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- I William Lewis lias gone to Syracuse, N. Y., where he expects to see ' Dan Q. win sure "with a big pnce against him." L. E. Champlain has entered the ] ploy of the Scharf Tag, Box and Label compaay and will travel on the road in their intereets. A letter was xeceived Saturday stating that Miss Josie McGuire, of : Uns city, died in Ft. Collins, Coio., on : August 6th, of liomorrhage of the lungs. Fred Coe has just printed an extra■ordinariiy fine job for George JI. Gaudy. It is a neat folder setting íoi'tli facts concerning "things sweet" and is a fine specimen of the latest fad in printing. "Prof." Harry Miner, who was advertised to jump from the Congross .street bridge Saturday afternoon, junmped liis job and Colin OanDpbell, a young Jad living iu the city, "performed his feat." Mis-s Marie Gareissen is spending a ■couple of weeks with her mot her in this city. At the expiratkm of thait time She will go to MillersriHe, Fa., to accept a position as teaoher of mu■sic in the pwblic schools. In the races at Buffalo last week Dan Q. did not get a very good position. He was in a fiva-heat race sná the test he could do was 5-G-4-2-2, Bright Light winning the race. The time made w-as 2:09%, 2:09y2, 2:09y4, .2:10%, 2:09 il ïalk about a good country town! Drorers drive a herd of cattlo down through the principal street without iiny interference. One advantage was iri the fact that the herd matehed the "cow sheds" In front of the business places on Congress st. very well. Sometbing should be done to allow the water to flow more freely into the horse-trongh at the Starkweather fountain or the city will be cbliged to put up a sign, "One Horse Watered Per Day." Teams are obliged to lu.til the troughs fill up and Men the horses drink them dry. The uext horse that comes up to the foun.taiu lias to undergo the same wait. Another crank pushing a crank! Joe Sierer started out from New York June 24 to ride his bicycle around the border of the United States. He expects to be gor.e about a year and cïuring that time will have tmvetal 23,000 miles if his tire does. not get punctured ot 'his legs do not get tired. He claims that he is going on a. $1,000 wager as well as on his bicycle. A young lad named Fred Rowe visitIng in the city, went out fishins iu a ir.iimow brook Saturday in compauy with other boys. H-i wüS somewliat iieax-sighted and in baiting his hookluid t ñear His face. One of the othor loys gave his pole a sudden jerk and the restult was that the fishhook. angle worm and all, got fastened in his lip. Dr. Owen released the boy from his piediciment. Island Lake was the Alecca for Sunöay excursionists last Sunday. Tbe motor line took up 125 Ypsilantirais to cateii the Aun Artoi train Sunday morning. 'The League Wheelïücn. 20 iu nr.mber. made a clab rnn to the encampment. They left heiv at 0:45 a. m. and reaehed Island Lake at 9:50 a. m., three hours "oeing eonsumed on the run. They returned at different times. The Light Guards retumed to tiiis city at 11 a. m. Monda3r from tbelr week's encampment at. I.slaud Lake. All spoke very highly of the good times experienced notwithstanding the hard work which was the rule at this year'a encampnienit. Oapt. Kirk before dismissing the company thanked the boys for the good showing n-.ade and assured them that the major was highly pleaged with their proficiency in camp. The committee on specifications for the Times Bicycle Path !has at last found a day when th-ï old fellow who taras on the wéather at Washington wculd permit progress oa the same. The oommittee have several times arranged dates upon which to go out and set the prellmtnary stakes, but just as regular as they did üx a time just so ofteii did the heavens open up its flood-gates and swamp everytihing: like petitions before congress for equal suffmge. The committee, in fact, thought seriously of leasing itself out as a sort of rain-makiug machine. But Saturday they got together and staked out the path on the soutli road as far as Carpenter's Corners, which will give prospecHve bidders for the contract job a good and fair idea upon which thsy can sharpen their pencils for the path on the motor line road. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kress, of Manchester, carne from Detroit Tuesd.iy morning to take the Lake Shore train for their home. As they were getting off the train at this station a couple of fellows jostled up against Mr. Kress and went through his pocket, securing $8 in money. Mr. Kress discovered his loss and reported the matter to the conductor who placed the raen under arrest and carried them to Ann Albor where they were turned over to the policrw Manager Byers is raking a week's vacatioD. The New State Telephone company Is averaging 22 messages iato Detroit per day. W. .T. Wallaee has purcbased the interest of A. L. rnith in the Insurance business. Garry Densmore and family liavo rctui-ned from their camping at l'ortage Lake. Marshal Wcstfall anti Jos. MUler and families returned. from Portage Lake Tuesday. Miss Strong and' Miss Francés Strong are expeeted home from Bay View Friday evening. White at camp last weck the Light Guard baseball team was defeated by IjaDsing by a score of 6 to 5. Fr. Kennedy adds another to the list. A few days ago lie received a letter addressed to "Rev. Father Canada, ïspianra, Mich." The material for the construciioo of the Ann lArbcr line of the New State Telephone eompany has all been trdered and expeeted to arrive soon. Let us see! There is Terns park in already and JjaiiaSb park, Iluston fountain and Gaudy liable to 'be bom at almost any cou.ucil meeting. Postrnaster Bogardus has been figuring up just how mueh actual time is consumed by the mail carriers in making their rounds and arr.mging their mail. He finds that they average a trifle over seven hours per day. Ypsilanti was as dead Tuesday as the tariff issue during the last campaign. Everybody wat in Ann Arbor ii seemed and business was paralyzed. The Ypsilanti crowd still maintain that Bros. have the grtatest sbow on earth. althougli Branuai & Bailey presented a very eommendab'.e circus yest(-rc1ay. Says Dr. 'Boone: "I have received word from Prof. D'Ooge in which he states that he will not accept the offer of the chair of Latin in Adelphi college, Brooklyn, but it is only a question. of time when we will lose hlm, as he is considerd high authority in his deiartment and soane of the progresslve universities will secure his services." Supt. Hemphül, of the' Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Electric raiUoad, says tliat Tuesdaj' was the record breafcer for the syste;n. On the Ann Afbar streeE cara 7,233 passengers were handled and on tle Ypsilauti line 2,473 passengers were accommodated. Nftt a single accident oceurred oa the cars. It is placing it at a low estin-.ate to say that 2,000 Ypsilantians tcok in B'arnum's circus. It looks more tban ever as if the Ypsilanti Specific company of Boston was going to establish a mineral water bottling works in this city. Mrs. Laura D. Johnston has written City Clerk Carpenter to forward her a deed to the property at the water works pi'.mping station and she would reuüt a chock for the balance of $1,900 due on the property. It certainly looks as if she was going to boom things. The Detroit Rambler club, numbering 20 bicyclists, made a "liara ÍI3TI&3" run to thisi city Sumlay. Y'aey were dressed in the most outiaïidish costumes i)naginab,le, the w'liole outfit looking as if they had just got through a bad winter at Kloiidike and when they struck the Hawkins house, Landlord Lepper turned deathly pale, as there were all tue appearances of anorher cyclone stiiking the liotel or at least the larger pornon of it It is well for the club that they did not continue to Ann Arbor t'n" tihe Anti-Trainp society wouid liavo eomaiitted great devastation aniong its ranks. The Wanderins Willies and Dusty Rhodes created a decided sensation here yesterday, while all the towns jjeople were dressed in the Sunday go-to-meetiugs.


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Ann Arbor Democrat