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Chandler To Cage

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Senator Ohandler of New Hampshire 'bas, in a letter to the Washington Post, ealled a halt upon Secretary Gage's financial reforms. Jlr. Ohiudler says that 'if the seeretary persrsts in foreing a discussion upon ?iis currency bill, whidh is confessedly caloulated to rivet the gold standard more firmily upon the country, the result will be politieal disaster for the Republican. party. In other worda a discussion of finaneial questions is the one thing whioh the Republican leaders are most afraid of now. Says the senator: "It is si-mply politieal suicide for tho Republican party in this coïgress tó affirmatively open the discussinn of the money question and to bring on yea and nay votes npon currency legislation. With such in upioar in congress as these proeeedings will créate with western congressnien embrailed therc-in, with presidential vctoes, as tlireatened by Secretary Gage, under angry dïseussion, it will happen that all business eaterprlses and funds and stocks will hu distnrbed, prices will fall, insolvencies will increase, and the Republicans will lose the eongressioaoal elections in 1898 as dlsastpously as rliey did in 1890, and beyond the hope of a favorabíe reaction in 1ÍX10. at whicth time. tfterefore, a Bryan Dwaccratlc president and congTess wïH be i-h -.i. "Whether we a?e to have on of these resulta - politica! aafety - or the oüior- politieal d#struction- iepeuda eiïürely upon the conrse to be ptmsuod by Secretary ;nr and those wtio hre pressing him forward, namely, tlie gold Standard league o-f New ïoric, and the self-constltated natlonal inonetery conference. How muoh Seeretavy Gage caros Por t.,he Iíipu'b'lican party is not knowji.-' The most remarkable thing abo ut the lotier Is the candor with which Senator Ohandler spoiiks of v.lneli ofner Republiean eadeïs toandle like hot bricks. Ho even goes so far as to admit that the fiill measnre of g. o. p. prospertty has ut yet been delivered. Wliile lio is unequivocally for the gold standard lie thinks it is not safe for the Repaiblïcan party to be very particular just now. Wihile he is in favor of a buik currency as afainst greeotoacks he knows 1 1 "i f the pi'O])!o irofcr the lattei and it s not safe pffend ;hc eep'.e ar c)iis jnn.iiiro. !n short Swiafor Ohandler is ome of taosc patriots wlio i determine Ibe right and the wrorcg of every question by its effect upon the Urpubliean party and to whom t4n, interests ot 1t)he Kepublicao party are paramount to the interesta of the country. There are people in Aun Arbor !üan enough to say that while Jin O'Donnell is holding bag for Burrows he will take anyrhing that happens to drop nis way. ■Xow that the boom of the Hon James O'Donnell for the shoes which are at present so comfortably fitting the feet of the Hen. Hazen S. Plngree haS been fairly launched we may ex peet heavy tragedy to begin at any time. If Governor Pingree would reform his pernieious ibabit of preaching goo( Democratie doctrine from a Republí can dunghill, ttie Democrat would bc i-Qclined to extend to him the rïjrh of fellowship in the party which wil take charge of Miehigan's public busi ness on the first day of January, 1809 and of the Federal 'household on March 4th, 1801. In its bare nakedness the propos! tion to replace1 the greenbacks and treasury notes witdi na'tional bank notes mearis that th.e people wiil sur retder the currency which they are now using, pay interest on $1,100,000, 000 of bonds necessary to retire the government paper and allow the banking corporations tbe proflts of the curTeney making business. Hov; do you like it? The city counoil needs some of the "quickening spirit." lts sessious hare become so tame and commonplace that even reporters shun the council cham'ber. There was a time when a nveeting of the eommon coim-eil was sure to exercise the "scrapping" qualities of local statesmen and numero:i3 special sessions were necessary as a ort of precaiïtiou against premature explosions. Knowing that the gTeater portion of ■Tuftus Caesar Burrows' twenty-two years in Washington has been spent in holding down tois seat and, presmning f rom this long chain of pi-ecedents that the business of "seat holding" is the purpose of his public life. it is only fair to suggest that his hold upon that seat will be greatly srrengthened Lf he should place a substitute on guard in Washington and inject 'his personality into the Michigan end of the situation. That the bankers themselves realize tihat the gold standard is a "shining fiotion" is proven by the fact that their repi-esenbatives 'in eongress oppose any measure whieh will force banks to redeem their own notes In gold. Gold redemption is a niyth and every gold standard financier in the country knaws it. Th ere is not a financial institution in the country which could begin to redea:n its obliga tions in the yellow redeemer. Why m-oftgage the comntry to support the antiquated fiction? Toniorrow will be Christmas, the day when men's hearts are supposed to open a few degress wider than is t'heir usual custom and melliw thoughts give birth to deods. With this in view we would reniinil the good (but sometimes eccentrx) father in the executive office at L.iiising that, while he has dealt generously with his cihildren of Washtenaw in the past, there are othws- othcrs to whose sore and tivmbled spirits thit recognition which carnes its own rowards (even with a ten per cent. discount for the helping hand fun-J) i-oii1cl briug Hint sootliing sense of qtiiet conti'nt which would prove a s;iiv and peröaneot safeguard agálus-1 ion wiib the plague oC the O'Donnell yeliows whi'.-li lias so recintly brokeu out in the city of Jaekou. The Hon. James 'Di nnell, editor of the Jackson Citizen, has annouuced tiimsélf a candidate for the Republiein nominatlon for governor n:t yenr. Mr. O'Donnell is ;i man of göod parts, ht has plenty of the stuiï whicb makes practica! politics interestin.5, iwl is a good representativo oí the silk-stocklng element of the Ropnl)!:can party. iTis candtdacy is avowed lo 1)0 in the interest of tihat element. There will naturally be a close alliinc-e bet ween his forcea, and those of Senator Buitoavs. It is to be exiected that the anti-Pingree sentiment will crystallize around these leaders and that a war of political extermination will be waged between thé contepilinLT for.-es. With iliis eoni'bination Hoed np before liim Hazen w'.'.l do well to cancel all foreign en.atagements and conccnrrnie lus attentlon iipon aoraestic affáirs.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat