next two largest lists, Two Unabrldged Dlctlonarles- 20. For the next largest list, One sulid Oak Writlng Desk. and Hook-Case combined- SC For the next largest list, One Oak S'wlne Table- i. For the one hundred next largest lists, One Hundred Cameras- SlOO. For the next 3S.S largest lists, Three Hundred Elghty-j'.lghi Music FoilO8-l!)i. To Kvery One who enters the contest and sends a list of words not less than twenty in uuniber we will give one of the popular "Moody BooIth." Anybody may take advantage of these exceedinarly generous offers, who wil! send us either flt te.n ï-cent stampa to pay for six ninntbïi' subseription to the Union Gospel M:-.vs, or twenty-flye 2-cent stamps to pay for ne yenrs' snbscription to the Uxiok (tospel News, n montlily, lllustrated, up-todate, wide-awake, andenomlnational, agrossivp ftDd Droxresslve religious paper. Thia offer closes August ülst, but. sent in Hst at once. A little work may give you a piano, organ, bicycle or some other one of these beautiful Presents. No lists counted unless Thirty cents for a Slx Months' subscription, or Fifty cents for One Year's subscription Is sent with list. Average copies each issue of the I'xtox GosPKi-i News lor 1M9Ü was 125.000; but we believe this paper is needed in evry home, and aim to inerease our number of subscribers 10 2000,000 durin? the vear '7. Therefore these wonderful offers. Address, ÜSION GOSPEL SEWS, 117 Séneca St., Cleveland, Otilo. Dept. 277. THE ODELL Type Writer ttO wil1 buy the ODELL TYPE vDTVy WlilTJEK with 76 charactere; warrantud to do as good work as any machine mude. Itcombines simpllclty with durabi llty, speed and ease of operation. Wears longer without cost of reoairs than any other machine. Has no ink ribbon to bother the operator. It is neat. subsiautlal. nickelplated, perfect, and adapted to all kinds of type LLke a prlutinff presa, it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. Xwnot'eD (tipies can be made at one Any intelligent person eau become an operator in two days. Rellable AscentsandSalesmen Wantod. For Pamphlet giving Indorsements, etc, address ODELL TYPE iüRITER CO. 358-361 Dearborn St. Chicago, IU.


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Ann Arbor Democrat