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Gleanings Of A Week

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Judge E. T). Kinno lias .just returnet from 'hls business trip to New York and Washington. Captain Granger has boen informet by Oneral Case thiat Lieutenant Bel ser's t-ommission Ihas been isu'l The doctor passed a very creditabl examination indecnl. The Ann Arbor Typograpii'ical Union and a number of local business mei ttave sent protests to the state board f auditor against the awaxding of the state printing contract to the Ad ventist publishiog house at Battle ■Oreek. A tramp made a nest in the Salini croamery one night last week, and on leaving his warm in rhe earlj ii.ornlng swiped cixiis. vosts aud othei flothing ilelonging to eropl'jyes. Ho W8S CiVught by IMflTShal .Trn-y neai l'acon, hauled up befOTe JuJge Fish. and is now looated with Shcrili Judson on a 90-day sentt-nce. The recent electrón of ortict'is foi the spring issue of the liisfli school paper, the Brecze, resultes as follows II. J. Brown, managlng editor; Guy Bí-tes, business manager; Miss j.. Matchett, literary editor; Miss Bess Brown, news editor; Miss K. Ci-nr;;, oirculating editor; Messrs. Huston, (MeLiaChlan and .Morris, aS3istant business managers. At a meeting ol' the Hahnernaamlaii oeiety, held in the Homeopatliic college building last night, tlie followiug offieers were elected: President, T)r. V,. Kinyou; vicepresident, R. A. Clifford, '98; reeardlng seeretary, Miss M. F.. Gault. '00; corresponding seeretary. 'Miss F. .1. Millanl, '00; treasurer, W. e. H.birts. ''.'.); executive commit-tee- I. II. Ball, '98 ehairman; W. A. Oi-andall, '99; F. E. Westfall, '99. ïor the beneflt of the new "ï. M. C. A. building, Mr. Weinberg has volunwrüy douated the proceeds from liis skating park for one nigJit. The asso ciation has cñosen Kriiiay night, Jan. 2.S. if there be good skating, but if nol the date will be clianged. Music will toe furiüsiied by one of the city bands and light refreshmeats will be served. If there be skating next, eek. be sure and take advantage of it on Priday night, therëby assisting in ereeting the mueh needed Tjuiiding. The total nuraber of deatlis in WasliToiiaw coimty duriug che montb of December, aceording to the Michigan Bullotin of Vital Statdstio3 vas 39, dhided as follows: Aim Arbor city !). Ann Arbor town 2, Dextor 2. Iodi 1, Lyndon 1. Northfielil 3, 'Pittsfleld 2, Salem 1, Scio (inclnding Dcxter village) 3, Webster 1, YoTk 3, Ypsllanti li-ivn 1. Chelsea :?, Manchestw 1, Ywi lanti eity 6. No reports were r?ceivéd from Augusta or Sylvaii. I-t is annouaced authorltatively tii.-tt as softn as the Wthitmore Iaive inquest g ended Attondey Miner will ín behalf r his elients, Charles Taorne and Charle.-! (iirar.l, oí Owosso, besin dauiage suits against the Toledo Ice Oo., taking the cases to the SMawas.seo county coorts. Kim-e ïlic accident work ou the new ■■ house has gone steadïly torward. Traiöbull, of Owosso, has succeeded Toiiil as foreman. The building is nearly oompleted and a! soon as the roof is in place the cutMag and storage of Ice will begin. 'At the annníii meeting of ihe l'(jl!tical EJquality club the folïowing ofRi rs were elected: Mrs. B. A. Hinsdale, president; Mrs. C. Georg, viceai'sident First ward; Mrs. George i!(-nd. vice-presldent Fourta ward; Mrs. W. D. ilaiTiman, vice-presideut Sixüh ward; Mts. E. H. Hall, vicopresideat Sevearh. ward; ilvs. Mary K Soule, corresiKHiding seeretarj'; lirs. B. A. Fimiey. recordlng lary; Mrs. Charles Millem iTeasurer; Mrs. John Avci-y and Mrs. E'. J. P.liss. liuditors. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. B. A. Hinadale, Washtenaw avenue, Monday, Tanuary 31st, at 3 o'clock. John McBride made his statement Monday wirh regard to cause of ie recent Ce-house disaster ai Wliitmore Tjake. The injnred man Is til] far from recovery and gave his evidenee while lying on his eot at the hospital. He stafes tWat he never ordered fche feraces removed, believing as he did that the walls could not stand without üiese braces or the roof trusses. After flxing up the pay roll at the hotel on that day he had climbed to the t"i of one of the walls w'hem one ealled ra him that the braees had been removed. He at once ordered I ttiem put back but it was too late. Etoes not tliink walls were blbwn over by the wind. The music-lbving public oC Anu Arbor will soon be glven the opportunlty of hearing the most prominent musical org-.uiizition oí Michigan, if not of the Wesft. Through the efforts of Mr. R. ii. Kempt the Han merehor and Laöles' Ciiorus of Dotroit, umler thcir director, Prof. Wm. Yunek, of the PhiThaTmonic '!i:i. wil] gire, with singIng society ,,t üiis city, a joint prosrram in the near hitnre a-t the Athens Theater. This will be a rare musical treat that ougbt not to be missed. While in fhe city the Hartnonie will be eiiitertamod by the Lytn S5nging society. KoIiiTt Gerner, of Detroit, spen Sunday vvith bis sisters on M'adison street. M. 'M. Scabolt, of the Aim Arboi Music Co., went to ionia Saturda] iiight on business. Miss M'ary Hivitenbach, one of the uurses at tln hospital, is dangerouslj ill wit'h .-ipncmliciTis. Mi', and Mrs. Wm. Fawcett, at Scmtli Lyon, are the gxieste of Mr. and Mös. George Vanciavcarker. The Aim A]-Iur road is progressing rwo hundred .nul seventy fraighi cars have been added to the eq'iipment. The irri.siic interior decoration oí the new store of .T. T. Jacotes & Son was done by W. '. Wetmore's decora tors. Got. Pingree and staff aro eonsider ing an iuvitarKin to atten3 a ruilitaij b&U and drill iu Ui is ei y Tuesday April 12. Edward Harria Waples is mafciüg quite a "hit" wiiii his serial .story qow running in the Siinüay XewsTribune. A lltter of flve puppies is attr.ietins considerable attentioji to tne sxioti wimluw of Owen's bai'ber shop ia the Cook block. L. D. Johnson, of South Bend, Ind., was the gnesi last week of liis sistare, Mrs. 1. C. Johnson and Miss Maude Jolmson, .of t'hig city. There will be a K. o. t. M. hop at the Oliiftoa ilouse, Wfhitmore Lake, iwiiliy ev'endiïg, Jaiiuary 28. Musie will be fuiMsiii',! by tho "Whirmore Lake oTehestra." The boys of the "Stone school house" will give a "rainboiw" social at the dome of Prof. .T. B. Steere foniht Coar the bciitiii of the SaibWaith school lilirary. All are conüally iBvited. Tho prelirnïnary oratorical cmtest to -li(oso a representatlve for tlie Aan Ai'Uor High School in the appvoaehing intcr-high , school o ra tori cal league ccjjltest will be held iu tuis city Tuesöay evealng, Maroh .1. Frank Latona, of tlie Black Süeep campany, whicli will appear at the Athons Theater on the 31st Inat, was t sclioolmate of Sam Bluntach of the Elite cigar parlar. Mr. ■Bhintaeh lia a fine picture of Frank Latona hanging in hls store. Saturctay evenáng on fonnally retirng from the tonso-rlal business, ('has. 7. Shetterly was tlie refcipient oí a valuaíble watch ehain from a nujnber f iiis oíd patrons, in appreclatiau of hls eourteous and gentlemanly service, with besl wishes Tor futurö suc.'css n nis new project, Boston baked teans. Mrs. Bard, of S. State streot, grave a tea last Tlmrsiiny evening in iionor of her dangöbters, ilrs. Fitzeiiaiiioiis and rrs. Snell. and lier granddaugher. :rs. Alice Snell, of Munde, ind. Burd had the young people as well as the older ones, which Is ala.-s a pleasant feature of lier ronilanii's. Prof. F. M. T.i.ylor. of the University, and Judge W. D. Harrinran have een thüy appoinlted delegates to the ndlanapolis Sound Money Couveation hfch meets in t ha t city toniorr nv. The two gentlemen represent the Aun Arbor Fu&ines-s Men's Asx?iation. Prof. Taylor has already left for the seaf af the conven'tion. Col. Wm. (J. Latimer, of fche Ponrfli Regiment, in ;i paper before the Michigan Mational Gnards Associ.itii.n in Detroit yesterday, advoeated rtab usinas a cbair in the üniversity for military insti-uetlon; also th.-u boys i.i all schools of the state be givea military Inistrnctiou. He would have tli state furnlsh guns and uniforma te stilden ts. Herbert Q. and C!iarl . .Manly wül shortly oipen i iiigh elass restanram in Ihe room-s formerly oceupied hy R;iiti's candy store on B. iluron sr. Bxtenslve alterarions avr being 'i ade in the interior of the ürst and seoond Soors. The need of such au estaiblishmeni in th.-n locaiity is i-pi;U'ent. The Sewing school benefit at high sclúM)l hall Fri(i:i,v night wás well ;utended. JleKiimcm showed great aWlity a a dramatic readeT, while Httle l.ou Smirh, of Yp;silanU; w-ho is a private pupil af Miss Mac Mon&gle's, coiupleitely won the audi ence. Ohai-He Stimsoo was recalled as he well deserved, for he lias ai: unusjialjy sweet yoice which he coatrolled well. The skirt dane by Ella Trujano wsk-i was well dono and it was a plty fche'cakliïm lig-ht would not work for iliis part of the program. The High School orchestra was at lts beát and the fairy play and taibleaux were énjoyed by ererybody. The annunl meeting oí the stockholders of the Ann Arbr.r brgan Co. was held Tuesday and the foHowIng board oí directors were eïecteQ: ETrederiGfe Sohmid, Aloses Seabolt, l-conard Gruner, r. O'Hearn, Gotrloi, Stai-k, Goftlob Luick, Sid W. Millar,! The board orgauized by diöosltig the followins offlcets: Fred Selimid, president; M. Söaibolt, vici' president; G. M. Shelmire, secretiary and treasurer; .1. C. Henderson, general manager; D. F. AlhiuMHlinyri', superínteadeirt. The manage-r's report for tflie business clone In i ■. paal ,v ar was Mghly ea-tIslactory, 1 1 i:ï urans having been sold during the year. It is expe tl'at 2.400 wiil be disposed oí wirhin the next 12 mouths. Thos. Oolburu, the hardiware niau, is all smiles t'his week. It's a gfrl. .Mofher and child are doiiifí wivl. The St. Andrew's vested eboir w!3 gire a concert ín the near future it Harrls hall for the beneiil of this choir. The Epvvortdi League oí the First M. E. church is axranging to issui' r. directory oí its naembersbip and that or' the ;hurch. Detroit papera speak in high term ui praise oí "A Black Sheep" whieh wlll be produced at the Atheus Theater on the 31st inst. Ín ihe cinouit court .MuuiTay Judge Kiune issuöd a doeree of divorce in the case of Tole M. MeDivitt vs. Oatherlne MeDivitt. Both parties reside in tiiis city. Daniel S. Milieu, of Pontiac st., died Tu-esd&y, aged 74 years. He was the father of George V. Milieu, che 'well-known Detroit 1U 'ï.sinanee man. In speaking of the flrsft Michigan house of representa tivi-s. Judge Joslah Turner, of Owosso, Baya lie weil remetnbeps Jndse Wolcott 1..hv;tii: e. of Anu Arbor. as one of its nost inomineju memibeTS. A general 'inspection of Cu. A has been ordered by Oaptain Grangei' to fake place April 11, Eaister Monday. Gov. Pingree and staff have boen invited to toe present and it is probable that the anima] military receptiou and lsall will take place on the saine date. Tbrongh the kindness of Dr. Herd■nan and Judge Nerwkirk the city V. M. C. A. will receive an addition to its library. Any other persons Iiaving books which they will dónate to the library ahoulti speak to the librarían, 'red Wuerth, or to inL general secretary. Rev. Jenkin Lloyd .Tonos, of Chicago, delivered lus briHiant and orginal iccture Wednesday at the üaitariau churoh on "The Cost of a Fooi." A modérale sized audlence was present and heartily enjoykl the eloquent worils and sparkïlng wit of the speaker. Prof. and Mr.s. Trueblood gave a very phasant r.-i-ital .Monday üigtit at the First Methodist ahurch. This vi:s the finst appearanee of the Professor and liis wil'e in an entertainment of this kind iu Ann Arhor. The selecrions were -well received throng-hoat. The program was varied by aevera) nutnbers rwulered liv thé Tm-1i Cip, ■w. (1 Mandolín Clubs. Dleü, at the resddence of her rtaajjhter, Mrs. L. C. Hakdit. r 110 X. Flrst Street, Mrs. Mary Royce. .Mrs. Royee was boi-n May 7t!i. 1810 and dled lainiary 24, 1898. The deceased was i greatt sufferer i'or t lie last seven 5'ears. She was formerly a resident tí Ypsiiaiui and carne here to reside wich her last April. The funeral -cümrt ai 1 p. ni. Wednesday 'rom üie house. Intertnent 'at Tpslülíti. Dr. Damden M. Cabern, of Denver, 'ul.. formerly pastor of the First M. R chureh in this city, will give the next lecture iu the Wesleyan Guild I.ecture courso in-obaMy on February U. His subject wlil be "Bíble Val-Uiugs of Immort'ality." Same person fomul a wom-'wi's hat and a bundie of clothes beside Ihe mili rabe :it tto river Mbnriaj foreuoon and pi-omptly turned them oveí CO tlie offlcers wlio went at once in search oí a sensaJtion. It was discovered t.h'at the hat and elotlies belongetí to a young colored girl living on the north side. The girl related ihat while retiu-iiiug froni her work last evening she lieard a noüse that ened her. She dropped lier liat and biindle and run awfey and was afraid to return after tliem last night. The meetings at fcne Fiíst Baptisl cluifcli condurtcil by Dr. Shepardsan from bis wheel-cnair, aro creating a deep iuterest in the community. A toig audience was presen! last night. He certalnly is a remarkaible man. His elear, stnaigfotforward, ana earnest sermons are enjoyed by the young and the old, by Ohrtstians and non('Inisüans, and by people of all deaoHUnation. His wlfe is au accoanplished inusician and plays the accompaaimeiït for all the sining. Tiie Aun Arbor Music Co. has klndly furnished Mrs. Slie-pardson one of their best pianos fox nse during these serrices The Ktng'a Daug-hters, with üvi other young people oif the ünltarian chureh, wete enieriaim .1 'l'hursd.-iy evening at the resddence oi: bhe Rev. and .Mrs. T. T. Sunderlanü. .Mr. and Mrs. Wüliam Brown entertained the hiüh school Caeuïty and ilie tnemters of tiie senior class Frlday ('veiling. A plrtisaiitly infoi-nil e ing 'was spent, the principal feati of which were ganios of differeni kinds. The fortúnate ones wlio atteuiled the exliibitiou of the Human Kïneto.s.-oi( and oria'iniil "X-ímy" ni ichinr at the ühristian chnrc-h Wednesdiiy evening were inore tii.-m pleasett. 'i'liey were kept in a constant of ïanghter for half an ïiour by clowns. After these carne i;a.ny falüili.-.r scènes, last of wlik'li was a rooster öglrt. The wnole tiiing u-as a bowling suwess, judglng from the demoustrations of lbo audience. Several have asked to have it reported. Our citizens have been annoyed recen'tly by a munber of half-drunk trainps beggiug f rom door to door. Register of Deeds Cook, vi'ho is in California, leaves for home oh Frlday and is erpected here om the Wednesday following. Mr. and Mrs. Howai"d Bement, of Lansing, and H. M. Senter, of Santa Marda, United States of Columbia, ai"e visiiin, college frieads in this city.Juiiuts Trojanov ski, who had the rriistfoftune to fall ajboüt three weeks ago and breaJi his leg, ís lmproving and will be able to ieave his bed in a tem tiays. Tlio Germán ■Vorkingmen's society expect to attend the dedieatory exereises of the new auditorium of the Germán Worklngmen's society at Kalamázoo February ist. A uiortgage was filed Wednesday in register of deeds office by the Detroit. Ypsiïantl & Ann Arbor railway to the Union Trust company in tho sum of ifGOO.OOO, to run i'O years at 6 per eent., payaible semi-annually in gold ooin. John George Zattin, agèd 40, Uied Mondiay at Lodi, the -cause of death being consuimption. He leav?s a wife and f our chiMren. Funeral at the house Thursday at 9:30; interment at Bethel cemetery. The A nn A'i'bor Arbeiter Vereiu will give a -social entertainment in their baJl on S. Main street this evenii!. A most enjoyalble time is proinIsed. All fritiHls of the society and ptfblic in general are ccidiully invite'd to attend. A car of the elec+nc ra'llway line ran iun a horse belonging ta Frank Parker Wödmesday on State stivei. The animal, wliich had a sliouldrr and leg lroken, VTO)S killed y a nttw lïauned Wheeler in order to put it ou1 af its misery. Senator McWillan Tiipsday ivcsented to the United SWates seuate araong others the pötition of Aan Ar bor Typogpapihiieai Union No. 154. pvuicstiiiir agUinfit the passage f the aati-scalping ttill. B'ookev T. Washington, "the .AIos.-s oc tlie Xegi-a Race," leCtures in I niversity hall iSaturQay evening ii the S. L. A. eourse. After the leeture die will be tenderal a banquet by the iolored students iu the Tniversity. ( hi-istian Ijaubengayer, weíl kirawa flinm.irhour bhis eounry, atéd Monday at i:iin!t, Mich. Tlie remaius iware trouirht 'to Ann Abor for teimenr. at Lodi Plains. The fleceased i; a relotive of the Bbertoaehs ind L'aubeugayers in t'his city. Beeker's military band will furnish the music at the fkating park 011 S. Kin 11 avenue Frid&y nigiht. The proc-eeds are g-iven by Mr. Weinberg to the Y. M. C. A. building iund. Reircsliiiicuis will be serred by the Womeii's Auxiliary. Everraody 'et nis skates uu for Friday M. S. Browu 'writes: "The Sewing school is in need of more oh'aïrs and if any oue has one or two ola ones to s[ru-e we will be o-bliged if tlioy will send thera to our rooms or let ús know and we will send for them. We will repair them om-selves. "Mort." Senter, well kaiown to Ann A.'bovite:.', is visiting at the Sigma I'lii House. Mr. Senter has lately ieturned to ihis country on a business trip from Sauta Merta, Ünifed States of ('olumbia, where he is engaged in the cofifee -growing business. He will u'iumíu in the city about a week. The v, il! of the late Philip Lohr was placeo on file in tQie rproïia'te office Wednesday. The real estáte Is estiinated at $15,000 and the personal IJiropeDty at $500. The widow ï-einains in possession of the oshvte, both real .nul personal, till her defcvt'h; after her ''■cense tlie eMldren share alike in its disposition. abarles 1'. and A-mos E. Lohr have been appoiñted aduiinisti-iI01S Ol" tlllï Will. Tlie Ann Arbor Fruit and Vinegar company held its annual meeting Tuesday at the Farmers and Mechanica V-ank, resulting ia tihe eleetion of the folio xving di ree tors: Charles E. Greene, G. Frank Allincndinger, Leonl:.n-d Gruner, Ba vid Rinsey, Goftloüj Lulckj Geopge Apriii and F. H. Belser. The board organized as follows: President, C. E. Greene; yiee-presl(Ii-ut, L. (nmer; sci-rciaiy and-treSisurer, G. F. Allmendinger. The inquest over t'lie body of Austin ï.'iiley was held Tuesday afternooo at the sheriff's office in Utas court iiouse. After a eareful examina ion of the testimony procurable a verdict was founid m accordance with the Baets as siaicd in Uhese coJumns last eveninjí. The old man beoanne lost onceiböfore in a ntíg'Wboring field and wandered around Lor a whole night in a cTazed öonidWion. The will be buricd today by ündeitaker F. J. Muohiig. Nearly every seal was tafeen Tuesday Digbt at the new Ailions Theater to wdtDees ; ritfiili and bis excelleni company In the prodöction at "Fansc." U was :i Bhoroxigbly represenü audience too, wliich enjoed to the fullest extent the del'ïhtfuJly realistic story of J-'ansr and liis campa i wlttti stopheles. Mr. Griffith is beViind doubt the best Jlephisto on atage and bis work is appareiatly growing better amd stronger . year. He will always have a warmi wt'lcome in Ajjlu Arbor. ' Thero are at lenst 300 seats tlut have not yet been reserved for the May Festival. Arbor Tent, K. O. T. M., seut iis t'.egree team to Saline Weitaesday Tliero were live initiates, all of whom 'were properly al'.ended to. The marvellous and impressive Oriental degree foUowod in all its Eastern splendor and 34 pilgrims humbled the:nselves before 'the throne of the Grand I'adisbaw and quaffed ricii nectar froru the golden beaker so revered 1 v all trae Kniglits of the Oriënt. The annual cotillion giv;-n ly the 40 elut Friday evening at Granger's hall was one of the brilliant social events of Khe yoar. Tlie patrom were the Meödames Warren P. Lombard, Andrew MrcflUaugMln, George Patterson and Victor C. Vaugli.ui. Dr. Lombard, Mr. AnÜrew .Mcl.uughlin and Mr. George Patterson were also present. Bet'ween 85 or SX) peojile were present. Among those fro.m out of town were fhe Misses M.iy Oooley, Toledo, and Miss l'aftie Brnkci' oï lackson. The board of public works held thelr regular meeting Wediiesday and transacted chiefly routfhe business. The city engineer reported fhat the four blocks of paviiig eonteniplated fur Main street would cost $23,000. Including the needed storm sewers the work would cost a total of $31,000. The U. of XI. was given permission to run a sewer from the law building to N. University avenue instesd of to State streef.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat