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In And About The City

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Mrs. Hildinger, of Bridge water, is ylsiting iu the city tiiis week. Paul B. 1'urlong, af Lowell, Mass., is visiting at Whitmore Lake. Miss Blanche Jacobs, of this city, is the guest of Miss Blrdsall of Lansing. iicölellan IVfogk, of Gruner's shoe ïtore, is back from liis trip tu California. Willlam Rehïuss and Abc Wajlace went to Chicago on business Wednesday. Walter Boynton, of Detroit, lias been spendtng a. few days witli friends ii ere. Miss: Minnie B. Iílines. of Detroit, is a. guest of Mis. Hudson, of Twelfth Btreet Mts. John Tice h!is gone to üwosso where she will visii for a couple of .weel; s. Miss Jessie West Is visiting in Owosso as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will Axford. Mrs. Mary Divine, f Forest avenue, 'has gone to Chicago for a three weeks' visit. Dr. R. Wüson left Wednesday morning for a tnp to Mackinac and the Snow Islands. iMrs. Louise Douglas, of Ann Arbor, is the guest of her nieoe, Mrs. Tloward Bement of Lansing. The bicycle fever has struck WUliasn street and Fred Gaige has it in every one of liis 275 ponnds. Miss Effle L. Fisher, of the India u school at Genoa, Xeoraska, visitad o!d friemls i;i tlus city Wednesd tv. Mrs. M. M. Roseniberg and son, Fugeno, of Reed City. are visiting the fqnner's nwther, Mrs. S. A. GoodaJe. Mr. and Mts. Joseph Geromüler and Mr. and 'Mrs. Fdward Anton drove ever to Hamburg and back Wednuïsiiy, W. h. Walz. of' the Ann Arb,,r Savtags bank. lefi for Ohicago Wednesd ij morning to snend the rest of hls vaca tion. Miss Alta Rogers, af t'his city. bas been spending the past two weeks with lier sister, Mr.-. B. E. Cuinmiskey of' Lansing. H. Cleckner and wlfe, of Howell, who iiave been vislttng at the nome il' Mr. and Mi's. S. I'. llill, retu.'ned to Howell Wednesday. Olarenee l'.enton. of Detroit, and Miss leien St. Joim. of Geddes avenue, left lor a. visit at Highlanda !jv tonden) Thursday. Mrs. Lena B. Shellerly re'Ui-ned to her homo Monday evenlng after an extended visit with relativas and friends at Viekstmrg, Mich. Messrs. George and Walter Hoclgsits wheeled tip from Detroit Tuasday to spend tii" weck with their iincle, Honry Depew of I'ittsüeld. Mr. and Mrs. Fdward Anton, of Cono, Monroe eounty, wlio have been visiting ai .1. Greromiller's for a weea, returned home Thursday. Th" Portland Cafo did the largest business the day of Barnum's eirejs since they have been in business. Over 500 meáis were served. E. II. Mensel. instructor in Germán iu the Uoiversity, left Wednesdiy with hls l'aimly for Roekfurd. 111., where he wül sjiend the rest of the Slimmer. Mts. Della Palmer and ehildrána and Miss 'Minnie Golderman, oí Chicago, who have been visiting Mrs. 'i. .1. Fiselo for the past two weeks, have returuedMiome. Prof. M. E. Cooley dclivered au address 3uesday lx tore he society for the Promotion of Engineering Edu catión, takfrtg for liis subject the teaching oC ïnetaüurgy. William G. McClay, of 18 F. Kin.sley street, aied Wedneeday at the age of ."( years. The funeral iook lilaco Friday at :i o'clock at St. Thomas church. the intennent at the St. Thomas cenietery. Courier: L. C. (ioodrieh. who has i making a tour of the appsr península in the Interes! of Mas ury, has returned chamned with the trip and warm in praise oC the hos;itality of the fratemity in tliat sa Owosso Atus: Arthur Tathai':. f Ann Arbor, was the guest over Qigh! of his triend, iloward R. Daniels. Mc left for Plint this morning where he is engaged in the compilation of a city directory for the firm of R. L. Polk & Co., of Detroit. Win. Wenger, the bicycle man, nas ared the services of John Mnvjihy. a machinist who has boen tor years engaged in bicycle Cactories and will manuractuiv a high-grade wheel at liis shop on Pourth avenue in this city. . M. Martin wishes it understood that his ambulance i {,-. bc uscd oniy for transporting slck people, He lias another vehicle for convsying v dead. If those who cali him up wiil bear this in mind is may save au enjbarrassing situation. Mrs. Joseph Mun.hy. of Ann Arb:.]-. fopmerly of this city. Uh„ lus ,„,,,„ the -nest „f Mrs. K. Fortré8, lm; Walson street, starled on her ploasnre trip last evéning. ghe was aq paiiied by Mr. and airs. Charles Holden, of Toledo, Ohic. - Owosso American. The A'. 51. E. courch of Ann Arbor will hold ;i farewell grove meeting at Miadlson'a grove east oí Dixboro, Suniay. August 22. Services will be held at thxee different times during the rtay. Tbe clioir will have soine fine jubüee pieces to sing. Band and jubilee concert Monday evening at the saaie place.


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Ann Arbor Democrat