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The Sewer Districts

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In view of the fact that the time for the payment of tax?s is at hand there is much inquiry as to boundaries 0f the respective districts. Boiow we give a brief deseription of tae property smbjeot to tax in p.ach distriot: The flrst district inclades all property abutting upon Liberty street froin the main sewer easterly to State and all property abutting upoO First sireet between Liberty and Washington and upon Ashley, S. Main, Foürih avenue, Fifth, avenaie, División, Thompson and Maynard between lAherty and Williams up to and incluling. the rear of half of the corner lots fronting upon Williaun strect. The second district inclufles all of that property abutting upon Washington street from the maiu sower easterly to 12th street, on State street from Wasihington to Wiiliams, on . University from State to Washteu.iw, on Washtenaw to Ohmx;h, and on Asaley, Main Fourrh avenue, Fifth avenue and División between Washington and Liberty, on Fourth avenue between Main and Hurón, on Tliay -r. Ingalls and 12th between Washington and N. Univergity avenue. The boundaries of the third district may be briefly deseribed as follows: All property lying east of División, scuth of Jefferson, the campus and V'olland streets and Forest Hill cewetery, exclusive of the proper ty fronttng upoa the afoove named strwts, west of Oxford street includiag oi:e tier of lots east of Oxford street, iiud a portion of the Hall addition. all the riül addition, the Miller additio f.ntf I.awrence addition lying south of Hill street. The fonrth district includcs all ]iro)f.-rty upon Huroa street i'rom the main sewer easterly to 12i!i. en First street, Ashley sti-r-et. the e;'st de of Main street, FiL'th ayenne, ion s-treet, Injralls and 12th street ■in Hurón and Washington, arid m Main, State, 'i'iiiycr and Ingaïls between Hurón and Ana. Tlw liL'tii district ncludes all p-poperty between the mam sewer, the first district, State slrsot and the third district to and including Madison street.. The sixth district Lnclndes property abuttlng upon Aun str ■uain sewer easterly to Ingalls, Main ■itreet between Ann and Oatherine, FÓurth avenue from Hurón to Detroit. Fií'tli from Hurón to Gatharine, División from Hu ron to main sewer, átate, Thayer and Ingalls froni Aun tree1! north, Catberine from Detroit to Ingalls, Lawrence street and Kingsley from División to Ingalls. Tihe seventh district includes all liroperty abutting on Liberty stroet from the main sewer westerly to Seven-tb.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat