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Attacked By A Mob

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Taris, Feto. 8.- When the trial of iEmile Zola and M. Perrioui was rosumed today a letter was read Erom Maj. Esterhazy iu which the lat ter rofused to testify. M. Laborie, Zola's counsel, insisted that Esterliazy should fce brougnt to court by force. Mme. Dreyfua was on the stand, but wheaa M. Laborie asked her if shtcould say under what cireumstances Bhe was informed by Maj. Paty du Clam in 1894 of her husband's arrest, the judge declined to put the ques' Uon. M. Zola then demanded the same treatnient as the assissin. They had tho right to defend themselves, but this right was denied him. M. Laborie presented a statement claiming the right to ask Mme. Dreyfus certaln questions in the interests of justiee. The advocate-general argued that the court could not readjudlcate facts already legally decided. FinaJly M. Zola eaid he woald submit to th law and Justiee, adding: "i dol iiof revolt agaiust the law. What I want. gentlèmeli, is that you should end your hypocratical schemes." Tuis remark was gi-eeted witli shoirts of "Bravo." The eourt theii decided against the drnivnso. Paris. Feb. i. Iji splte oí special preeautkms there was a reroetition of the scones witnessed yesterday when the trial oí Emile Zola and Perrieux, viio are bemg prosecuted by the go-vernment for denoimcing the Eterhazy court-martial, was cMntinued today in the Assize Court of the Seine. Gen. Boisdeffre refused emjilianeally to testify, nader iluv plea of professional .111,1 state secresy. M. Deleogue, the presiding jn-dge, eonsented that Mme. Dreyfus should be allowed to testify. on the eoudition that her eyidence be restricted to the Bsterhazy ase. OveT 200 barristers in tüeir robes gatüered at the puWie eptr.mce :md indulged n horseplay. Wiicn the presidlug judge oïdeTed them not to obstrncl the passage, the barristers tnade a ilcmonstration against the judge. Thereupon, the commandant of the repuiblican guArds sent a detaehmen troops to qiicll tlic disturbance. The nterventlon of the military was i'.ireceived and led to a violeni alïray. The barrist.'vs rushed upon tha guarda and struck them. üue of the yo lawyers was an-ested, but after qulet ,iail been restored lie was released.


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