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Mi's. Fred Besimer ís visiting lier aunt iu Cleveland, ühio, wUo is quite 111. W. C. Taic electrician, bas gone to Newberry to look after a suüable loca tion. Mrs. M. L. Dillon and daughter, of North Star, vislted in Aun Arbor Si;urday. Mrs. J. Dowler, of S. State Street, is visiting relatives in Lansing and 1'klEondale. Mrs. Barnum and danghter, Miss Kate, of Dnadllla, spent Sunday wiih Mts. .T. O. Kin!. Mis.s Mary Schweltzer, wlio lias be?n spencling the past month iu Saline, lias returned home. Prof. K. M. Wenley is spendiug a days iu Detroit as the guest of the Hon. Levi h. Uarbour. Eugene Geismer, of E. Catherine street, returned Sunday from a su" mer's employment at Petoskey. Miss Buck, medie '90, of Pallad 'I phia, is the guest of T. .T. Keech md '■■iiiiily of Bas) University ave Mrs. Woi, Howard and sister, Miss Hayden, are visiting their ijrother, Wm. Hayden, at Grand Ramds. Mrs. MeKenzie and daughter, iormerly of this city, have returned bere to reside after a lengthy stay in Oliio. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Staebler and Mrs. F. W. BigalUe wheeled to Bridgen-ater Saturday evening to spend Su.nday. August Dieterle, on the road for .!(!- son, Moore & Co., rau down from Detroit Saturday to spend Sunday at home. Mrs. Xate Williams, of Owosso, ':as returned home after a week's risit wit h her mother, Mrs. J. A. Orowe, of 'ells street. Prof. X. W. Springer has teen .vppointed chairman of the Y. M. C. A. educational committee in place of R. C. McAIIaster, resigned. Eer. H. F. Belser, of Forest avenue, is sick with malarial fever. Several members of his family also have a touch of the sanie ailment. Robert Gerner, of Detroit, who acci'pted a position with his unele"s, Tradb Bros., spent Suuday with 'ais sisters on 330 Madison strset. Mi and JIrs. N. J. Kyer have returned from their summer's trip te Denmark. They report smooí:h pastaje both going and coming and a delijiitful visit in their old home. Dr. Cari C. Worden went to Lonisville, Ky., tliis inorning on. liis way to ioeate in his. ehosen profession. His many friends here wish hiji abundant suecess. Karl E. Harriman, of tbc Detroit Journal editorial forcé, spent Sunday with his parents, Judge and Mrs. W. D. Harriman of this city. Karl bas many warm friends here who are always glad to see liim. Mr. and Mrs. Will Weir and daugh,ter, of Masón, Iowa, are gpending a few days with Mrs. Welr"s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Puarfield, of S. Ingalls street. Mr. Weir has disposed of his business interests in Mason and will enter the practice of law in Detroit. Mrs. Weir was formerly Miss Mary Purfield of this city.


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Ann Arbor Democrat