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Gleanings Of A Week

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'Mrs. MeCoy and daughter, who have been in jail for ccniplicity ia tbe burglary of SpatheLTs meat ï.iarket, were released ón bail Wednesday. Three carloads of sbeep and one carload of eattle were driven througb Aslilcy street Tuesday. They beIonged to Rehfuss and YVnllace. .lolm E. Sachs and Caroline W. Weinkauff were united in auarriage ar Trinity Dutheran parsonage Tuesday evening, Rev. W. U Tedrow offieiating. The parade wil! start at 11:30 a. ni. from their oriental palace car at the depot and there will be a freo band concert at 7 o'clock in the evening in front of the opera house. Samuel Kinne, son of Judge Kinne, is vislting 'his father hero. Mr. Kinne is engaged in mining operations in Colorado. He expects to look over the gold fields at Michipicoteu. The Star of Bethlehem wlll give an ice-cream social next Saturday night on the lawu of Hotel Morrel!, S. (Main atleet. Becker's band will furnish the rnnsic. All are invited. Price, 10 cents. The marriage of Miss Oarrle Schultz to Mr. George Waguer, of this city, look place at 8 p. 'in., Weönesday, at the home of the bride, 21 iSpxing stieet. Kev. Xeuinann will perform the ceremony. "Dutch" Ferbert. wlio will coach Aiichigan's football team, the team of which lic lias 'been so promiusnt a member for four years, is in Aun Arbor for a day or two before go:ng to Whitmore ikke. The Anu Ai'bor Home Forum Benefit Order No. 1424 held their meeting Friday evening, and initiated sevcral uew members. This order promises Lu be successful, as new jnembers are coming in at every .meeting. The liresents to be given by the various mer-chants of this city, to the eouple marrled on the fair grounds, during the Washtenáw couuiy fair. will be on exhibition in the vacant store in the Pratt block. Marshal Swoci, went to Detrilt Tuesday on a sufbpoena irdering him to Detroit as a witness in the case against Frank Mangan, who was canght here some time ago with a stolen rig in his possession. City Treasurer Seyler reports that some $1,500 of the assessineat in Sewer District No. G have álready been paid in by parties who have the money and may thus escape the 5 per cent. interest, although there has been no demand for the money so far. At the special meeting of the boarl i;f public works Moiulay, the contract for drawing dirt and grivel on Miner street was given to George Schaible and Wm. ,T. Cochran, whose bid was 12 cents per ct-bic yard fot i!in, and 38 cents per cubic yard for gravel. Albert Teufel, recorder of Athens Lodge No. 49, A. O. U. TV., paid to Mts. Charles F. iStabler a check for $1,000 Wednesday, the same toeing the Insurance carried by her late husband in that order. The A. O. U. W. is always on time in the payment of its benefit s. Brother Wills, the famous street evangelist of Detroit, was in Ann Arbor Tr.esday with liis gospel wa-):i, which is weü known thronghout th's ■art; of the state. The wagon is a great institution and Brother Wills has been emlnently successful in his work in Detroit. . Peter Dignan, a formor Ann Arbor boy who is now a successful business man in Jacksonville, Fia., is in town shaking hands with old friends. Mr. Dignan is a membei of the common council at his home city and holds otlicr political offices. It is four years since he lias been nortli. Chris Brenner bas been making some extensive improvemojits to his s: A large addition with 24 stalls on tiie round fioor and large store-room for Uay ou tlie seeond floor has been built. Mr. Brenner has siso built ten sneos ror rarmers' teams large enoug.'i to drivo team and lumber ■wagon in where they eau be securely lockeel on. The management want it thorouirhly understood that the entertainment is a srrictly moral one, that Ihey have expended a vast amount of money to give the public "A Türkísh Bath" withont fear of their getüag cold or sliocked. As it is a pur'ely clean and refreshing amusement theiv will bé no rubbers outside when the cuEtain goes up. The dramatic company which will give us this I)i). .Sweat and Plunge s an a-We one; Frank Murphy and .Miss Queenie Dale hiandle the eading roles and are supported bysuch well known people as Frankle Hal!, Jöhn Dale, Eva Gíray, James I'. sto.ison and others. They earry their own Prize band and orchestra and an oriental congress of novelti s. A. H. Holmes is now doing livery business agaln. His office will be at '■'■'■i B. University avenue, pending the onstruetion of the new brick sta;ble which be has under way on the ite o'J the one which burned rec-iatly. Mr. Holmes proposes to have the mosf complete stable in Ann Arlxir when the new building is completa!. He Is already purchasing tlie best horses that can be found in the country and i'is equipuient of carrlages, harness, etc., will be i-ight up to date.


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