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Religious Census

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The religious census of the state univorsities and of the Presfoyterian coleges, edited by Professor Kelsey is about to appear ia pamphlef form. Advance sheets of the work ndieate mueh new matter, statistical and otherwise, besides that already pubished in the Atlantic Monthly for Dñember, 1897, under the title, "State Universities and Church Colleges." tatistics appear in tables convenient or reference, collected officiaily frt;n lie sixteen state universities and hirty-six of the thirty-seven l'resbyci-ian colleges, in which taken togethr more than 1S.000 srudonts were enolled last year. In the state univerities less than 12 per cent of the stuents were found without church coueetions or preferencea. In the state universities öf Indiana, Cansas, Michigan, Washington and West Virginia, having a total cnroilment oí 5,178 síudnts. the Methodist ËSpiscopaJ ehurch was credlted with 1,098 menibors and adhorents; the Presbyterian, with 854; the Oongregational with 012; the Kpiscopal, wiili 484; the Baptist, with 352; the Church of Christ (or Dis-ciples, or Ohristian) with 227; the IT.itarmn ehnreh, witb 100; and the Roman Catholie with 165. In the stxreen imivcrsitit-s, witli a totel attenda?ice last year of 13,07, the Methodist EJplseopal church conld eiaim 2,650 membera and adhereots; the Presbyterian church, 2,284; thé ougregational church, 1,730; the Episcopal church, 1,215; the Baptist chinvl, 1,0(53; the Churcli of Ohrist. 607; tho llaman Catholic church, 52S: and the Unitarian church. 431. Copies of the pamphlet may be obtalned at the steward's offico.' Mrs. B. M. Finney will read a paper on "The New York Clearing Ilause" at the next meeting of the local W O. T. u., February 10.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat