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Whitmore Lake, Mich., Janna ry 14.- Jverything moved faster at tbc ic( lüivse Inquest yesterday and the ex .ininabion is realiy ended, althoug nu testimony of Foreman MoBth. (ill remains to be taken. The us,.. rowd was on hand and ten witnes8e f&re cxamined oue at'ter the othe ureman Todd being recailled ai QOUgh without gettiug ue aom him. Peter Gibney was the ürst wil lalled. 11e testiüed that MoBride gav .he order to have the braces renioveu dcüriiie was present and asaistei jome braees still standing wneu buiid ing eollapsed. A'bout an Iiout befoa; ouiiding eollapsed after order by ilc Bride liad been given. Charles Hill architect, toid the jury that the plan for the ice-licwse were exact copies o tiróse used in the two large ice-bouse suocessfully constructed and in the present time at BufFalo, New York. 11e thought building woulj have stood without the braces If it liad r.ot been foï a sndden gust of wind. He considered the braces not materiaj, yct said on eross-examinatiou mat had hu knowu of the retn ►ring of the bracee lie vvauld have 'iaU thecu rel'laced at once. Testified that bi ;lans and speeificatlons were ado] by the company they were suliniitted to o. D. Richards, chief enlneer of the Aun Albor raüroad. and weiv ap proved by liiin. The plans .-nut speci fieations were then sub oitted in evi denee. Ilill stated that plans ha-, toen folio wed èxeep-i tbat hemlocJ suis were üpged instead oí pine. Wit ness had kBOwn '1'iinilmll aml Mc Bride for Chree years and liad always, iMinsdcrv(l bol h of che :{intleinei hlghly tnrsrworthy. Askcd !' .l.uin 'l'urnbull was in the halm oí diiüki.iL. he answered, "Yes." Dr. Siniili was nexi sworn and toli fff Mörr'a deatli. Guy MeGainii. anotlier witness worked under rodd; heard MoBriclt glve ordci-s to remove twaces; Mc Bride belped remove bi k-i-s: nevw lieard MoBride say ui back tho! braces. James Tumbull too-k the stand ii the aftemoon mul was subj-'cted to a severo erossexamination by Lefomau, .Minor and Babbitt. On direct exaiu:natlon Tunilmll saíd MeBride wotild aever uve given orders to li.iv. brares removed. Whea asneé f lie ever got drunk while m duty saiö: "No, sir, I did." No ollier niaterial evldeoce. Henry Webber and Alexonder Todd, father of Foreman Todd, gave evidene as to the existease of a heavy wind at and near the time of thi cideot. ISdwin Beckwith, whao put omthe staad, sai.l he had sineK H.juot on rurnbull's breath. On cross-examinaion: "About one week teforo the ac!ldeait TnnUmii eame in one attei-iioen nul ordered me to remove all m )oards on the platform of the seaifold mt one, sayinK aoyone who is too ïoavy to walk on one boawJ is ton ieavy for the job." 'SDid you remove he boards f rom the eeaffpld," was asked. "Xo. I did not. McBride saW Wt to mine! hiu,." Witness tiiought ruiubull sligtoMy under the nlh. of liquor at tha.1 time. Peter McGttire testifled that he had n Tumlmll enter saloon n?e, nvice r three timos In a day. Had seea lim drink. George W. Thomasi, presidejit of the ■ company, -w.-is the lasi wltness. "estifled that Mr. Beanett and II. w. had owned the icehouses al [ambung Juncüon and on sëlllng 110111 to ae company took tlM prlce ut in stook in the eompaay; Oom.■luy organázed under the lawa of Wchlgian. Oaj)it;il stock of ?7Q,000 ennett had the ri-ht to liire men nl care for the ballding of said ome. C;,iii,.-Hiy pays áll expensa Inquest thexi adjounied to meel 'hursday mornlng, Jaaraaiy 27, McBríde's tesiünoiiy to be taken , u efore January 24, if his physicians ■oukl allow it.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat