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diarios Wagner and family have roturned from their Bnnwner outing ut Wequetonsing. Adam Meuth has retorned frora an extended visit to Milwaukee and otber points ín Wlsconsln. WilUam Danslngburg lias been nppolnted deputy sheriff. The appointuient was made last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. WilUam Bullís, oí korrls, 111., are spending a few weeks in Aun Arbor witli relatives. En-ene Mutsdiel, of B. F. Mills & Co., has returned from his weddiug trip and is back at work again. Mrs. A. L. Flagrg, of S. Tüayer street, after a four weeks' visit at Grand Haven, lias returned to Ann Arbor. Miss Clara Alber lias gone to Dollarvillc. Mieh. She will act as bookkeeper in a lumber office at that place. Miss Volland and her fatüer, formerly of Thompson street, liave moved to the córner of Catherir-.e and Thay.r gtreets. Fred Aaistin has severed his connection with Goodyear's drug store aud accepted a similar position with Efoerbach & Son. M. .T. Martin has gone into the butter. eirir and poultry business. After October lst he will also handle oysters Ín can and bulk. Mr. E. F. Benham was callea to Wayne this moraing on account of the Bickness of her daughter, Mrs. ParBhall, of that city. Rev. B. L. MoElroy, of the First M. K. eh-ureh, went to Tort Huron Tuesday to attend the meeting of the Detroit conference there. The Mlsses Sophie and Eilen Roblnboh, of N. División street, have retvrned from a flve wVcks' visit at their old home in Oakland county. B. F. Mills returned Saturday night .from a business trip to X'v Torls c:ty. He bears his honors as niembor' of the school board modest ly. Miss ida Rich, oí Detroit, who haa been spending the past ave weeks visitlng her slstei Blla al 319 E. Wasüington st., returned home Saturday. Mrs. Alberta Maas returned Satarrt.iy from Xegaunee, where she has been spending the summer. She has moved into her new home on Liberty street. Mr. and Mrs. -T. S. Giltespie, No. i'- S. Ingalls, have gold their resldence to Dr. Sudworth and will remove to their oíd home in Caro, MIcii. E. L. Seyler spent Sunday at the farm of Geoxge Hughes near South Lyon. Mrs. Seyler is vialting ai the farm and will remain there for some time. Theodore VlademirolT, the Bulgarian wbo graduated trom the engineering öepartment last .Tune, left today tor Chicago, where he goes to accept a positïon. George .T. Halier leaves this aíternoon for a two weeks' stay at Whit1 1 ..!■ Lake, where he will cover preliminary football practice for Detroit and Chicago papers. Mrs. Geddes and daugliter Xeilie are vteiting in Ann Arbor for a few d.iys. Tbey expect to lócate in Detroit aíter thelr residence during the past year and a half in the east. Herman Krapf and famlly, on Detroit street, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Frank Converse and ehiWrsn and Arthur McCormiek, of Beau Chitty, Miss. Mrs. John Moorc is at the home of lier son, George Ij. Moore of this city, gettlng ready to leave for Detroit where she will reside permanently willi Mrs. Dr. McKean. Philip Koehler, treasur-jr of the nnited order of D. O. II., enjoyed a pleasant carrlage ride around the ciry this forenoon in company with Mayor Charles E. Iliscock and Titus F. HutZel. Miss Monna Tncker, wlio l;as recently returned from paying a visit to frlends in Xew York, is uow in Howell, Mich., whe-e she takes the position as teacher Miss Denks Duustei held last year. Vet Seabolt, Fred Araold and Louis Gelston returned hoine Saturday after a week's stay at Zukey Lake. Everythlng went well except with Mr. Arnold's horse, broke out of i barn and was killed by an Aun treight. Mrs. Hall, of Chicago, whose daiigliter Florence is a student, in the University and a nieintoer f the Alpha I'lii sorority, twis rented Miss Wines' house on Monroe street and is now ceslding there with her dauglxter. Prof. B. M. rhompson will return from his Ehiropean trip duriug the iii'st week in Octoiber. Mrs. Thompson and Miss Eithei ave alrtyuly od their way to Switzerland, svt'ete ihey expect toepend the wiuter in study. Manager Lisemer is negotlating witli Madame Modjearka's manager for her appearance at the Athens Theater al au early date. News oí his suecess in these efforta wouW be received with great pleasure by Madame Modji many admirers in this elty. Ralph C. McAlïaster has b pointed Dniverstty Alumni A . was formed last June by tlie amalgamatlon of all the alumni societies Crotn different departments. The committee madij tU(! choiee la-t night.


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Ann Arbor Democrat