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tó copvriGhH i8r bv toe AríToi (Continued.) mótloiúcfs anauíig sHaïISwB, Sö íliaC ueither of the men conld lócate the otbc-r. A startliug complication impended. Tbc deputy in eirclirjg about so as to come apon the criminal írom tho otber direction vronld approach the marshal iindei1 the belief Ihat iie was the inisereant forwhom all tbis risk was incurred. ïhc blunder wónld give the criminal time to get away befoie tln mistake conld bc corrected. Standing thus, sorely pnzzled to decide what to do, the olïicer again eanght the soft rnstling behiud him. Yes, a man was there, and he vas after Marshal Welliug. Butat the mement theoffiecrv.ascertain tbat in some 'way'his intended princmer had got bebind him and was seeking his undoing a gnarded movement feil upon his eax, but it wás from the front. . The singularly eanght officer feit that he must do something. He could not stand idle nntil the bolt descended upon his own head. His inclination was to ti'.rn about and leap upon tlic one at the rcar. Ho cered into tho gloom, waiting only for the moment vhen hc could discern even faiutly his outlines. Bnt, snddenly changing his mind at sight of tho dim figure in front, ho lcv eled his pistol and said in a voice: "Vp with your hands! One yawp, and you'ro a dead man!" CHAPTER XVI. NETEETHELESS A PKISONER. Ojio oí' the most desirable f acultics in the affajrs of thisworld is that of being ablu instuutly to recognize and accept t'acts. The. man to whoru Marsbal ing addressed his peremptory command posscsscd tliut faculty, as he proved by instantly reachiug with both bands ' ward the stars. "Step out into the road, where I can have a better look at you. Be careful; ' 110 nonsense!" The moved sullenly into the roadway, wbere the ïull moonligbt feil pon him. "Uniph, it's yon, Jakel Ithonghteo. ' Tbc jig's np. " "So I seo. Cairt I put my hands down?" ' "Notyet, "' was t!ie reply, while the cfficer keist his revolver leveled. Aliiiost at the same moment the figure of a third man appeaied, coming from a point in (ie wood béhind the captivo. A glance showed him to be Depnty Burton. He, too, had beeu stealing npon the criminal, and he was ouly a few seconds behind his chief. "Take his guns from him. Bob," said the marshal to his assistant, who promptly complied, renioving a couple of fine weapons. "Süre tbat's all?" "He basn't anything more uniess it's bidden in his mouth or ears. ' ' "Well, (hen, Ja!:e, yon can let down your hands, but not a yawp, or I'll borc a hole through you." It may bo that Jake Huke, fiuding himself a prisoner to the law officers, ■was quite content that his confedérate should share hir, misfortune. Perhaps, too, he held the resolute marshal in wholesome respect. At auy rate, hc remained as niute as a lamb until appealcd to. "Where is that stone house, Jake?" "Find ont for yourself, " growled the captivo. "I aiu't squealing. " "Your information would do little good and your refusal no hurt. Helio!" And, lo! a fourthman carne from the wood with the noisele.ïsness of a shadow and joined the group in the highway. . "Well, I'll be hanged!" hc mutteied, recognizing the others. Marshal Welling turned his head. "Where hare you kept yourself, Covey?" ' 'I'vc been dogging ycu for the last 15 minutes and was on the point of ordering you to throw up your hands when you played it on Jake there. " "I knew some one was behind me, but did not suspect it was you. Well, we've got this noble youth. Bob, yon will be good enough to staj' here in the road with him till we come back. Come, Gone, lead the way to the house, for thero's another youth that wo're interested in. Keep the scamp covered, Bob. " "Nevcr fear for me. " Detective C'one, becanse of his greater familiarity with the spot, tooi: the lcad, the marshal at his heels and both treading with the care of a couple of veteran eeouts stealing into a hostile camp. It will be remembered that the distauce was short, but it was not half passed when the detective heard soim: one in front of him. He Btopped, tlic marshal, who also noted it, düiug the. same. "Helio, Diñe! Am dat yo'?" The trcmulous inqniry left no doubt as to the identity of the ons that bad hailed them. "Come forward, " added Cone in a guarded voice. "We won' t hurt you. " TJie negro shnffled toward them. A break in the branches overhead let through enongh moonligbt to revcal the African, who wan cvidentiy in a state of excessive terror. "Who are you?" asked Cone in a whisper. "Steph. I lib in dis house. " "Who are you waiting for?" "Dine and do children. Dcy went to do garens ober at Hacknmsack. I'ze waitin for 'om to come borne afore I goes to bed. ' ' "I fihotilr" er:." it's rr'hev, en-'rT to poet tiieiu, mf'f yon live in u;7s fii yon can teil who is inside." "Yaas, sir. Dere uu two geminen. One aru Mr. Jones, and I haben't boen introdooced fo de odcr. Seems to bo faabin a iiveiy time. d;v ara 'senssing de tariff. " The last remark was caused by a Round as if' soniebody was thrown vioto the floor. Such was the íl;c, for just ihrii Tom Discoe went ovei on fais back, and I began fasteniug the cords aboat bis lower limbs. The iroiit doei had bceu closed before oar stirring interview, bul tho Lwo cli'ipped förward, one to the front and tho othér tv) licrcar wíikíow. Tbey expected a desperate iight and were ready for it. It need uot be H:i.d thatthey were astonuded at what they saw. Tem Discoe was lying on bis back, with liis anides lied together and a pair of handcufïs encircling liis wrists. Thcir eycs had haidly reslcd upcuhim whenheomittert bis terrific veil. Siucc they regardod me as one of the trio of crimináis, thcir natural conclusión was that there had been a quarrel between us and that Ihad overeóme and bonnd tle larger man. I was contemplating my work with grirn satisfaction when I saw the dim outliues of a nian's face at the rear window. My rirst thonght was that be was Jake Hvike, whom I bad nevei seen. If so, a pretty row impended, for I had not taken the pains to appropriate the revolver of myprisoner. Tho third man was beyond reaeh and conld wing me before it w.s possiblc to reach him. Without any evidenco ol my discovery, I glanced at the closed door on the othcr Blue of thé room, wondering how quickly I could make my exit therefrom. ïhe second wijidow was near the door, and peering tbrough the panes was another man, evidently as nrach perplesed as his companion by what he i saw. This gave me hope, though i( did rot i wholly remove my misgivings nntil, i looking again, I recognized Covey (Jcne. ! That made it olear. He bad f ollowed me to this place, arriving at the moc-t portmne time coneeivable. "tronie in, Cone. I have everything ready for yon." The títimmoBS coukl not havo lessoned tbe amazement of tbc offleer, ,vho drew back from the window, raised the latch and entered. "Mr. Westcot'.:, ï'm sorry, hut I shall have to ask yon "o put up your bands nntil you are diaarmed,-" he said, with some embarrassment. "I shan 't do anj'thing of the kind, for I'm no outlaw and havcii't a weapon about me. " He was nonplused. He conld not treat me as a criminal, and yet he believed I was as gnitty es the man lying bound and helpless on tbc floer. "I accept yoar word," he said, with sorne embarrassment, "hut tbe marshal may not be equally considérate. " "If ho is impertinènt, I'll fling bim to the floor and bind him as 1 havo bound Mt. Toni Discoe there." Detective Conc: looked down on tho wreteb, who had ceased to atruggle and only glared in sullen fury at r.s. "Heavens! Did yen do that. cott?" "No," I replied, with inoek gravity. "Tom did it bimself. He flrst faatened the handenffs on, theu ticd his anklcs and stretcbed out on the floor to tako a nap. I asked him to do mo tbc favor, sauce Iwished to deliverhim over tothe antborities, and he was kind enough to obligc me. Tbcre's nothing rucan about Toni." Concbroko iuto laughtcr. Meamvbile Marshal WeHiug, having heard what iiad passed, carne round to tbc front aud joined ns. "Do yen moan to teil dbg jou overéame and bonnd Toni Discoe, the man who lias cleaned out most of the barrooniu iu Oklahoma, Kansas City, Deadwood and SO othei places in the west? He bas üover failed to mm down any two or balf dozen men tbat dared attack him fairly at once. Do you saj yon did this?" "I'm iot saying anything. If you have. any othei esplajiation tbat suits you botter, you are welcome to it. Wonld you sbrink from attacking Mr. Discoe whon iicithci of you had auy weapons?" This was au appeal vhich touchcd him in bifi mest sensitive spot. One of Üie many qnaliflcatious of the United States marshal, asido from bis brilliant civil service examination, was his tremendous strength and pbysical prowess. His home was at Troy, tho great breed - ing ground of pugilists, aud bis boast fías that no man bad ever downed him. he Baífl, wlch a Casñ of bis une ey es, "ia that it depriyes mi; of the chance of i locking horas with Tcm Discoe. I lmve ! been often told that lio wonld do me if I gave him tho oppe.rfnnity, Imt now the question must rcni:iin nnscttletl - that i,'' hi addcd significantly, "so far as other folkn uro coucerned. ' ' "If you are Beeking bonors of that nature, it will toe mor.e to your credit, to overeóme tbe man who overéame DisCCv'. : ' "I don't belíeve you did it - that is, yon didn't do it fairly. " "I']l pledge myself tó treat yon fairly,'' I remorked, plácingmyself in front of him. "Wluil is tliis to be?" Marshal Welling laughed at the oddity of tbe tbing. "Wo'll leck mus and theu seo vvho can place the other on bis back." Covey Oono drew off and watchcd us with ;.n amuseü expression. Even the ïogr.e on the licor sh'owed some interest in the impending bont. The nexfc moment our arms were intcrtwined. I conld not help aflmiring the muscular development oí this spleudid atlüete. who no donbt would havo overeóme Toni Diseñe in a f air strnggle. Our position was not facingeach other, hut in accordauce with the country fasliiou of wrestlers who place tliemgelves side to sitie. Wc stood '.bus a minute, when the officier put forth hia strength with great skill. He came within a hair of lifting me cft' my feet and throwing me. "Try it agaiu, " I said. "You maydo better. " He was surpriscd, as he had causo to be, bnt immediately repeated the eirort. Instead of my going up in air, howeve.r, and then forward on my face, he found himself liftecloiï the floor, with hia feet kicking tho air. Thinking it best to end the matter, I bent over and gently placed him on his back, despite his furious strnggles. "Well, 111 be hanged!" he gasped, rising to his feet. "ï'ou can't do that again. " "I think I rau. " Forearmed, he now fonght to prevent my securing a hold upon him. I must admit that he conductcd hitnself with great clevernesa, and I could well bclieve that hc would have proved the m aster of almost aijy onein a wrestling bout. Bnt within the foJlowing ten seconde my feat was repeated, and I used only cue arm to do the trick. "I give np, " ho said. "It's the most wonderful tbing I ever saw. To lnok at you, no one would suspect you were a veritable Samson. " I flushed at this remark; but, knowing its innccence, walked to the 1able, pickcd it up and erushed it as if it were an cggshell. The three men, ineluding the prostrate Disco.', who had writhed to a sitting pc:átiou,starcd in speechless atmazement. "Say, bcss, jen'i txined ilattntle." Steph had 'rft his post and stood in l'ie open door, nor. the least ;:toanded f the spectators. "How much is its valné?" "Á dollar and a half at de leas'." I handed the Africán a ijpö bill. "That will make it right. " "Gorry nationl I sh'd say it will. Boss, you eau smash all (e furnitoor in de mansión fur dat." "No; I am satisficd if the gentlemen are." I turnen smiliugly toward Marshal Welling to hcar his views. Ho was standing with his revolver pointcd at me. "Nevcrtheless, Mr. Wcstcott, you are my prisoner. "


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