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Probably A Suicide

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The list of tragedies whlch have occurred here in Ann inving the summor rnonths was lengthened toda.y wlien the dead body of XIrs. Frazer, wife of John H. F.razer of ti;is city, was taken from the in 111 race at the Argo milis. Friday moming little Cari Haeuser, son of Charles Haeuser of Miller avenue, went fishing up the river wiih his fatlier. About half past 11 he came down to the milis to gct a jail of water. While passing by die nmdgates of the mili race lie iioticed stínething in the water whicn iie .it liisi supposed to be a dog's On looking closer he saw a woman's boc!y in tae strearn and at once gav.í ;he alarm. Severa 1 men were on the ■„ene in an instaat and the body was taken from the water. Every effort ias made to revive the woman bul tliey were unarailing, as she had evidently been drowned for sonie time. Drs. Breakey and Wessinger found life extinct when thoy arrived and the corpse was taken to Dieterle's undertaking rooms. The woman's hat was fouud same 20 rods up the river. It had evidently been taken off and placed on the lxink deliberately as a hat pin was stuck in the ground beside it. A large crowd gathered about tlie body as it !ay on the ground neer the ■mili; but no one could identifjthe woman. She had been seen going up the river earlier in the morning, but ao one kDew where she carne fronn. At Dieterïe's a steady stream of people crowded into the little back room where the remains awaited identification. Several parties positivily identified her is being this ov that woman, but it was not definitely known who she was until her husbaud had been showu the body. He inimediately recógnized it as that of hls wife 'and his grief at his loss was heart-rendlng. As his eyes rested on the well known features he exelaiined ".My God, it is my wife! Oh, why did you do i IV" The eurioiis erowd was sent f rom the room and he was left alone with lus grief. It appears that JIrs. Frazer has been suffering from some eömplaint for several months past. Last night she was sick and could not rest or sleep. Abóat 10 o'cloc-k this moming she eame into the ei-gar store ou Ann street, w'hieh her ha-Sbacd runs, and told hini that she was going up !o the University hospital to see if tiiey eculd not help her get well. She left the store and was not seen alive again by Mr. Frazer. Innuiry at the hospital shoWed that she had not been there at all and it is probable that in a fit of despondeacy her itiind 'oecaine temporarily untíalanced and she determined to end her troubles by jumping into the river. her right eye is a bad brulse which was verylikely rnade by her striking sorne hard object in the river. Mr Frazer could with difflculty give any jiartieulars about the sad aiïair: but he stated that there had nevar been any trouble between his wife and himself. They had always lived happlly together and he could explain her action on no other ground tlia.'i she had gone insane for the moraent. W. A. Few, the weil known young artist, is engaged in painting a new drop-eurtain for the Dexter opera house. The seenery dfepicted thereon will be a famous one, do less than the Mount of the Holy Cross. The funeral ot' the late Charles Ixmg occurred' Thursday frcwa the house, 2 N. First strooi, R'v. .1. Xoumami offlciating. Interment al Forest 1 1 Hl cemetery. The decaased was 01 years, G months and 7 days old and leaves a wife and famii.v to ïiiourn his loss.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat