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The Halls Of Athens

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The ftrst meeting of the Politieal Social Science club of Aan Arbor, Mich., better known as the Politidans' club, held lts first meeting In the large basement of the Athems Theater ou Saturday evening lust. Back in the '60's, whera the theater was ereeted, the auditorium was on the ground floor. For sonie reason- probaWy to niake the eatcanee bo the various stores aiid offices in the laie struoture more convenient of access íuid aequire larger rentáis- its proprï oonsluded to elévate tlie floot of the auditorium. However, instead oí raising the floor, it was found expedlut to buil-i a aew floor aireeüy over the old one. The old stage and its paraphernalia of scefloi-y, and the old floor with it 700 or more chairs, are in the saai condition as they were over forty years agi anrt give one the iBipiressioii of a deserted city, reminding '■' of the cat:icombs ' of Boiiae. Since .Tanuary lst, when the Politica] Social oicnce club leased the ol'l auditorium or a term of flve yeara, a ü-'ig of aborers and mechanies havo been ngaged in removlng the dlrf anci clust vhloh have been aecumulating there ïany years, and in inaking necessary epalus and improvements. Caiptalu acob 'F. Schuh, who did the plunibng, said that in view of the fact tliat h opera house was now kncwn as Uhens Theater, au appnipriatc name or the Jarge new assenibly room of he Politicians' club, of whieh he liiiuelf was a membcv in goód standing, vould be "The Halls of Athens." The first meeting of the J'oliü Social Science club in lts new quarers was what is fcnown as an extraordinary session, wlücli signtfies that he officers of the club appear in ogas. What is kncwn as a general neeting is held in the ante-room, where polltical ülierties are tolerated, inch as smoking, going-out-to-s aan during the deliberations of a session, etc. Hou. Evart II. S?ott, the secretary of the chito and of the meeting, aftar ït had been called to order by lts president, the Hon. Ezra Benton Norris, L.Ij. D., asked for roxrognition. He read the minutes of the last rneeting and said that he liad sent 480 invitations. wbieh comprised the total memTjership of the club. He had eiunted heads (langhter) aud found there were 478 members present and 10 studeuts, meinbevs of tno iaw dpartnicnt, who had sisniiied thelt iuunnou of beeoming members oí the club. "At our last meeting,"' said Mr. Scott, "tiv result of the ballats for the election of offlcers was read aud approved by the moeting. A number of the offlcers was eletted dUTing their absence, but that these gentlemen, who aTe present this evening, may be apiprised of the duties iucumbont upon, I take pleasivre. Mr. President, in again reading the iist of otficers." President Norris nodded his assent, and Socretary Scott read the ing Hst of na mes- all, all, honoraMi lien: President- Hou. Ezra Benton Norrls,' L.L. D. Vice-president- Hon. St'lli.v A. Moran, fh. D. Secreta ry- Hon. Evart H. Scott. Treasm-er- Hou. Samuel W. Beakes. Captain- Hon. Jacob F. Schuil. OfflceT- Hon. William MoKinley Jud.seu. Judges- Hoo. Wílliam Dexter Harriman and Hon. Johnson Willanl OBabbltt. Chanlain- Rev. Goorge II. Pond. D. D. I ■oei- Hon. C. IJncoln McGuire. Attomiey- Hon. Aitlmr Brown. Counsellor- Ilon. Thomas E. KearScrlbe- Hon. Jolm W. Bennclt. Kcporter- Hon. John Benjamin II ï 11man. Inspector- Hom. Josepli Daauelly. (''i-k- Hon. James R. Bacli. I'liysu-ian- Dr. David Collins. Roppesentatlve - Hon. Andrcw Jdxrkson Sawyer. ik On the sfcagè, muler the .alare of uumerous lighrs. sai PresidenJ Norris and Vice-President Moran ittirod iu the toga of the Athenians n the time when Xerxes attemipted to cross the Hellespont. They sat in large irou ehairs, emblematic of the iturdiuess of that reinóte age when Liberty was biii-n. When Secretnry Scott had coneluded reading the list of offlcers. President Xorris slowly arose from his eeat and said: "Gentlenen: Permit me to aiv.n:thank you for the honor wlm-Ii yon lui ve seen tit to confer upoü me in eleetiug me president of this organization. It is most gratifying. gentlemen, to feel thnt one en.ioys the confidence of the citizens of the commauwealth. (Clieers). I believe I voice the sentiment of this large body of represen-tative men of Modern Athens wlien I say that I am "higlily jrratified that tlie younger generatloD are taking a dp interest in politica!, social and economie questions. üur esteemed socretary has infornied us that the:v are a nuniber of students of our great iüsütutiou oí learnlng present, wlio are in'terested in tlio subject of ïuaking politics a science, henee the name oí our club- Politica! Social Science club. "I tako pleasure in saylng to tüese ambitious young mn of tln go-vn, that we in these meetings enter inro a Uiscussion of every phase ki'own to politics, such as the rights of the eitlzeu, social and icdividual; citizenship: democracy and iristocracy; gover']r.cnt; political law, nul universal suffrage. "It is only tho wise man wlio seeks l;novledge; the genius is ble&sed wlth wisdom when he is bom, while the [ooi lioeds not the counsels of tui' wise but standeth in the way of sinners. (Applause). "I would impresa upon the students wlni are assemblecl here, and such as may honor us with their presence and eo-operation, that they will not forget the dignity of the club and never give the University yell of "Hip, rip, Inirrah!" i!oud eheers) when the club is in extraordinary session. In case they are disposed to give the ery, fhey máy ■(insider thomselves a. 'haring been tiivown out. This is not the law flpartment, gentlemen, nar is it a Clssy FitzgeraM show. (Aixplauss). When you arise to address 1 ie aasemibly lei your speech be brief, reeirïbering that brevity is the soul of wit. and ni'vcr indulge in the gushings of a soiílimnore. We are not an elocutioa lass nor are thes halle -i achool of o-atoïy. (Cheers). "Fot the ïmfonniation of the memïiors of the Politieal Social Science club who meet witli us this evenitig for t He first timo," continuad tlie p-resident traen the applause had snbsidedj "I 11 state that the di of formíng ihis organiza tion was eonceived by a Qum'beT af gentlemen of this city --of -whoni I have tlie honor nt being one (applause) - by the unwarranted aetion of the secret societies of this city in eUminaimg politics and religión from the fleliberations of their meetings. Religión has its eiimvhes but has politics its halls? Religión lias its neeessary fiurction in tlie betterment of man 'and tho elevatitjn of bhe race, and likewise 5s politics- ï'i.uhcr politics- as essentlal in the affairs oí gov(.rnm(-nt as iis better sister in the affairs of the hornat) heart. "Reflnod religión is now known as theosopliy. In the broadeï field of theosophy we rise from fin; letter 1o the spirit. In order to arrive at fundiinsental principies, we treat politics seientifically. We rise from the letter to the spirit." . The president sat down amidst de.ifening applause and Vice-President Moran, founder of the Yotrag Jleu's Republican Club, arose and said: "Gentlemen: I fnlly concur in the statements of the gentlenvan who lias just addrossed the house. 1 also thank yon, gentlemen, for tne honor In choosing me for the viee-presideiicy of this honorable body. "I wish to state at this time that at the uext meeting of tiiis club I shall annouiu-e as a subject of dlscnssioD the admisslon oí wowen to these meetings. Students are admitir:!, why exclude womeo? Did nol Dr. Wenley, on lus return froni Burope ;iih1 iis iying eivilization, intiniat( fibat in the realm of ihllosophy women were.our eqwals, if not our superiors?" (Clieers). Whcn Che vice-president had taken bis seat, the llgïits .crew dim, and the curtain in the rear of the president and viee-president v:is raised and exposed o view a delightful picture. Seated on a divan in the center of the stage was a beautiful woiuan and at her sides stood pages watcüing her uitenily. In the lap of the beautifiil lady l;y a strlnged instrument. It was neíther a guitar, neitlier waa it B banjo. Sadness appeared to rest in tbe dear , eye and delicate features fff the lady. ' Her hands were small and t'.io fingers long and tapering, an inrtleatioa of eiimuuent. Her movements were grace itseJf .-is she adjusted tlie instrument to her liking to touch .1 straln or two. 'All of the politidan!- especiíilly i lic youngeï element - straiued necks arjd eyes at the charmiug picture ttefore thom. It was an innovan-in to satne, a revelation to others. The beautiful lady discourised sw( et music with the pages kneèllng at her side watcliing lier ev( ry movemeat, and awaitir.g her signáis to grátify her desires. Lika Portia in Jnlius Caesar, her eye.ü jjrew ■faint as lie played on. the nmsie grew soft, and quiet relgaed supreme. But a. few fleeting -moments. and the cnrtain slowly feil on the enchaiïtmg seeue and the beantlful lady and the pages and the miisic were a pietun in ihe niind. if :? ? The lifrlits were tnrned on. and the first meeting of the Political Soiki! Science clvib in the Halls' of Atlicns eame to a close. Under the diroctions of Officex AVilIiam McKinley Judson, the membera filed out of .the large h.ill. When the students had reaehd tliE street they clustered togetheT as lliey ïuni'clied along and sang ■Muid oí Athens, ere we part, Give, o give me back my lieart." and rd like to be a page. CU iie ver le a saire. Vé wait upon my lady And niake her mv own baby.


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