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Upon lnterviewing the offieers oí the Chelsea Gold Miniug ■ ■eompany, we earn that they propose equipping their boat with a good steaiu punip witb about 2,000 feet of hose, tvvo i:eurifugal pumps for prospecting and working the river bottoms, a sawiiis )ur.lit and a small dynamo for lifíhtng purposes besides thelr other machinery, tools, elothing aud provisions. We eannot see how su-eh an outtil guided by 15 good practical men can ïelp making big money for all inter;sted. Their outfit alone vrould be woi'tn inany times what it cost them ís soon as they reaoh tho upper Yukon river. They say they only need six more to go. This looks like business and we wish the eompauy every success.- Chelsea Herald. Brakeman Mclia.hlin of train No. LI, going north Wednesday mornmg, feil off a car at Urania and sustained siight injuries. He was brought to Iilan and the eompany's surgeon at:euded to his case.- Otilan Leader. Wlllajrd J. Sissem and Miss Maggie Burns, of Milan, will be married In that viKage tomorrow nigiht. Milan's edueatioii! a-dvantagés ar; bhus tersely described: üne beautifal school 'house, six beautiful teachers md one fine professor. R. II. Eaton, of York, planted his &ith milestone on Dwember 10, anj ÍQ of his relatives and friends gataered at ;his farm to assist him in celebrating the event. W. F. Stimpson is the inventor of an automatie eut-off for brick nachines. It is a marvel of simplicity aiid -iecurate automatic aetion, and is sonething worth seeing even though one is not interested in that kiud of work.- Milan Leader. The Glazier Stove Company band eousists of 18 pieces. It has ncw instruments, and is open for eugageinents. Fred Fuller is leader, Olaude Flagler manager, Charles Kaiser secïvtary, Fred Clark treasurer, Ixuis Burg, James Clark and Fivd Fullsr trustees. The Webster Y. I'. S. O. E. has elected the following Officers: l'rosident, Will Seadin; viee-president, Will Burnett; secretary, Mary Backus; treasurer, Lottie Latson. The Oatholic Sunday sethool of C-nelsea will have their Ohristmas tree at the opera hoxise on Tuesday evening f next week, December 28. George Higgins has a large hornet's nest suspended in Costello's window and labeled "Hot stuff." Bet'cher life 'tis. Memory goes back to the time when as a small boy of investigatlng inind, we pokwl a stick into one of those innocent looking thin.s, and although many years 'Imivo elapsed the very thaughts of that encooniter


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