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In And About The City

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Ifymiwiint lo Imy. Bell or trilde use lio local columnsof Democrat SehlenuneE Bros., at the FluflE Rug factoiy, have b new telephooe, No. 170. [Miss Eda M. Clark is in Louisville, Ky., as teacher in the Sample Cttllegiate Semlnary. The Ann Arbor Landwehr society win glve a concert in its hall 011 Monday, 25th. Oharles W. ,Wagner returns SáturSay morning f rom hls extended sojourn at Wequetonsing. Iï. J. Brown and family are entertaining Master Harry P. Wuerry, of Tort Harrison, Montana. Vwd Rents'ehler has purchased from Arthur Brown a lot on N. State st., Í-. iid will shortly begin building a resiöence ou it. Compauy G, M. X. G„ rit YpsilanH will take action next Wednesday iiight on the invitation sent to them by the fair authorities. The banks of Ann Arbor have agreed to reduce the rate oí interest on deposits from 4 to 3 per cent., ?mmencing December lst. air. and Mrs. Wm. E. Hoyle, of ManHipster, England, are registered at the ('ook House while they look over our city and University. Rev. J. T. Sunderland is in Saratog.i, New York, where 'he givás a iap::before the National Unitarian Conference now in session in that place. Ann AiborCamp, Modern Woodmen, give the opening dance of the seasou at the new hall Thursday evenlng, Oct. 7. It will be an invitation affaJr. The ü, -of il. Daily issues a preliminary nunïber iMonday morning from The Times office. Friday of the same week the regular daily publication will begin. The Francés Hughes cfticert eompany appears Thursday eveuing, Kc;teinber 30, at the Unitarian clmrch, the concert being an extra ia the T'niry Club course. Tivo pickpoeketsi confined in the eounty jail tried to saw their way out TneBday evening but were detected befo-re the hole was lar,;e enough for theni to escape by. A forcé of workmen is busily mgaged in tearing up the old crosswalks on Detroit street across Oatherine and Kingsley streets and putting in the brick crosswalks recently ordered The Aun Arbor Organ company i still doing an encouraging business A carload of organs has just beei shipped to parties in Sou Ui Carolina and one is now loading for Portland Oregon. Reserved seats for the Y. lM. C. A Lyceum course are going quite rapid ly, and if you deslre a good seat be sure and obtain your ticker at once The chart can be found at the association rooms. The high school "Breeze," with it.s dark cover and gold lettered name. came om Wednesday. All say that the good taste in iiic binding is typical of the matter within and that all in all it is a very good number. Lyman Bloss is here to spend th ■winter at the home of Spencer Sw?et. He is 01 years old, ser ved in the Black Hawk war and the Rebellion and is hale and hearty. He bas never ridden in a railway car Tout once, and walked in from Plymoulh Friday, maklng timo that would be envied by a younger man. J. H. Ehlers, a well known University student, is canvassing the plty nnder the recent offer of the Michigan Alumnus which gives a scholarship of $75 to every person who secures ISO paid-up subscribers to The Alumnus. llr. E-hlerg is a deserving, active young man and Is pretty certain to accomplish what he undertakes. .Miss Olara [iakowsky, aged 20 yoars, 1 month and 3 days, üanghtei of Rndolph Lakowsky of tlii city, dltd Wednesday morning at the ceidence of J. Buechler on Second streot. Sho had been in Ann Arbor for six weeks taking treatment for consuoiption. Her reina ins where shipped to Detroit last evening. for interment in Forest cemetery. Ann Arbor Courier: The consuui jangle in the medical department has had its effect, as will be seen wtoes that department opens for business again in a couple of Tveeks. It s said that 01 students of that departmen have called for thelr credits, a:b.iut three times as many as ever before The only way to succeed there or any wbere else, Is to work imltedly ham in hand. The Rev. Miss Ida C. Huitín, of Moline, 111., will be the guesi of Mr and Mrs. John Lowry for a few days this weck. Miss Huliiu is one of Ui. eloquent and popular speakers of tht il.iy. She is now on her return froa a tour through casi, ia ving lec tumi in all the principal eities of the east, and also addressed the Acre Assembly at Eliot, Mane a coa gress of Comparative Ueligion oi School of Philósophy, where thousandi fiom all parts of the world conic .-. representatives of differeut religious thoughl. David Henning carne in from Ciiltago Wednesday Cor a stuwt stay. Merch Goodrich ís said to bo very nuch opposed to the modera custo.n f removing Ixmnets in the theater. Dr. B. I-. MrKlroy returned Weduoslay from I'ort Hurón and the msetng of the Detroit M. lí. Conference; He reports a profltaible session. C. P. Sta ble r, clerk oí Aun Arbor town, will be at the court house In Aun Arbor on Saturday, Oct. 2d, to ■eceive woodchucK and gparrow scalpfc. James Murnan and his bride are expected borne September 29 fro n their honeymoon trip to New Yors. ".Irn" will at once re-assume hls duüea as day elerk at tlie Cook lnms james O. Lewls and II. D. Merltheiw, both of this city. have foiuied a partnership for the praetice oí law undor ilic linn name oí Lewia & Merithe.v, witli offices at 201 X. Main st. The following yotosg men were takeu tnto Oonnpany A', M. N. G., ai the meeling Wednesday: F. A. Wagaer, W. II. rotter, A. C. Luiek, Ed Grau, Jolin Trojanowski, Wffl, F. Gates and Sam Lee. Advance sale for the next attraction ai lio' Athens Theatre, Walker Wnlteside and company in "The Man in Black," tegan at 9:30 tliis morning promptly at Wahr's Main st. bookstore. A regular 'meeting of Welen Relief Corps, No. 218, will be held at G. A. R. hall, Sept. 28, at 2:30 p. m. A' full attendance is desired as a report of district convention will be given at this meeting. A bicycle eolllded wlth a buggy Wednesday at the corner of Huron st. and Fourth avenue. The rider of the bicycle, whose name could not be learned, was pretty badly bruised and went home in a cab. Cliief Sipley took occasion while on his vacation to deprive a swarm of wild bees of their winter's store of honey, and he now realizes that a honey bee is a creature of considerable feeling, even in Septemfber. Thero is a well doflned rumor that the bachelor son of a well known Main street' physician is atoout to take unto hlmself a bride. The erop of engagenients sown at Zukey Lake the pa -i summer are being harvested early. August Winter, of 74 S. Seventh st.. mounis the loss of his 9 months ol3 boy yho passed away Wednesday atternoon. Tlie funeral occurs Fridaj :'licrnooii at ."5 o'clock, Rev. J. officia t ing. Iuterment at Pörèfil hui: A regular meeting of Wek'hi Corps W. R. C, will be held in G. A. R hall, September 2S, at 2:30 p. m. A full attendance is desirad as a report by Sara H. Van Slyke, district conventicm corps sécretary, will be giren at this meeting. Tlic S. e. . smdents' Hand Book foi' 189T-98 is just out and is one of the neatest and most serv:ceable ye1 Issued. It is in convenieni shápe ?or the vest pocket and contains a greal trass of information needed 'jy the sn;dent. This year's editor of tlie handbook is H. O. Severance. It is definit'ely decided that the business men of Ann Arl)or will close thelr stores and shops Friday afternoon, Octöber 1, in order to attend the county fair in a body. This .'ind the novel sham battle uoñ military tcurnament on the fair grounds at that time will niake tlie last day one of the best of the week. Manager J. C. Henderson, of the Aan Organ company, near being landed in tlie quarautined üstricts tliis week while on a businedá trip south. He was delibe-ately proceeding to cross the line into the fevsrstricken district when he was 'nformed that if hc went any further the qnarantine wouid stop Uis return. He therefore liroke off his irip at St. Louis and returned home. At the meeting of Compauy A Wedday au invitation vas received from the fair managemeni, the accepi'ance of which promised an added attraction for our big fair. The plan is to have a sham battle and drill at the fair grounds on Friday afternoon, Octoibor 1. The "Infants" accepted the invtfation and -will be out in for;e. A similar invitation has been extended the Vlisilanti company. A kIi.tii battle and military tournament on the last tlay of the fair onght to ittrici a big crowd.


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Ann Arbor Democrat