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In And About The City

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If you want to buy, sell or trade use the local columns of the Democrat. lt is annouueed that General Spalding will attend the banquet of the ïoung Men's Itepubliean club l'Viiruary 17th. A subscription paper lias been cdrculated to procure fiuids wfth w)ii(rii to give the remaius of Gramlpa I'.ailey decent burlal. By those who are supiosed to know lt is said tbat the sleighing in town 5s excellent Avhile the country roads are yet quite rough. Wai. SeWHer, wlio has beön missing for fliroe woeks. has ibeen located at Toledo. His wife and childrer. itp said to bc in dcslituto clrcumstances. 'C. C. Ohurch, of Seventli Btreet, ineists that ho is rot dead yet althongh some "smart Aïeek" who litis been haaging crape on his door seetns to think so. The wtll of Holen Reid, af Cook eouuty, Illinois, is beiug profoaifd ure today to perfect the title to the property adjoining the Iawrence building on Fourth s'treot and recentiy inirchased by Daiwremce & Butteriield. Miss L. M. Ross, liead operator with the New State Telephone company in tliis city, has resigneü her position and accepted that of bookkeoper in Tlic Times offibe. JJJiSs K. F. I'iizgerald, of Detroit, has Miss Ross' foriner position. The football inania is amusinprly In-ated toy Charles lloyt in "A Black Sheep." .larvis Field, 'a Yale gradúate and Hot Stuff, a HarvaPdite, have .-i football rongh and tumible túsele, wliicli is tempestuouely funny. A't tlie Athens 'Monday next The great play of "Nancy Hanks" is Willed at he Athens Theater for the Lbh of February. and Hoy t 's "A Stranger in New York," for the 17fh. In the Iatter will be Otis Harían aiul Annie Boyd. February 23 Gilmore & Ijeonard's "Hogan's Alley." Miss Nina Doty, proceptress of the high school at Vassar, has been chosen erttte ajid lecturer in ünlverslty extensión work in that city under the direction of the University assocdatioii pf Chicago, so saya the Tuscola County r i on eer. Mason Wl.ipple, administrator of the estáte of A. Leaeh, of Chelsea. has entered. suit againat the M. C. It. li. in the sum of $20,000 for damages. Ieach jumpetí fro'ni aa M. C. freight tram at Essex, Canada, September 27, 3807, was severely injured f.nd died in the following Octouer. Tlie train was running at the rate of 10 miles au hour. Kalamazoo Gazette: Prof. Nanerale, of the ünïversity of Michigan, arriveiJ Monday niglit to see Dr. Ja aee McCali. He was otoliged to return, however, to Jackson to visit a patleat who lias appendicïüs. Prof. Nancrcde will come again today and ampulation of the leg wWl proijaWy take place this afternoon. Dr. McCall was resting yesteiöay 'as comfortablj as eomld be espéeted. Samuel F. Dibble, ohief elwtrician at the public lichting plant of Detroit, lias resigned to accept a position with the General Electric eotapany at Clricago. He has been witb the public lig'hting plant of Detroit for the lasi four years. He spent a flay tiiis weeft with hls parents, .Mr. and Hrs. Gregory E. D'ibble, of E. Washington Street, this city. Sujit. A. s. Whltney, { e. Saginaw, will delivcr a leoture in the lecture room of 'J'aiian hall on Friday, the 28th, at 1 p. m., on the subject: "Edncational Systema of Germany.' Supt. Whltney apeöt Iasft year in Germany, devoting much 'time to 'the lnTestiga■tion ai this subject, and is enförely competent to give an nnttsaally entertatolng and lecture. Doors open to the public. .J'hn Kelley, a sharp young fellü'c who sliould be in botter business, w.icaug'h't beggiag about tovvn the otüer day and gaining a gröat deal .,r syiupathy and many loose nickols by an ïipparcntly deformea leg and painXul 'limp. An officer detected the cbeat. an-ested Bhe fellow and a doctor'g examimaltíon showed the eg perfectly soumi. Justice Dutïy yesterday -ave the "crtpple" mi order on Sherltl JudBon for 20 days' lodging. Two prominent young Lidies of Ui,. west slde started out for a slelgh ride 'und the block yesterday. Ou,, was auhVil iu her brothers overcoat saxü cap. rhey K{,m f.u.llf,r th,ln thoy ln_ led, however, and the hor&e becoming frightened rau away and earriel them ap town to the lh whence Oiey were oiMlged to walk nonie, „no of ttaem inT much embarrassed with the thougit tliai she was makJng quite au impressioii with her boirowed suit.


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