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Washtenaw's Fair!

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The work that li;is been ac plisbed tlms far gives assurance that ilie Washtenaw County Fair, which oceurs on the groumls iu his city next week, wlll be the flnest "xliiiiit and have the most complete list of side attraetions of any fair in sáuthern Michigan. Secretary Mills has exercised great care in the selection of the attraetions which will contrib'ute to the enjoyment of the people on every day during the progresa oí the fair. Each attraction is a firsi class - the best that can lie secued in it.s Ed Waltz, the famoua slack rope walker, stilt walker and trirk bicycle rider, will appear every day. The lress speaks m the highest terais of Waltz's performances. Hanlon's Amusement Resort- Fuliy twenty thousand people witnessed the performance of Al. Waltz in his irmarkable specialty whieh was :dmired by all.- Toronto World. Ice Palace- The celebrated artist, the only and original bicycle and high stilt flfrure skater, drew large cro-wds at the Palace. His rea is were pheiioraenal, astonnding all those who witnessed the exhibitlon.- Baltimore Gomment Oentennial Hink- Fully 1,500 peopl-.; ■.vitnessed the marvelons yertfor nance oí the world's champion. lic ntrot'ticed over 100 tricks on his silver ordinaries, followed by most dariag feats on high suiis. closing with seusational novelties on unicycles, makiag hún a pronounced woaider of the I9th century.- Williajnsport Tlms. The ehariot races and Ko.nan standing races will bê a uniqne feature of each day's pleasure. , Thev,, will be eonducted by Kennedy'.iei-s. wno are the world's aeknpwledged grsatesi professionals and will forrn a eomple e show of themselves. The MacomSb (III.) Daily Journal, August 21, 1897, says oL them: None eau complain this year tliat they were not entertained, i f they eau lie entertained at a fair of any kind. K naedy Brothers" Hippodrorne, Circus and Wild West entertainment gave performances every day and to maiiy this was the most interesting part of the program. They eertainly gave geod exhibitlons iu the varioná Unes they represent. Then fancy rifle and revolver shooting by Coleman and Mexis were great attraetions and always reoeived mueh applause. In additlon there was faacy borse-'baji i'iding, riding the bueking broncho, Roman cliariot and hippodrome riding and other attractious. The eompany is eertainly a flrst-class special attraction for a fair and has üroved veiy satisfactory to the management and the patrons of the MoDonough association. The races of each day will be opened by BUly Bocage, the wonderful pacer wiio paces a mile in Iess than 2:20 without rider or driver. This liorso is tiie wonder of the turf. Ilorses hare been taugh,t to perforia uiany and diffleult trickë undor the guidance of the master's oye but nevar before has oue of these nwble anin nis heen taught to, alone and -.ingnided, display lts fleetness opoa the track. Wednesday and Thursday the visitors will be trêated to a game of fojtball under the managBmeat of che Ana Arbor iiiifh school tea n. The program outside oí the special attractions will be as íollaws: PBOGBiAM. Tuesday, Septemlber 28- Entris snd assignments. Wednesday, School Day- To be participated in by ;ill oí the schools cf Washtenáw eounty. Musia by Becser's band. Exercises wiU be cobducted by Oounty School Commlssio'aer Lister. Addresses wfll be made !y ex-School Commissioners Cavanaagh and Wedemeyer. Racs- 1. 2:40 trjtClng class, purse $75. 2. Thrae-míante trotting class. purse $50. Free coacsrt by the Aun Arbor Music company. rinner avíII be served on the grounds from 11 a. m. uutil 4 p. m. by the ladies of St. Thomas' ehurch. At 1:30 wiU occur a grand cavaleade oí all live stock ou the grounds. Xhursday, Farmers' Day-Governor Pingree and other speakers will addresa iho people. The wedding of O. K, Killembeck, of Augusta, and Nellie -M. Ferguson, ol' Ypsilantl, will take place on the grounds at 2 p. ai., and the bridal couple will be the recipiencs of a complete housekeeping outfit, the gifi of Aun Arbor nerchant3. Itaces - 3. 230 trotting, puree ?100. 4. i2:2."i pacing, purse $100. BMday, Aim Afbor Day- All of our merehánts will close tlieir stores .ind wirli tlieir employés will take iu the fftir. Reces- 5. Free for ;)11 trot and liace, púrse ,?100. 6. 2:35 pacin?, purae $75. T. Dean & Co.'s apecial running race 'for sugar. Monday uiorning tlio Fair office vil be moved to the building on. the grounds and the work oí arrmgement wül begin in eamest. Tüe track Is belng worked and promisas to be in excelient eondition. Au addition is belng built to the grand stand to aceommodate the expected crowd.


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