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A Memorable Event

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"We are American citizens. We tove the Fatheriand luit we love uetter the great government mder whi-.-h we live. We love the stars and stripes; we respect and reveré the insiiiutions of these great United States, and to show it notbing more need be told than tliat iu 1861, wlian the iirst Sim of rebelüoa Mrkod its toarse message aeroas the frlgh.tened, 185,000 American citizens oí (icnnaii o'.ï.iin went forth to do and die tint America mlght stil! be tot tlie'n a e. I teil you we love the sacred soil knoivu, wherever civllization his spread ita wings, as 'the land of the free and tlu home of the brave'." s.) spoke Philip (Koehier, treasurar r i'i. united order of D. o. H., at the d dication of the Aun Arbor lotlges' oew home Wednesday; and thé h applause whlch greetèd the eloquent German's words save proof couelusive that in every Germau heart in the big assemblage the sentiment was heartlly reciprocated. Xo event of more Importante o Aim Ai-bor's Germán poputaüoñ has taken place In yeaxa than iliat whieh culminated in the formal óedication of the uew Ilarugari hall last nlght. lt marks the begianiag of a new social epoch in Germán society, and gives to tlie city one moro spiend id structure with which to add to the beanty of its aiready beautiful streel s, and the saine event binds together in the bouds of brotherhood a band of representa live citizens, whose ibji vi i.s the advancement of the city b is well as their own tóterests. . I.arge delegations fro;n other citios began to axrive early 'rimrsd.iy in.i:-;iin;;. and all through the day tüB was goiug on. In the afternoón s], were made by weU known men. but the real dedica' ion did :ioi take place until evening. The great iiall blazed with light; lts arehea d the sound of miugled liappy voices; and amid a burst of song -nd ;i torrent of patriotie utterances the andsome building became a part and parceJ of the best of Aun Arburs good things. The concert was given iu the large auditorium ou the seeond floor. illusie was fully up to the standard of excellence usually attained iu this musical city. aiul each numfter was given a most enthusiastic peception. The work of the Athens Theater rchestra formed au important part of the program, and the choras work of the different siaging societies was espeeially pleasing. The sololsts were heartily encored and the program as a wiioli' was one of the best ever given in Aim Arbor. 'After the overture 'had been rendered, Mastor of Oeremonies Mayer introdueed Mayor Hiscock, who welcomed the guests in the happy nianner whieh cbaracterizes liis public atteraaces. He saiil: ".Mr. Ohairman, Ladies and Gen.tlemen: "Permlt me, in response to your kin 1 nvitation. to appear before yon chis erening, to expresa my appreciatiom of the honor conferred upon me, ;md !. uianfc you for the pleasure it ffords me to particípate iu tlie exercises of this occasion. In 'behalf of onr -ity. winmi I represent tonig-hT, allorw me to extend a weloome to the people of other citles who are here 10 assisi the toca] lodge in the dedieation otf their homo. "The objeeta oí tlie order of Har.igari aro social and fraternal. They seek to cultívate the Germán language, Genaan moráis, and to help one auothcr in case of sickness, and in the event of the death of a ínemtvr they are pledged to help hls wWow aud orpbans, -surely this last is a noble and uoselflsh aim. A weJl kn-own writèr lias aaid: 'We sh-oold rafit by the lessons taughi by expe■', avoiding the errora and iniitating the viernes that pass before iis. Examples we have in abundaace- example to slum, example to Imítate; along the shorea af time we see boacon llghta blaztng t, warn :;s ,ï impending peril. One trath is ooustantly Imprcssed uikhi us. It is this- selfishness. It is the eharacteristic of small miuds. uttfeeling hearts, and is mstituent element of viee. Moi'e crime is eoramitted, more evil results from love of self than from aiiy cause. "You may .store o mina wlth .-ill the learning f tlie ages, God Himself may Ilumine ir wiili the geniu intellect, and if self be its constant Btndy it i.s iniinitcly small. The heai't that feels no emotion, that never throbs witli synipathy. is insensible to the love of its Creator, "Each ma u's clfiirt sliould be to live ari honorable and useful Hfe- usefui in every possible way to the world in which he lives. 'To make n .world of beauty Baeh lovitifr heart should plan, ESach man perfonn liis duty And help nis brother man.' "The local lodge Xo. 476, with 175 members, and the Women'a Friendshlp Lodge No. 70, with 80 memibers, have erected this line brallding and wD] onight dedícate it to their uses, i deslíe to congratúlate the memflbers un the great work they bave aejomplish -1 and the splendid building thcy have urected. Of the many socteües in city, I belteye the Harugari is the Iy one owning l'he building ie oecupi s. And n-ow, my frlenda and fellow eitiüena, I knovv you will all join .ie .n the wish that the Harusjari society it'ay continue to enjoy VA pposperity and that their fuiiest antieipataois ia their new home be reaMzïd.'' Aítter the appláuse whích ree-.ed the mayor's remarks had lied nv.iy Mr. Mayer Introduced Treasarer Ko;hler, of Öhicago, vhi sp.ike ;n I man. Mr. Koehler 'H at length upon the growth oí the order. He spoke of its íims and aspüratloos- ot its past. its present and its future. Ha told how the spirit of fraternal love, fostered by the teaehings oí the IX O. H., had ralséd the standard of human living and done mu;h to put dawn strife and jealousy betweeu man and man. ín elosiag Mr. Ko íhler d'weit feeltagly upon the Ger-üan as an American ei'tizen, and assured the asemMage tnat as long as the United .States should exist amoag -he nations of che e;irtl, so long slij ild the voice of the Gennaii-American be miseá in her praíses and his arni be steeled for her At the eoaeluskffl of the dedication program the 'big erowd thinued out, but many stayed to enjoyad aa iiojr of social intercoursO. Iast night there wa.s more spe tnákíng and the exereises closed with a m'and ball.


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Ann Arbor Democrat