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An Ëgg: Service. uovel kind of service has fc-sss at St. John's ehurch, Streathem, au egg service. The congregation, a peor one, was asked to bring ofïerings 1 shape oí new-laid eggs for the sick and convalescent in the hospitals. More than 5,000 eggs, including some from the Duchess of York, the Duchess ■of Fife and Princess Cnristian, arrived and 4,972 were safely stacked in the chancel. After the evening service they were repacked and sent to the medical charities for consumption by the patient.-Lloyd's Weekly. Wht Ig It, Anyhow? Some of the mothers of Topeka, Kan., have denounced the style of round dancing known as the "college lead." Mayor Fellows joins in the objection to the extent of declaring that if he had a daughter in society and a man should dance the "college lead" with her be would break nis meck. NOTICETOCREDITORS. STATE OF MICH IGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss.- Nottce is bereby glven, that by an order of the Probate Oourt for the County of Washtenaw, made on theTlli day of February. A. D . 1P98 six months from that date wereallowed for ereditors to present thtir claims against tbe estáte or Charles Oscar O'Oonnur, late of said County, deeeased, and that all creditors of said deceased are reiuired to present their claims to said Probate Oourt at the Piobate Office In thecityof A.n Arbor forexamination and allowance. on or before the 8th day of August next and i luit such claims wi 1 be heard hefore said L'ourt on the 7th day of May and on the Mix day of August next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days Dated, AnnArtor, Feb. 7, A. D 1898. H. Wikt Nlwkirk, .Tudgeof Probate. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasbtenaw, sa At a session of the Piobatt Ctourt for the County of Washtenaw, holde it the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Werinesday, the 20th day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred ano ainety-eight. Present, H. Wirt Newkirk, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte ol Henry Fodd. deceased. Amos Corey, executor of the last wlll and testament of said deceased xmies into court and reDresents that he is aow prepared to render hls final account as iuch executor. Tbereupon it is ordered, That Monday uhe 21st(iay of Kebruary next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asbisned for examinlne md ailowiug such act-ount, and that tbr Jevisees, legatees and heirs at law f said . deceased, and all othei persons interested in said estáte, are re luired to appear at a session of saic :ourt, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbor, and sho :aus,e, if any there be, why the said account should not be allnwcd: And it is further jrdered, that paid executor glve no tice to the persons interested in said estáte, jt the pendency of said account, and the liearing thereof, by causing a copv of thi jrder to be published in the Ann Arbor Democrat, a newspaner printed and 3irculated in eaid county, tbree successive weeks previous to said day of hearine. H. WIRT NEWKIEK (A trde copy.) Judge of Probate P. J. LEHMAN, Probate Register. 27-30 CHANCERY SALE. In pursaance and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for tbe Couoty of Washtenaw. in Chancerv, made and entered on the 2nd day of December, 1897, In a eertain cause thereln pending, wherein Mary E. Lapham is omplainant, and Henry Forshee, Harmon 5 hee. Barrlfon Forehee. Elmer Forshee. Addle Forshee Klwood, Orson Forshee. Thomas iorshee, Charles Forshee, Wilüam torhe:, barah Ryder. Ellen Woodward, Elsworth Packard, Lat.ey Ledyard, Elolso Forshee and Oarrie Forshee are defendants Notlce is hereoy given that I shall sell at publi.-aueiioniothe hlghest bidder at the eMterly front door of the Court House, in the pily of Ann Arbor, WashtenawCounty, MichÍS5T1 on '"Oay. the 3d day of March, 1896. at ten o'cli ck in the forenoon the following flescrlbed land, tíz: The south flfty-fiTe acres of the north nlnety flve acrai of the Mutheast quarter of section number twentyfive townshlpof Salem, County Michigan. JOSEPH F. WEBB UUUVJl A Circuit Court Oommlssloner In nd for sald i:ounty of Washtenaw. 0. 0. Ybekkks, Solfcitor for Complaloant 1 Dated January 5, 18V8. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasbteuaw. At a sessioo of the Probate Oourt for the County of Wash'enaw holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wpdnesria.y, the 2d day of Kebruaiy, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety eight. Present H. Wirt Newkirk, Juds?e of Pro bate. In the matter ot the estáte of Rebekab Todd deeeased. Amos Corey, exeoutor of the last wil! and testament f said deceased comes into court and represenls tliat he Is dow prepared to render his flna! account as such executor. ïhereupon it is ordered, that Monday, thi 21st day of February next, at ten o'clock il the foreuoon, be assigned for the examining and allowing sucii account, and that the devise) .-, legateee and heirs atlaw of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause, if any there be, why the pi ayer of the account should not l)e ailowed And it, is further ordered, that said executor give notice t.o the persons interested in said e state of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county three nurrasslve weeks previous to said day of hearing. II. Wikt Newkirk, Peter J. Lehman, Judge of Probate. Probate Uegister. IA true copy.) UTATKOT MICHIGAN. County of Waslik? tcnaw. ss- At a session of the Probate Oourtfor the County of Washtenaw, holden Ia the Probate Office In the City ol Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the 3d day oÏFebruary, in the year one thousand eisht hundred and ninety eight. Present. 11. A'irt Newkirk. Judge of l'rnbate. [u the matter of i!;.' estáte ol Elizabeth Wallington deceased, Fredericjf Wulllngton the administrator of said estáte, comes into court and represents iliai be is nowprepared torender his fina] account as such administrator. Thereupon It ís ordered, Thai Tuesday, the lst day of March nexf, at ten o'elock in the törenoon, be assigned for examining and allwÍDg such account, and thai the hnirs al law of said deceased, and all other pi-t interested In said estáte, are required to a ppear a1 asession of said Court, then lo :,■ holdenat the Probate Office In the City of Ann Arbor. and show cause, if any i nere be, why the said account should not Be allowed: And il is further ordered, tha1 said administrator i.'ive aotice tothe persons Lnterested in said estáte, f the pendency of said account, and the hearing then of , by causing a eopj of this order to be published in the Ann Irbor Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three suco bo said day of hearing. II. Wibt Newkibk, P. ,T. Lehman, Judge of Proba.te. Probate Register. (A i rue copy). ÜTATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí Wasbtei naw, bs. At a session of the Pr Couri for the County of Wa olden in the Prol ate Iffiee in i he CU y of ir. hor, on Satnrday, tho29th day of Janui i usand elghi hundrt-d and nt, il. i rt Newkirk, Judge of Pro; ter of the i K. sin! i ii deceas rerifled.of Wlllan i prayingthat the ■ laim presented i liiu, buuon h is ordered. 1 1 :lock I he learing to i e holi the Aun Arbor, and show onershould nol t ! ordered, petiii ing thereol to Ijk publishtd ocrat, a qi ■ and id county i ' i', .i. Lehman, , wkirk, Pro C0MM1SSI0NERS' NOTICE. QTATE vY MICHTGAN, Couniy of SVashteoaw.- I .,. ap pointeö by ihePn onnty. ■ !-ii; i r t xatnine Mud adms and ijei estáte 01 i:;zai,i-ili :. s d 8. -ive notiee that sis months from date are allowed by order of said Probate Court, for Crediton to against the estáte of said deceasefl. and that ihey wil] meet at the officfol J. Wiliard Babbitt, iu the City of Yp-ilanti, in sald County, on Ëaturday, the lay of April and on Saturday. the I6th ciav of ily nexc, at ten c'cüock A. M. .f each of said diiys, toreceive, examine and aflinst feHia claims. Hknry Stümpenhusbn ABBEB AllKKMAX. Dated. Jan. 17. J898. Oommissioners. JHOUTGAGE SALE. "TkEFAULT IIAVINO BEEN MADE IN --' the conditions of a certain mortae made by George 1.. Carpentér and Mary A Caí penter, of tl.e City of Aun Arbor, Countv of Washt(:,rfw and State of Michigan, to The Ann Arbor Savinys A-soct alion. a rorporatioi. ■ Tganized and dniue business onder tlie lawsof the State of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and dated April' 2nd, A. D. 1891. aud recorded in the office of tbelieglsterof Deeds for the County of Waahtenaw and State ot Mirhijran, on the 2nd day o' April, A. D. 1891, in Líber 78 of Mort"-a-es on pase 6, on which mortRaee there isclaimed tobedueat the date of this notice the um ofseveu hundrec] dollars, and an Attorney's fee o' twenty live dollars provided for in said mortgage, and nosuit or procecdinn-s at law having been instituted to redover the moneys securecl by said mortgage, or any partthereof; Now therefore, by virtue of tbe power of sale contained in said mortsage, and the statute in such case uaac and provided noJ.ÍÍ& here')? Ji've" 'hat on Wednesday'. the 20th day of April, A. P. 1898, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, I ahall sell at public auctlon, to ihe hiphest bidder, atthesoutn front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor (that being the place where the Circuit Court for Washtenaw County is holden), the premises desoribed in said u orrgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount thea due on said mortgage all legal costs. toget- er with an attorney' fee of five dollars, covenauted for heret the premises being described in said mort-' gage as all that certain piece and parcel of land situated and being in the City of Ann Ai.r,aild CountV of Washtenaw and State o' Michigan, and described as fellows to-wif Lot number fifty (50) in A Tenbrook's addition tothefityof Ann Arbor, according to the aceorded plot thereof. THE ANN ARBOlt SAVINGS ASSOCIAT1ON, Mortgagee, By Thomas D. Kearney, Dated. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Jan uarl" IK, A, Ir löï O MORTGAGE SALE. Defawlt having been made In the condltlon of payment of a certain purchaso mouev mortgage made the7th day of November I8S-9 by Herman Buchoiz, pnrcbaser. to Anna Mary Kuehnle, vendor, whereby the power of sale tberein cuntalned has become operative, whir.ii mortgage was reeorded in the oflice of the register of deeds for the oucty ? f?íl?nJS 1 the 8lh dav of November, 1889. in liber 72 of mortgafres on page 567, on which niortgage there clalmed to be due at the date of this notiee the sum of four hundred and forty-onn dollars, andno proceedings at law having been had to cofiect the said sum of money or any part thereof isotine Is therefore hereby gi ven that on the 8th day of March. A. D. 1898, at the hour of loclock In the forenoon of sald day and at the south front door of the court houe in the city of Ann Arbor, State of Michigan, the said purchase money mortgaite wil? bè foreclosed and the lands and tenements bi th,saldmrrtgage conveyed will be sold apublic auction or vendue to the highest bid der to satisfy the money secured thereby a.a the epsts and the expenses of these proceed inga including an attorneys fee of twenty five dollars provided for thereln. The lands, tenements and premisos in the said mortffage mpntioned and then and there to be sold are descrlbed as follows: All that certain plece or parcel of land sitúate in the city of Ann Arbor, coHnty of Washtenaw and state of Michigan to-wit: Lot Number twenty-seven (27) of Jewetfa additlen to the plat therSof ' accordll to the reoordeö Dated, Ann Arbor. Mich., Pee. 7th, 1897. ANNA MAEY KÜBHNLE E. B. NOEEI8. Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortgagee. Ano Arbor, Micli. ANN ARBOR TlmeTable, Sunday, Sept.5il897. TIME TA BLE: Tratns léave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. NORTH. SOUTH. 8:43 a. m. 7:30 a. m 12:15 a. m. 11:25 a. m. 4:46 p. m. I 8:40 p. m. Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only, E. 8. GILMORE, Agent V. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo O. jWiCHiGAN Central The Niágara Falls Route." Central Standard Time. TBAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST. WEST P. M. A. U Mail and Ex 3 47 B., N. Y , Ohi.... S 13 N. Y, Special 4 58 Mail 9 18 G K. Express ..-11 10 Paciflc Ex 12 30 N S Limited 8 10 p M. Eastern Ex 9 47 Western Ex 138 A. M. G. R. & K. Ex... 5 55 D N Express --.5 50 Ohi. Nt. Ex 7 47 Atlantic Ex 7 30 North Shore Limited is an extra fair train to 1)0 a charge of S2 L0 to New York than on other trains. O. W Ki-ggles, II. W. Hayes, G. P. & T. Agt„ Ohicafto. Agt., Ann Arbor Rinsey&Se..boIt KO'S. 6 AND 8 WASHINGTON ST, Have on hand a Complete Stock of Everything in the Groeery Liu ! Teas, Coffees, Sugars, in Large Amounts and at Cash Prices and can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of Teas they buy and sell is good proof that In Quality and Price They Give BáKGAIKS. They roast their own Ooffees every week, as none but prime articles are used. , Their Bakery turns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crakers. Cali and see them. ' . Lufz and Son Snccessor to Rausehenber ■ & Co. MANÜFACTU) FINELY FTNISHED FÜRNITUEE ALL KIÍÍDS FOK Libraries Barber Shops Stores Millinery Saloons Emporiums Etc. Design Work a Specialy. líepalrlnsí of Furnlture of Every Deserlptlon, Lutz and Son, Office and Factory on Vine St., Near W. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, - Mich. IVIusic Store J. F. Schaeberle No. 8 W. Liberty St. CEO. P. HENRY J. SCHLEMMEP. SCHLEMMEfi. : : : THE : : : Ann Arbor Fluff Rug Factory : : : AND : : : Steam Carpet Cleaners Manufacturera of strictly flist-class Fluff Rugs ...FROM YOUR OLD CARPETS.., All Orders Promptly Attended to. For "Circulare or any other Information cali On or address Office and Factory- 409-411 W. HurStreet, Both Phones. Ann Arbor, Mieh. Heada nar ter s for Harness, Trunks Valises Telescopes and Dress Buit Cases at LOw PBICES A.. Teufel, s. M sr. wm. herz Painting and Decorating, Palnta, OIls, Glaae, Brushes and al) Pointers Snpplles. 112 WBSST WASHINGTON STREiET. Blstabllslied 1869. Teleptaone 88. ADVERTISE IN The - Democrat, And Qet Value Received.


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Ann Arbor Democrat