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The Gemran minister of Bhls ptoc was örlvlng aeross the railroad tracl in 'Wliiitaker last Tuesday, when : train struok 'bis horse and killed it Mis fouggy was rudned and he ha tliroe rtbs broken. He is stiïl in Wha tïiker and üie doctors claim ho lm cecelved injuries uiiii-u may provt fnial. He claims it was ra u sed 1 tralumen neglecting to give Uk proper alarm, wWle toey claim ihc. cmild nwt blow the whistle when Uu' 'tried and so rang the bell. A dance wiil be g-iven in Mr. Har hon's ball room Friday niglu, .lamí ary 28. A cordial invitación to all ib extended. Anean Hafbiaway, of MooreviMe has rented Cyrus Mon,tonye"s place and will move into Mr. Laveiy'a lious( in Mardi. COUNTY NEWS. The tenant house of Charles Wh-"lo.-k iu Salem townshap was 'leu ... .1 by iire last Wednesd&y mornlng. Insured for $200 in the Wlashteuaw Mifual. A private teïephone line n i, [ng built betweon Ohelsea and Pleasant lake, a dlstance of 20 miles. houses will be connected. All persons interesten iu organizing a Farmers' drab in Limn aro requested to meet :;t ihe hotne of .Mr. and Mrs. A. ,T. Easton on 'i'luii'sday, Felnuary '!. at lo o'clock a. ni. iíi-i yotnlunch baskets weil filled and have a good d inner. E. A. Nortean, oí Lima, says i'.i.n he inosi emipha'öeally approvea of the reduction oí ttoe salaries of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance company from $2 to $1.50 per day. The Southeiü Wasluenaw Mutual Pire Insurance eompany reporte 280 '"'iiUít-r.-;. $080,145 in rlsks; G9: paid in losss üuring the year; $9f)4.01 reeeived; salaries paid, $140.75; ;,ii,i .í casta on tand. George Rawaon ís presideui .i mi Henry li. Palmer, mí retary. The. Young People's Delratüig cinb of Xonli Sharou met and arganized recently ni Mi Hrten Haselsehwardfs. Th, followtog oflicers ■v. i re elefeted: President, Max Iinviu; rice-ipresident, Miss Ooraline Keudail; secretary, Miss Mac K. Dorr. Monroe Oounty Faimers' instituíe will be lie-ld al Dundee FeSruary 1 and 2. lien. Chase s. Osborn, state game aad flsh warden of MSehigaa, annppnees as follows,: "Aay lino tliat is sei. in any inaniier and is nol hew In thr hand is vory evideatly a "set" line. The ;u-t that .oreviously defined iiiat floats, botos and tip-uis ■ere not sim lines has been repealed. Tiiis departineni uow fakes the position th'at floats. bobs and Hp-nps are in their very ra'ture "set Hnes." The ereamery tpanagers and stoekholders Uave every re&son to believe tliat tbcir adveuture tiere ís nol deemed to be a failurc as some predlcfted, bui on the other Uaiul bids fair to beeome one of tlie best patronized and paying in the state. At thia season or tflie year wlien the .nülk product ís always short and bard to ?et, the Saline creamery, new as il s is serpafattag ai the rato of 0,000 I 'iiiMids per day, and ibcir euüro output fiads market at a good piice witliut solieitation. Tbc mük tiius far i.-is eome largely fram the wesit, north uij east- Saline nhsmw.


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