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The nnmuü cotillion glven foy the Forty club last Friday eveaing ;i Granger's academy was one of the bril liaiut social event's oí the seasoü. The patroneases won' th Mesdames War n n I. Lomfbard, Andrew Meliiughlln George Ptottersom and Yietor C ;ui;rüan. Dr. Lombard, Mr. Mc baugttlln and Mr. Pattersoo were al present. A prog-tfam dance began ; 0 o'Ocb and lasted uutil supper was serred. Al'icr supper the gerniai ciiuinenced, lead by Mr. Laster Ma'heï Befa Theta PI, anfl Miss Wlntfred Sraith, Alpha Phi. The figures Changing wiili each set, were al favOT figures and kep-t 'the patronesses busy gi ving out tlie favo:-, which con s'isted of paper caps for tlio men uu aprons, Japamese dolls, wthiatles anc floiwers for tlie girls. Miss Margaret Tii.ine was clioscn llmvcr .drl by cards. The last figure was the chefd'oeuvre, exhibiung skill both In arrangement and execwtion. The 30 couples went tlii'oiig'l) an inlncate marieh, liííhted cantíos, tíie taipers of the giils being adnrned wl'flh parti-colored sliades. The panty brote up at 2:30 oY'lock to the air of "Home, Sweet Home.'' The gowns, pi'incipally deoollete, were as a rule simple nul liglit. One of 'the daintiest was a white mousseline de soie over lifrht blue silk and trimined with cerlse velvet bands round Itttie bottotn of the Bktft. Giwus of black lace, pure white and pale green were seen. BeUween 85 and ÍK) people were present. Among tliose from oiit of tonvu were the Misses May Oooley, Xtoledo, and lattie Banker, of Jackson. Mr. Pease, of Sagina w, who is pftying his fraternity men a flylng visit. was ateo preseni and sang several tinu's diiring the everung. The Èuterpe society met on the eveuing of last Monday at the resldeuce of Dr. and Mrs. S. x. iioff. Dr. and Mrs. Hoff were a'swisted by Major ■and Mrs. Harrison Soulo, Dr. Louis Hall and Miss Andersön. The program for tiie evening coaslsted of tlhe following numbei's: Paper on Jenny Lind, Miss .lacobs; "Sweetest Flower," Van der Stucken, and "Dove Go Hang." WVrner, Miss Kotfh; Impromptu, Chopin. Miss Martha Clark; "Forest Song," Kreuitzer, Dansiugiburg; Nocturne, Cli.-idwick, "Bëfore the Da'w-n," Miss Clara Jaeabs; "Gaze on This Face," serenade, Misses Burke and Jacobs; Ballade and variations. Gnieg, Mr. EEbel; "My Linie Love," Ha.wley, Eestasy; Beaeh, Miss Daniel; 'Visions of Paradise," Aropnton Trio, Mosars. Steiirbanr, l;ivis and Fenton. The Hobard Guilü recepWon given l-'riday evening at Barris Hall was uell attended. The Mesdtomes Henoage Gibbes, A: C. Eggert 'and Woo.lbridge received and the committee hoving the party In charge di,l their work well. Blank can's were handed 't the guests as tbey enterefd the parlors, on each of w'hich was wrltten, "Wlio am I?" and "Who are you?" The aaswer to the former (jnestion corsisted of the owner's name, 1 to the larter of as long a list as pnssible of the names of people present. Miss M.irgaret Ta'tloek and Mr. Alexauder ha ving respeetively the lai-gest ntimber of names on their oards, received Che prizes. After supper, which was seryed at 9:30 o'clock. tfha yo-ung pe i ple danced until 11:30 o'clock. Mrs. ■Tyler and Mr. Sanders fiirnished the musle. The Sr. A'alentine Sale and Kcttlcdrum given by the ladleè' Olbrary associatlon Ftíbruary I2th. at Öranger'a aeademy, has became more tii.-m a rumor. In fad it is very im„-li the liüuir. They wül Hiave tea served from a Russran samovar by tedies in ftppropriate Kussian costóme and a Werary salad are to forni part of the menu for the aiteraoom. A house nn-iy was given Friday ' veiling by the menrt.ers of the Delta Sigma Delta tratemlty. The floral decorattíoos conslsMng of smllax and earnattons were effective. Dr. and Mts. Ixjtiis Hall and Dr. Hoff received ana the young peoixie, who númibered 1 1 eouples, danced until 12:30 o'c The Woman's League will held the Hiird "At Home" of tfhe seaswn m-xt Saiturd'ay in the Woman's building fiom 4 until o o'clock. All coUege women and league women are cordially invitcd io be present. ■Mis. Warren p. Lomburd gave a thimlble party Saturday fram 3 to C o'clocb for Mrs. Adolp Wbeeler, of Adrián. THe number of Hie guests was iwi-lvc.


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