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The Advance In Wool

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Wool 'bas advaneed within the past few 'months. Pröteetlonists quito tiaturally claim fhat credit for tliis advaoqe is One the Dingley tariff. Hut the quotations af the New York Wool Record show that foreign waols have mIso advanced quite íis mueh. "Xo. 1" Michigan is quoted at 2i) cents, "X" Michigan at ü-i, ;uil Mlcñ.igaa comhlng wools ar 22% to 24 cents, in the copy beiore us. In liusamo numbeT Canadian co:abing is quoted at 30 to 31 ce;its. Australian eomblng at 24 to 2t ceuts. New Zealand the same, and African wools 18 to 21 cents. Western American wools run f rom 12 to 20 cents. As the proposition that an American tariff calculated to exclude forelgn wools Croon these markets wlll h-ive the effect of raislng the value of those wools abroad is uutenalilo, it is but reasonahle to conchide that we ijuisj look to other than tariff conditious for an explanation of the general riso in wool quotations. lu cas-3 our Republiean friends can't agree on the disposltion of the Ann Arbor iwst offlee they might cornprornise on .1. Denaoerat. If Senator Woléc-tt would represent hi -Colorado eonstiuif-ney bryond the limit of lús present term, lie will do well to remove all susplcion of undue lntimacy with th Hanua aduiinisftratitm. After calnily suiTeying the postortice situation iñ Washtemaw eounty, we are led to the irresistible conclusión that g. o. p. politics in Waslnciiiiw eounty is uot witliout its lnunorous sitie. We woulcl remind the divers other candldates for congressiomal honors at the hands of the g. o. p. that they woulcl do wril to dcfer a recapltulatíon of tlu'ir ])ros.]wts muil the fog-horn of Ypsilaiíti has been souiidcd. Shcrald party loyalty require it. it is said that ex-fJovernor John T. lïkïïi wcnkl saoviflee blmself upon the altar of the Detroit eollectorsliip. ".lolin T." Kas alwaya been noted for inakins sacrifices which were padded ivitii a good salary. We would sHggest to any of the possïble future pos-toasters oí tlils city that if fchey are a little short on enthusiasm, fchey might piek p a ready-made clulb, with all modern attachmeuts, in the viciuity of Oolnmluis, Ohio. at less than first cost. IL the nunjerous gyrations whk'h Jlr. Charles1 Page Bryan has performed in order to huid a diplomatic appoiiïtment have nof turned his head the cördïality with whicb his nanie lias beeJl received by the seuate utrtainly will not iujure liis thinking part. Perthaps, in the erent of :i special .-t -ssion. Senator QainpoeU muy xable to laud one of those deiayed federal appointments. If the nid man ean do nothlug tor his constituent it would at leást relieve the wouoiouy of the situation sliould lie turn in am' d'i something for himself. Jiidge Paxon, of Peansylvania, the able judicial prop of the ;iovei oí corporatíon and goveröaHeaf by injuiK-tion is the selectioa of the joint trafile aSsoeiation for membar of the iiuerstate coumierce caninussion. lt 's needless tu say that hls agplication is not indovsed by oraanized labor. Of eourse it is hard for a good Deiiiocrai like GoyernoT Pingree to haiidle Hepublican wliitewash. lxii llizzexcellency sliould not w;ix angry if his nunierous Repnibllcan advalrera ask fov a small bi'te oí the old eheese now and then juf( to reniind theni of whal Michigan Republieanism was before it fused with Pingree. The fact that 80,000 mili opera ti vis have iuit work in New England rather thau submit to a reduction of wages will do more to convince liupeople that the ntillionaire manufaeturers and tmsis are ths sole beneficiaries of the tariff than volumes of M-ciferous arguineut and fancy rhetoric. Sena ror Burrows doutotless understauds that if the "nafional honor" is to be preserved throug'h his re-election, it must be done upon a gold basis. Ti w:is -i 11 ritfht fpr 'Judas Iscariot to do business with silver. but the dollars'whlch will be powerful enough lo re-elect Michian's most gorgeous patriot must be just :is good as every other dollar and better tiian "Ping's."' We have it on good authority' that .Tiin and .Tiilius have resolved íwt to tracork. any Michigan federal patronage of the vintage of "98" ui-til ir is neoded fo brace np the boys du-ring Ping's special session. The loyalty whicli will be inspired by a few postofflees with a maralialship for a "ohaser" admdnistered at an opportune n-oineut ill be something whicii even ■the governor's rociferons rioqaenee cannot phase. Jim and Tullua have evidenüy been "honing" tip on practical iioütics. It would geem that tho birth of Washtenaws postoffice club, wliieh was beralded last week wlth a blaie of trumpets and a Iavish display of prmters ink, was somewhat proniaturo. Wihetiier it was the imputations npon its parentage or for other good and sufficient reasons, The Demoeral is not iuformed, but the officers appointed to eonduet the foijidling tbrongh the wet nurse stages bave dropped it like a hot briok, and nn!ess a leader bold enough to bravo the tiro of the "17 other candida tes for the Ann Arbor postoflice, is speodily fonnd. its days of uso-fuluess are m;:i'bered ere they are egun.


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