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The Maceabee hop at Clifton house on January Sth was u sueeess Rocially and finaacially, there being 95 couples in attendance. The fact that good, live men were placed on all the committees contributed Iargely to its suceess. The Ann Arbor high school seniori and juniors had a hop at the Lake House January 28th and a jollier party never before visited this popula" íesort. There w ere 40 in the party but when they passed up Main stret souie of the citizen'j living lieve declared there must ibe 10,(X)0 of 'em. The new iee-house is being coinpleted at a lively gait and they expeel to have the chute ready to load ecrs the flrst part of r.ext week. The verdict oï the jury in the icehouse coUapse case gives general satisfactlo-n arouiid this región. On Saturday night a select party froin Ana Arboi trípped the light fantastic at the Clifton hous-i and bad a very enjóyatele time. E very two weeks the new iec company pays to its employés liere over $2,000 and everyljody weara a sniile. The agent tor the New State Telep'ioue coinpaiiy was in towu on Fnday soliciting patronage Xov Jiis coinpany with good snecess, .-inl claims bo.vond doubt we wil! soon have eotnuiunlcation with the outside world. L. ,T. Seek, of Toledo, has QHished filllng hls leehouse here and hls foreman, Win. Roper, ays they eoinmencê 'building another bouse on .VLouday and expect to fül it this winter. Th, y got 14-ineh jci1 in the house iiow fllled. Mrs. .To-sjili I'Tüv is visiting' li.'iatives at DiX'boro. E. Fulton, who has been in business in Grand Kapids, has sold ou( aud returned to Whltmore Lake to ïive. Mr. Hubbard. of the Detroit Evontag Xi'w.s. made a cali ai the villago Saturday. Out new finí, o-f & Taylor reion a hicrative trade. ilenry Ooutili, ol Ann Ai'boT, was hore ü:i busii.ess riiufsday and l-'riüay. On SatuTday, at ::bunt 10 p. m., ;ï party of Amn Afbor students swooped down di: the Lake fiouse taking thfir mnsic witli them and had a jollj' dance, and tJicy claim tliey had Ihe besi swpper of their Uves ai i a. ui. )- vKK RIDQ U The dance giren at Mr. Harnum's liall room lasl Friday was a decided ss, both socially and financi e vvere 110 nunïbers soM and tha reoeipts vvere $55. Mr. Haruion has decided to give .1 dance at bis hall one week from thls night ot Pebruary 11. Mr. Bdwkrd Densrnore, a farmer citizen of this place, and one wüo has rosided in Leelanaw eounty for the lasl seveu ar elglit viars. inade rela;ím's and frlends a visit Saturday and Sumlay of laat week. i orvrv nkws. Yesterday afternoon as two eai-penworking un the oew íee-heuse, by ■ ot Charlea Sehmidt and Julius Knmtkie. bo'rh of !Ann Arbor, coming down the laúder witii tools n tiifir hands, Schmidt, who was above, missed his Jiold and fe on Kro bringlng them bpth to tlic giouud, a dístAnoe of 22 feet. Kromkie Cell ov Lorse and badly hurí his leg and brulsed his head horribly. Sehmi4t, who veas most seriasly injured, was taken to Ann Ai'bor lasi night. Parmors a the ricinity of Browüclyn ;m averse to furnlshlng nii'.k íov the proposed cheese factory. Whaley Bros. Uave been experiinenti:i- wiih sl1ga] ík.i.s. Ag eve] "l here knows, they have all the facilities for inanufacturing1 syrup sugar liccis. and thelr experi llave pr&ved eminentiy s;:isX, and Illustrates beyond .■) shadow r a doubt that the finest y ot syrup can lie proötable ired right here Ín Milán. that farmers can get profitable returns for all lliis producl they will Mü.-iii Leader. Dan Hitehingham will move his WhJttaker saw-mül to a point between Rawsonville and Tpsilanti, whére he ! i! üiber. Se ney ;-. of Sylvan, has alar KIok ■.. of Lyndon, living who had a from the state to traild the railroal Hichigan Central.- Chelsea Standard. Mrs. Fred Rentenier makés a ■ 1 In butter making for the ] ent month. Shfi made from O c 111 potmds of butter ia 13 days.- Saline Obson-er. bought that par! of the Fellows farm in Shai-on, oi which the I). Platf will read a paper oi "Taxation" at the next ,f thi SaJine Farmers' club, to be V A. Wood, Lodi, .. the 4th. There is to be a school exhibition at Arbeiter hall, Manchester, on lViday evenlng, February 4, in which 150 school childi-di wlll take part. George Burkhardt, of Freedom, met witu a serious accident wiiile drawing fence ]osts Monday attenioon. In descending a small hill the load on which he was sitting slippl forward, throwlng Mm iiead foremost to the ground nnder the horses' ieet. i'i};hbors noticing the Timaway team came to his reseue and found hini coippletely paralyzed from ilie shoulders down. It is not yet knowQ whether he sustained internal injuries. - Entei'prisií.


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