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The last ol the sixth series of Forty Club as given last Friday evening in Granger's academy and closed a most enjoyable series of dances. Tliis dance was even more lelightful than those that had been given before. The young ládies were more beautlful, the riii-n were mure gallant, the gowns were more exquisite, the rausic was mm-e exhilarating-, and the decoratlons more elab J a.t any previparty given by the club. The young society pe pl oí Aun Arbor ainly regret th.-u they will nol have a chance to attend another of these parties until next fall. Tftere waa quite a large number of out of town i resent, unong whom were Miases Plass of Detroit, Florence Smith. liush. Bennett of Jaekson, Peacock of Chicago, and Wlllard of i:y City. Th.e was cha , Mrs. Paul C. Freer, Airs. Junius E. BeaJ, Mrs. George V. Patterson and Miss Grlnnell. Thirty ' dances were il nced. t hall pa ahments, conslsting of sandwiches, ehieken sal illoped oysters, cof■ wis. were served in the, gallery, after which the dancing wa contlnued until -' o'clock. e Tlie Ladies' Art club held lts regular ting last Tuesday afternuán, with the president, .Mrs. w. I'. Lombard, .-.ding. The subject under diacussion was Tlntorretti, i famous old Venetlan painter and sculptor. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Ijombard, who gave a very clear description of the Pa 1 Viii'-i, whli h now contains Tlntorretti's paintlngs. Mrs. II.-;:lry read i the lire and charr of the artlst, after whieh hls more important paintin'ga and sculpturlngs were dtsi ussed by different meirobers of the club. Ilis most famous pünting. "The BetrothaJ of Si. Catherine," was t''''l in a mosl Interestlng paper by Miss Douglass. Mrs. Prof. Markley made a verj able talk on another if iiis paintings, "The Marriage al Cana," a smal! copy of which is on exhibit in our tJniversity Art gallery. Mi Florence Hall entertained ai q high flve party last Saturday evening at her home on Monroe street. The evenl was In honor of -Miss Peacock, of Chicago, and .Mi.-s plass, of Detroit. Four tables were in use for the gaine. The Brst prize for Wie ladies was a ïl 'v mounted card-case and was won by .Mi-.s Winifivd Smith. Mr. Lester E. Maher was the recipiënt of the gentleniaii's prize, a handsomelj bitind book. Mr. R. Bradford LJpham i-asily won the consolation prize. After the oard plaving a deligiitfal llttle supper was served t the guests. Those presenl besldes the guests of honor were: Misses Savage, Smith, Kaíiouse, Shepherd, Wheeler, Howlitt and Horton, and MeSBrs. Mnher, Chandler, Upham, Yernon, Hamblen, Hurlburt, Hall and J'aviP. Miss Elizabeth Peacocg, ot' Chicago, lias been spending the last few days with her friend, .Miss Florgnce Hall of Monroe street. She intenda to leave for Chicago Tuesday. t Mrs. George W Pattci-oi,. jr.. ■ a delightftil linie thimble party last Thursday aftornoon, for the members "i the Colleglate Sorosis, at her beautiful home on S. Unlversity avenue. Thi hours wen trom :: until 3. About twenty young ladies were present and a very pleasant afternoon was spent. Mrs. Morris gave an afternoon tea Saturday afternoon at her home on S. state street, from 4 until 6. The event was given in honor of Misses Wiley and Swlft of Detroit. Miss Annie Knowlton, who has been seriously ïl 1 for the past two months, is rapidly improving and is now able to be up. Mrs. Knowlton is also murh beiter and is steadiiy regaining her strength. Mts. William H. Wait gave a thimble party from 3 until G o'clock last .Saturday afternoon at her home on Olivia Place. About twenty young ladies were present. Miss Grace Millard, of Bay City f the guest of Miss Sybil Pettee, of Thompson street. She will leave for her home tomorrow. Mrs. Walter F. Slocum, who has been pending the last few weeks with her father, Mr. James H. Wade. on S. State street, returned to her home in ' 'Imago, Saturday morning. ♦ Miss Eleanor Lambert, of Cambridge, Mass., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Warren P. Lombard, of Oxford Road. She arrived Thursday and will probably be here for the next two weeks. Last Wednesday evening: the I'hi Kappa Psi fraterriity gave a dinncr party in honor of Prof. White, of Harvard Universlty. Prof. White is one of the leading Greek scholars in AracrIca and is in town attending the Classic-al Conferences. He is the guest of Prof. Kelsey. Only members of the fraternity, together with a few members of the faculty, were present. Alpha Phi sorority is giving a series of afternoon teas. They have one every Saturday afternoon from 4 until 6 o'clock. The third one of the series was given last Saturday aftor■ ' at their chapter house on .'. División street. The house was very daintily decorated with cut flowers for the occasion. About forty young ladies were present. Tea and wafers were served and a very pleasant afternoon was spent.


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Ann Arbor Democrat