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School opeued the l-'ith with a iar,e attendance of foreign pupils. Rev. ïager, former pastor, ealled on bis many frienfls here, on h'is . iy to l'ort Hurón to attend the M. E. conference. Mis. Sprague, who bas besn visiti:i;r Iut daughter, Mrs. G. H. YVilliams. tor severa! weeks, ivmranl home to Ann Arbor Snturday. Dr. anti Mr. A. ;. Mesie and little daughter, who have been takiiur :i vacation for ;i few weeks n the norrhern part of the state, rètumed home Saturday. Dr. Hiller ia engaged witb fche X-rays eompany rji Toledo, and he and bis have gone there for a pewnanen't home. Miss Kin Lamb has been isigaged as kindergarten teacher t Findlay, Ohio. Prof. James Clark retnruod to bis school at Shelby, Mii-h.. Friday. Prol', e. V.'is('(un lias retarned 10 STbepherd to resume ais ïuties I iere. Dr. A. G-. Mi'sie has gone to Comuna in. beialt oí a man who was injnred un the Aun Albor railroad. ."iiss gtisie Kuighl attends the Oliv-; college rliis cwning year. She wiil he niucli missed in tlie musical elrclo at Milaa. Mr. and Mus. .T. T. Hafford eelebratoil thelr golden wedding Taesday, the 1 -f tli. wirli about tivo htuidrcd inviied gnests. presents were nnm ?ró is. WIHTTAKKI!. r. T. Lamkiu made a trip to póledo the latter part of last week. Mrs. Lue ETbersole and '.lan-li'c.-. of Müan. have been speBdiag a few 'lays in 'tinvn. Stlss ('ad Iv.Miikin has gou to Mo.ii remain for some time. Bert Osburn and Tedder vvere up from H.iisiiivil'.e Sarnrday and Sunday. The Sunday schools of the townsiii]) have been organized in-o n sdeiet.v, and the ftrst meeting will be heM in the Evangélica! chu.ucíi here mae time next mon'th. George W. Oarmdohael, a Detroii policeman, and Baonily, are visiting their friends here. W. A. Amderson left his pain snit and brnshes in the wood back of Trime, MicGregor & Hurper store one r.iiiht last week while he was at ci.r.rrh and some (nie swiped them. He should 'watch as well as pïay. The Y. I'. . wis re-orgaaized Sua('ay eveüing and the foUowing oU' elei ted: Presifient, W. D. Siuoads; vi e-]re-ii!eni. W. A. Ainderson; cori-esponding seeretary, F. .]. Ham no-nd; ding ecretary, E. D. Mlii.-y; treasurer, Mi-s. Annie Simonds; organist, Bthel Bodiiie; chorister, VV. A. Auderson. 'Deputy Sheriff Canfield left for Detroit Tuesday on ]iis way Lo l'o)tiac ia charge of Mis. Mary Koegel, 6f Ann Arbor tuuii, whosn il has been found necessary to take 10 the asyluir Cor the insane. Mrs. Koegel was .brought to the jai] Aug. 2S. and has '■een at times quite noisy and violent. Washtenaw eonnty fair is on the week suceeeding that of Leoawee and l)egii)s September 28th, coatinuing fcur days. Thafs just lona: onough to go around to dinuer once with each newspaper man: Deaiocrat. 28th; Courier, 29th; Register, 3Oth; Times :;lsi er, hold on though. It's not leap year, bm September has but 30 days to lts credit- Times, October 31si; Register, Oc- but the fair ends with the ist, and there's the Hausfreund Post also, and .Aiiss Btoma Bower. Can't afford to miss any of these öuess we'll have to maUe a week of it, and stay over Sunday. That's fair.- Adrián Pvess. A farmer drove in from the country fday and had a load of hay "■ed at StaebJer's scales on Washa street. Wh-u the operation had leen completed he carne into the store to enquire about the weight ■ - hay welgh?" s.iid the f;.rmer. 'Two thousand pounds exaetly," was the answer. "Well." said the son of the sod, "had you jusi as soon figure out how many t.iiis that amounts to?" it was too much for ihe men in the store who enjoyed a laugh at the fanner'a expense. Advertise iu The Democrat.


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Ann Arbor Democrat