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Y. M. C. A. Anniversary

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Yi-sterday the Yorarg Meu's Christian Assoolatlon, of this city, eelebrat-d its fourth apniversary. At the meeting in the rooi. is of the aasociation ia the afteraooB Dr. W. J. Herdniuu m,i Judge il. Wirt Newklrk eacft gave short and Imspiring acldresses. These gentlemen had both been requested to point out, as f ir as posslbïe, any defects in the work af the associaiioii. Both asserted tliat it wtmld be hard to eriticise tho 'associatiou severely. The assooiation from the very start seenied to start out fully fledged as if the time were ripe for its arganizattttn, and it swecess lias Ik ; q due largely to its having eonfined Itself to its resifeuiies; it lias never gone baycnd ltsélf ar.d got in debt as iiian assocJattone liave done. The spiritual, meatal and physlcal part of the work of tlie assoeiation uas apoken of. The upreíne purpos of the organiza fion is to Icad men to a Chvistian life, henee the spiritual slde of the work Is the most important. The marter of dress was sixken of by one oí the speakers at the afternoöu meeting. Many people stay away from chnrch becanse tliey tlilnk theii elothes are not good enough to wcar to ehurc-h. The Y. M. C. A. iábea all men to aittend its meetings and make use of its privileges régardless ,t' the clotthes they may wear. Weloome to all men is its witohword. Sunday erenlnig, in the Congregational oluirc-h, Rer. Dan F. Bradley, D. D., of Graml EC&plds, deliveTCd the anniversary address before the a-sneiatlon. The ehureh was crowded. Before Dr. lïradlcy's' idiinws, IVident E. S. Gilmore spoke and briefly outlined the werk of the assoclatloa and the need for the Y. M. C. A. in Au n Arbor.


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