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Dnald Mowerson, sim uf Charles Mowerson of Ann Arbor town, and a student in the Ann Arboi; high school, dicd Tm sday night of typhoid pneumonía, at the age of 16. Th ■ funeral wlll be held at Si. John's -hun-h at 2:30 this aft rnoon. School closed In Union District X". 3, Salino. Friday, March IJ. Th tollowing pupils have been neither absent nor tardy for the term and received of honor: Walter Feldkamp, Lydia Alber, Edwin Paul, Elsie Paul, in Rentschler, Karl Peldkamp. Florine Renán-, ti acher. T. Ft. Stanton wlll held au auctton sale of farm stock, tools, ètc, at his farm -'■2 miles north of Dexter n the easl river road, n Frlday, March 25. Lunch wlll be served at noon. WHITMOBE LAKE. Mr. Charles Rane has been conflned to his bed for a week by a kink in his back. Joseph Idr and Claude Moss, "f this place, expect, to shortly a trip to California. Miss Lena Rogers, of Hamburg, has been the guest of her unele and aunl. Mr. and airs. Vm. B. flane, the past week. The lawsuit on Mondny, March 14lh, 1'. .1. O'Connor ys. Toledo Ice company, was settled by the Ice company paying account am! cour) costs. Fofeman M of the new ice house, advises me that it has taken forty tons of marsh iiay to put a covering 12 inches thiek over their ice in the housei. We were pleaseil to see Wm. Clancy and Fred Brown, of Ann Arbor, on our streets Saturday. Fred always makes the boys feel happy wben he strik; ; The farmers are accordlngly happy. O. D. Moore, who will complete the new Ice houses, has secured the services of Georg-e Mulbach as his fore' Mr. Mulbach Is froni Salem and brings good recommendations vvith him as a mechanlc. Our grand old lake thia mcirnlng Is free of ice and the White capa are rolling the wild geese and ducks on shore in splte of themsch ,-s. but thus far they have evaded the shots sent at them by local Nimrods. The new general store of bantz & Taylor will put a wagon on the road In April and everybody can get their grocerles, dry g-oods, boots and shoes and ready-made clothing along ith their hardware- anything froro a darnIng needie up to a saw-mlll laiii down at their door. Mr. O. D. Moore, of Plytnouth, who has helped construct the new ice houses at this place, has taken the contract to complete the flve i ms now up and to build on three more rooms 138 feet long, 40 feet wide and 40 feet high. Mr. Moore is a hustler and has glven the company the very best o: aatisfaction their work here which accounts for his getting charge pf this larg-e job. An Attraetlve Program. The iollowtng program will be rendered by the Congregatlonal Amateur orchestra, assisted by Miss Fanny Louise Young, sololst, in the concert at Newberíy hall, Saturflay night: Overture- Die Entfulnung aus dem Senal V. A. Mozari Orchestra Walt.- White Heather Tobln Orcheatra. Solo- A Gypsy Malden [..Heni-y Parker Miss Panny Louise Youi:g Andante from the Surprise Symphi ny Mozart i r. hestra. INTERMISSION. wa'tz Donan Willen-Ivanovia Orchestra. Solo -Nymphs and l'uns.. .. Ben -Miss Panny Louise Young Mnuet-Don Juan .Mozart Minuet fn.m the Militarj Symphony Haydn


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