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Mack & Co.

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; F THE BIG STORE prices FOr sa"üT U W A Y 202' 204' 30' 302 304 Main St., 102 and 104 W. Liberty St. r . A' NLY r feJ' l"jL j U iV Lf TL Crockery Cuspadores in different decorations, 7c each. A to close ■ FIRST GREAT SALE T0M0RR0W, LZLSzk ) wife, they are made from extra % L.A.DIES CA TTI ïiï k J CJHïVTFlI DïFl 10 10AT heavy tin,are25egoods,Saturday253 sommee SAIÜKDAV, SEPTEMBER 18, 1897. z:z:r Í "" Large Bottle of Amonia, 5e. 1 Christv Bread Knives, same as you 2 KSl8strstrawHH: : : : SS Prof Ton i8 thcardinal principIe of our Great Alwas -r to ter triuphs "ÏS aSSSíSíí: i 25c Childrens Straw Hats.. .. 9c '" merchandisiDg, we have set out tomorrovv to make a record breaking September Sale. 10c goods, Saturday only 5c a box. ê 25c Crash Caps '. . 12c withstanding the general advance in almost every kind of merchandise we quote prices so extremely bazaar open every ev 1 low that it's a certainty that thousands of clever buyers will avail themselves of its benefits. The ening. a goods we offer are the goods you are thinking of for your home or person - timely goods- new - ' goods of surest value that spread their beauty on every side and bend to your service and profit. Furniture for the parlor, the chamber, the kitchen- a showing W truly great. Carpets and Diaperies ahora of the Tariff tribute. Crockery, Bazaar Goods, Lamps and Japanese Ware in our Furniture Department. Table Damask, Towels, Sheeting, Bleached and ünbleached Cotton, Sheets and Pillow Slips, Table Covers, Curtains, Bed Blankets, Silk Imbrellas, Prints, Outing Flannel, Ginghams, Boys Clothing, Ladies Fine C Shoes and Dress Goods aspriced here tomorrow, Saturday, make money earning reading. . a dfabddsx&áíte&jflSitofd - A -- - eat 4s. kkv a. t ífcv t k. f Truthtful Ádvertísing. . We take it for granted that the people of this community give us credit for too much business acumen to spend our money in boastf ui asserW tions or in backins up empty claims which have no fouudation in fact. The modern advertiser gives the public he wishes to reach credit for intelligenee, penetration and discernment and a discrimination between tP the substance and the shadow, the false and the true. WHEN WK TALK ABOUT THE STOJRE and we assert that its k selling space is larger than that of all the dry a-ood stores in Ann Arbor 9 combined the public know we are stating a fact "When we mention our ► Great Dry floods M i Establishment - JÊ& j) i We refer to au institution which ÉfiB(fe ')v M''1' '"' ' " we value ourselves the more because ,V 3&(tit5l zJÊy' j our citizpüs share with us the pride f yffw " Wk'iHB& jj we feel in its usefulness and beauty ", cj(l flfv-ffjT and have expressed their approval cJl, M l=?ï j in unmeasured terms. When we =5 I } Our Dress Goeds Section JmjÊ k And say we have here the Greatest fmlvSt v j Showing- the Largest and Most J MliW 1 Varied Collection of the Choicest f m I M H k Fabrics ihat fashion makers have fjiflj W w produced in any country for the '' coming fall wear- a showing beside which all other and every other K showing ever made in this city fades in compaiison. The facts speak for f themselves. ► All öisr Other Departments K In Dry Goods are as perfectly org-anized as this, with competent heads, whose business is tastudy the wants of their own particular department for the success of wbich they are responsible. Thus the head of each l department becomes an expert in that particular line of Loods and is able ' to accomplish results in purchasing and suppJying the wants of the trade, not posible when one person attempts to purebase a!l the different kind of good that go to naake up a dry goods business and about which he can ' have very little knowledge either as regards the wants of the people or getting the best values. ; FIRST SALE PRICES N DRËSSGOODS - lZ.n Tr6SS Goods. Seeded effects in Granite Weaves, all Wool t)V Cheviots, in Mixtures, Plaidy, Checks and Stripes; all Wool 4 f Costume Cloth, 36 inches wide. 3 Zin Dress Goods. All Wool aud Mohair Cheviots, Mixtures and '' d)L Checks, in Boucle effects, all WTool Kerseys in all the new . ings, Worsted and Granite Weaves in newest combinations, 50 inch all wool fancies, 50 inch Plain Colored and Black Serges; would cost more to put in the store to-day than our present selling price. Í1 eá eaa. Goods. Imported from Europe's most fasbionable centers, töl'i'V exqisite illuminated Francies Prunella CJoth, Drap d'Etc. Henrietta Beiges, Mixed Worsted Fjfl'ects, every one of them a fugik tive from the Tariff law and selling at less than present cost of " nnportation AN ANNOÜKCEMENT OF INTEREST TO THE LADIES. New = MsÜmery = Department We have decided to add Millinery to our business and have secured an artist of the highest order for our trimmer who la now in the market pur chasing goods. This department will open next week on the 2nd floor. fWAIT FOR THE OPENIKG NEXT WEEK. ' First Sale Prïces in Lace Curtains. l LACE CCRTAIN BARGAINS. 81 We will close in this sale a large pinchase of Lace Curtains which we 4-; bought greatly under price and which we will let go as we bouo-ht them 4-; t at about one-half Jobbers' Prices. ' u $4.50 Lace Curtains, very large, pretty designs, will go in curfirst day sale 9 6g $3.00 Nottingham Lace Curtains will be marked to sell at...""'.'! 1 ( $2.75 Nottingham Lace Curtains will go out at 1 50 6 $2.50 Nottingham Lace Curtains are priced .....Ï.7. i 17 - . $1.50 Nottingham Lace Curtains will sell at ...."'.'." 78 6 85c Nottingham Lace Curtains will be closed at ......................'. 48 8FIRST SALE PRICES IN SILK UMBRELLAS. Genuine Ottomeuhler Carrola Silk Covers, Tmported Coiijïo fri n 1C Handles, Mounted with Sterling Silver Trimming- better than U 92.00 will usually buy, are priced for one day PleJ7 ' Êk. .fe -áÉw. s. é. a. . ek. w . r - -r" r W r ,r(fli(fl 30c Turkey Red Table Damask ,. . ..,,i!;; 'i 'II I li. , First Sale Price. ... 22c Í Ht'! V 35c 'rurkey Red Table Damask '7 il ; First Sale Price. ... 25c ' ir 50c Turkey Red Tabla Damask -WiAr First Hale Price 39c i &jyïéY 60c Unbleached Table Damask y First Sale Price. ... 46c $- ==: yy 70c Unbleached Table Damask y First Sale Price 52c 85c Unbleached Tablo Damask ,_ ., , First SaJe Price 69c 45c Unbleached Table Damask First Sale Priee 35c 60c Bleached Table Damask First Sale Price 46c 70c Bleached Table Damask First Sale Price 5?c 85c Bleached Table Damask First Sale Price 69c $1.00 Bleached Table Damask First Sale Price!!!! 86c FIRST BAY SALE PRICES ÍN TOWELS. OUR ENTIRE STOCK IXCLUDED. All Linen Huck Towels, 17x34 gc All Linen Huck Towels, 19x36 loc Lll Linen Huck Towels, worth 20c, at .!.'..!!. 12yc All Linen Huck Towels, worth 25c, at. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ïfc All Linen Damask Towels, worth 25c. at ! i8c 35e Damask Towels, all reduced to ..!!....!. 25c ':öo Damask Towels, all reduced to !!!!.!!!!! 81c 50c Damask Towels all reduced to 40c and 35c 0c Damask Huck Towels redueed to ! ! ! 450 "5c Damask Towels reduced to uu!!!!!!!!!!!! 55c ALL NAPKINS PROPORTIONATLY REDUCED. First Sale Prices in Domesiics 7c 2 yards v, ide Unbleached Sheeting, flrst sale price 13c 0c 2 1-4 yards wide Unbleached Sheeting, flrst sale pricè 15c 2c 2 1-3 yards wide Unbleached Sheuting, flrst sale price 17o 0o 2 yards wide Bleached flrst sale price 15C !2q 2 1-4 yards wide Bleached Sheeting, flrst sale price " '.17c Mc 2 1-2 yards wide Bleached Sheeting, flrst sale price ' ' 19c 8c 1 yard wide Bleached Lonsdaln Sheeting, first sale price ' ' Ï6 3-4c " 8c 1 yard wide Bleached Fruit of Loom Sheeting, first sale price " 6 3 4c 8c 1 yard wide Unbleached Sheeting, first sale price 5 1 9C 6c 1 yard wide Unbleaehed Sheeting, flrst sale price 4C ,500 yards Best Dark Prints, first sale price ...„.'..'.' '"3 l-9c ,500 yards 6 1 2c Outing Flannel, first sale price " "41 ie 5c AmoskeagBest Gingham _"_" 5c First Saie Prices in Bed Blankets THE WORLD TO JLv 3 cases Bed Blankets, grey and white, the kind (fOOb goesat59c. First sale price 39C JÍ?OA -j 2 cases Bed Blankets, grey and white,' good 5Q$fëST ÏÖ weight, will be $1. First sale price 69c tLJjËiAL 10 Quarters Extra Heavy Grey Blankets, $1.75 SM- .3-iï value, at $j 39 rAMËH1it10-Quarters Blankets, Fxtra Heavy, 'Grey,' fuü TW?y(ff. size. $2.50 is the val ue, at 189 5UZZf3K An Wool Blankets, greyand white,full size and vvv weight. Will be .$4.00 af ter a little. For our CHotK FROM. filSt day Sale' the ljri0e 2.99 First Day Prices in White Bed Quilts LOO Crochet Bed Quilts, are priced for our first sale at 69c 1.35 Crochet Bed Quilts, are priced for our flrst sale at.......'...........'...! $1.10 L.35 Crochet Bed Quilts, are priced for our örst sale at ..'!!!!'!!!!!.! L20 SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES. 1x90 inch Sheets, made f rom good bleached, sheeting, torn and hemmed at.... 33C 1x90 inch Sheets, made from standard bleached sheeting.........!...... ' 39c 1x00 inch Sheets, made from Fruit of the Loom Cotton Nothïnsbetter 6 49c !x90 inch Sheets, made from best bleached cotton. He'm-stitched 80c value at 59c x36 in. Pillow Slips, good weight, bleached eotto'u,' first 'saïe'prSce.' ' 7c x36 inch Pillow Slips, wide hem, good cotton, at... lOc [em-stitched Pillow Slips, best cotton, price, one day at ................... 16c TABLE COVERS. i LhLIW,le T-nblCK,ves' hit and miss striPe' for one day' the 39c 4 $1.25 Chemlle Table Covers, one day price gOc 4 Persian Damask Table Covers, selling Saturday, Sep't. 18, at. 79c inille Table Covers, very heavy, new designs, reduced" fröni if'-- to ; $1.89 FIRST DAY PRICES IN SILKOUNE AND FANCY DENIM O pieces New Designs in Silkoline, 36 in. wide, always 12Kc a vard For one day the price is " 8c ' c Kancy Denim, selling for one day at 19C ic Fanoy Denim, selling for one day at .!....!!...!!!!.!!! 150 r" -r r r At m pImm fÏÏTT We show a large var k lffiLriíz et to seect from3 Jr 'PkIZJ The Fancv Rattan we L ''■vfiE-ëSïaJl ofïer at $2.25 isa wonder NJ. at the Price 4 m !kj 5i We sell a big Solid L i Oak Rocker with good M M Cain Beat. A good thing for the students room at $2.65. je Our line ot Cobbler Seat Hoekers are winf M ners because the styles take and we bought % them at a price. Our $2.65 Cobbler is the J8 very best K ocker made for the money. M %. Krkír Cll,rrr. See what we have 0 dook jftelves n ■ ine th f L M our prices don't v suit we won't complain if you leave us. Our i stndents BOOK BHELVES ARE ALL OAK M J FIXISHED ANTIQUE. They are entirely , new in design and cost no more than the oíd J m style. 0 f Three Shelf ., $ i 50 " L Four Shelf i 85 Five Shelf 2 50 f Beautiful combination JöïülJ ffiiS M W Book Cases and Writing J"0"3?? %. Desks combined at $8.50. "fe ' jfq Jr Othfrs from $12.85 to $28.00. k & PSI & 0 Ladies Writing Desks p" ÉaMpi; % k. in Oak, Birch, Birds-Eye 5= j yffiv ff M JSfaple and Mahogany at 4-ss=ífeY f rom $3.00 to $40 00. J ' J C Chamber Suits. M We were especially careful in our seleek L tions this season and as a consequence our 9 ]& Chamber Suits are going fast. We ofïer one M M style of very pretty design at $13.50. Our ' Leader is made from Ash, flnished antique, J the dresser is especially large and has large W M beveled edge mirror, it has swell tops and k pretty brass trimmings, the carvinsjs are J g especially attractive. It would sell at .$18.00 M M but we make it a leader at $15.00. %. iQi Chiffonieres... k fj Jrft All Oak, made with four Jr M j " ! - 1 larLe drawers and large T I í= doublé door closet, all brass m _-_ = trimmed, an $8.00 bargain at f M L_liSj onlv $650. Five drawer m f Irgs " í Chiffonieres made from oak aS with very handsome bevelW W TSÏi e edge pattern plate mir %. " w roll nas a beautiful finish, =- "áSC price $9.75. M JF -ápíbHSy Many other styles and j - _&ii-7 prices which space will not 11 allow inentioned here. M 5 Study Tables t..oriSVoo. ? # Our $4.50 Study Table is made from Solïd Jr m Antique Oak, 30 inehes wide, 48 inches long. M M it has a very large drawer on rmcIi side. the % the finish is antique and is polished. Tliink 9 m of these things when you get ready for a M f table, price $4.50 We finish our Study % m Tables ourselves that we may deliver them . to you free from scratches and bruises. M { Chairs.... m sT All Oak, Cañe Seats, l==-=a ñJi fancy carved back at $1.00 wjaJTI Jr s' Very pretty Imitation í3 S Oak Chair, cane seat, 75c Tr "il B [ Beautiful styles in Oak ƒ fc 1[ % and Mahogany Chairs, at M f from $1.00 to $7.00 each. f Our Dining Tables. We sell them as low as $3.90 each and from M m that to $35.00 each. In this large line you % can surely fincl the style that will suit you. % % Our leader is all Quartered Oak with five ■ a M large oarved lees. It has a fifty inch square yL top around which is a carved rim. It was never bef ore equalled in the city less than M M $20.00. To make people talk we offer it at Sk k S15.OO. Aw (kw. 1W W. ÜL. . . . L r -y w w "v tr qsr Dry Goods. Phone 154. Furniture. ■ Phone 50. 222. 224, 300, S02, 304 South Main Street, 102 and 104 West Liberty Street, Ánn Arbor, Mich


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