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Miss; ('arrie Petrie, of Jftckson, is ylsitlng in Ann Arboi'. Miss Florence Benham, of Mills & Co., is visiting in Detroit. Irving K. rond, of Chicago, is visittog lila father, Jodge E. B. Pond. Miss Etlitli and Mr. Fred Knpp are visiting Dr. .1. Knpp and fain:ly. Mrs. E. Burkhardt. of Port Hurou. is visiting Mrs. L. Thoi-ipson for a few weeks. Lynian Xorris internis to start Septenïber 7tu for Florida to spend the winter. Miss Florence Pelham, of Mills & Co., leaves soon for a visit to Detroit írml Cleveland. ALbert Blaess is in Caro, 111., wliero hls son. August, is quite sick with malaria] fever. Miss Bessie l'arson, of Church streef, bas retunied from a two week's visit to Sand Beach. Mr-s. S. P. Hill has returned from Webberville. where she lias been visiting for sonie time. Mrs. .1. Sprague, of Aan Arbor, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. G. R. Williams of Milan. Miss Louise Rheinhart has returned to Jackson after n. visit. of two weeks .with relativos here. Mayor C. E. Hlscock returned from his two weeks' outing at the Keystono club-honse. Henry Dengler and wife, of Chicago, are iu the city visiting Mr. Densler's inother and brother. Miss Isabel Clianey is visiting Mrs. A. C. Angelí, who is oecupying her father, Judge Cooley's, house. Prof. B. A. Hinsdale, in compauy with Sire. Ilinsdale, are stopping rt ■the Astor House, Maekinac Island. Wllllam Goodyear and family have returned from Portage Lake where fhey have been spencling the summer. August Schafer, of The Times force, is back at work again after a two weeks' vacation trip to Mt. Pleasam. Dr. and Mis. Aaron Boylan and grandchild, of Milford Center. Ohio, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Boylan of N. Fiftii avenue. Win. Ilicks. who for the past two weeks has been visiting Masti-r EJdward Iluddy, of Geddes avenue, returned to Cleveland tuis mornir.g. 'Prof. V. E. Francois and wife leave on Thursday for North Lake, where ■they will re-mnin about three weeks raid will then go to Whitmore Lake. Miss Sr. James, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vandawarker, Ed. Krapf and Elton Ellis spent Sunday at Portage Lake, vdslttng the family of Wm. Goodyear. Victor Emmanue] Francois, instructor in French in the University. has dtclared his intention befoiv Deputy Clerk Blum of becoming an American citizen. Enmnuel Sradel, of Mills & Co.'s store, is taking his vacation. Mannie is sly and would not teil wuerw he went but his friends have their .uspicions. Mrs. A'. E. Van Valkenburg and her daugliters. Lisia and Marjorie, returned Mondny from Long Lake, near Flint, where they have been spending some time. Mr. Irving Schmid, of the hardware flrm cf Muehlig & Schmid, of Ann Arbor, is at the Lake View. He expects to return home Saturday. - Itesorter. Mackinac. Willlam Waliace. the representative of the National Sewer Pipe company, of Barberton, Ohio, was in the city Monday. He representa Khe largesi company In the world. iW. B. Herrick. eliainpion tennis player of the ünlvexslty, was one of the winning team in donbles at the] lei'iiis tournamemt at Charlevolx. The tournament was liuislud Tmsday. Resorter, Charlevoix: Prof. Jerry Knowlton and wife, of Ann Arbor, will arrive today and oecupy the Smiley cottage during their sojourn. The Mlsses Margery and Anna Knowlton came last rl'liirsil.-iy. Oswald A. Hèrz s.arted gaturday foT southern Ohio. making -au extended visit with Mr. Cari Bauinaii at Dayton, Ohio. Also visiting Cincinnati and probably retornlng home by way of the Niágara Falls and Buffalo. Ed Krapf. of Wm. Goodyear's. Started on his vacation yesterdaj-. He will visit at Howell first. After tliat his destination is unknown but one of his intímate friends said that Ed might come home with rico in his shoes. Mrs. S. G. Miller returned Fridny from a six weeks' visit with her son at Leiand Stanford University, California. Miss Orla Miller. who accompanied her, will remain in California as principal of one of the schools in the Santa Clara valley. C. A. Catternole, of Ann Arbor, is the guest of liis brother, Dr. George H. Csittermole, Ionia st. west. Mr. Cattermole rode a wheel from Ann Arbor, leaving there at 2:30 o'clock aud arriving at. Lansing at 9:45 o'clock last evening.- Lansiug Republican. J. D. Ryan returned Tuesday from a trip to Calumet. While away Mr. Ryan took a 1,100-mile trip down Georgian Bay, stopping at mauy points of interest alocg the northern shore. He says the Caaadians are very bitter over the lumber schedulos xt the new tariff.


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