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Y. M. C. A. Lyceum Course

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The lyceum coi rse of the Y. M. C. A. has come to 'be a regular thing. 'fhis year the society expects to give the'r patrons a better eourue than ever before and at the sanie prlce, one dollar for flve entertaintneiits, surely cl, cap enough to permlt evevyone to have at least thls ninch rccre.Uio:;. Because of the large numfber iieretofore ia attendanee the entertalnments will toe held (hls year In the Athens Theater. Reserved seate foi1 the enUre eoutse will be so-ld for 25 cents adiditional. The first entertainmeni will be glven October 14 by the Kellog Bird Carnlval Concert coiiipaii. üve people. 'Piiis is the flnest aud most unlque Uring in any lyceuai course will appear this season and cost the yomig roen nó mean amount to secure. lt will cousist of bird warbUng, vocal solos, duets, rc.idIngs, violin solos, illumlpated (Jel sarte and ealisiheuics. The s'H'oud entertaininent is givci. by the John Thomas Co. Xovem.ber 10. Mr. Thomas has appeared 11 through the and as a humwrwt and elocuiionist has no niperior. He brings with hlin Mr. Albert Hopkins. the talented pianist The twp are suie i.) leave one ni.a-lit's unalloyed pleasüre wlth an Anu Ai' audience. Decemiber 28, Mi1. Edward H. Frye, tin? monologist. appears as Rip V.i'i Wmkle and other chai-.u-ters in the Lebend of the Caiskdls. Mr. B'rye gires Joseph .leH'ei-son's famons versión Öf the play and is so iiighly recomniended by tin' Mosn.n l'osc and other erities ili.-it the association feels cspeelaHy fortúnate in ad-ding this t( iheir lisi oí" attractkms. On January 11 Radsoiu BlntertalneTS appear. Tiiis company has the ïivist startllng and at the saaie ttme the most reflned prestMigltateur now before the public. He will be lissisted by a soprano soloist, mandoHn soloist, readei1, whlstler aud pianist.. Mr. Ransi in's tenis of magie are ii ystlfylng, in the extreme. on Mareh 21 the Ariel Ladlfls Sestette, an organlzation which has füled more return engageroenrs iaaa auj ether company oxistiiiíj will close tiie series. The ladles are sisters aud have studied uader the best European masters. Each ooe is an artist. Thcir ess luis been little short of püenoiuenal and tüey are very justly selected a rhe -lim.ix of tliis wontterniliy froifd aiid wonderfully clieap ■ ■ You will ïoou have the apportunity of pui'chasing tickets from any oí several young men ov at the associatiou rooms. Seats wül be reserved, if desired, in the order in which tickets are sold.


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