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ARLINGTON HOTEL! ( . A. MlLLáBD, Proprletor. RA.TES. S2.OO PER DAY Washtenaw County trade especially Bollcited. Oyposite Court House, ANN ARBOR, - - . MICH. AGENTS wantedtVrbes Plants and Small Fruits OF ALL KINDS. BEST STOCK. BARCA1N PRICES. v'aTru.ries' GoodWages Paid August Koch HAS A COMFI.ETK LINE OF Staple and Fancy Groceries Good Goods at low prices. Cali and be convinced. Don't forget the nuinber 206 East Washington Street. GO TO --♦ MANLEYS CONFECTIONERY AND CAFE FOE Foreign and Domestc Fruits, Fine Confectionaries, Ice Cream, Cigars and Tobaccoes. Fine Meals, - 25 Cents. 1KX DAY AND MGI1T, MANLEY BROS. PROF, 104 E. Huron St. Telephone, NewlState 34G. STATE OK MICHIGAN, County of Waslitenaw. ss.- The under.-itgiied havlng been appoioted by the I'robate Oourt for said County. Coinmisíioners to rceive, examine and adjust all claims and (Iemands of all persons ascalnst theestatoof William B. Van Valken burg, late of said County, deceased. hereby j give notice that six months from tliis date are a]loed, by order of said Probate Court, for Créditos tu presect their claims against the estáte of satd deceased. and that they wil I meet at the late resldence of said deceas ed, in the townsliip of yorK, in said Uounty on Tuesday. the 5th day of i uly and on Tuesday.the 4th day of October next, at ten o'clock a. m„ of eacu of said days. to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, April 4. 1838. Norton Lawrence, Frank Olds, :i" 5 Üommisstoners. STATE OF MlOUItiAN. County „f Washtenaw ss.- In the matter of the estáte of Eliza North, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned AdminI minlstrator with will annexed of the etate of said deceased by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Waohtenaw, on the 2dday of April, A. ÏX, 18M, there wlll be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Oourt House, in the City of Ann Arbor in the County of Washtenaw, ín said State on Wednesday, the lst day of Jane, A. D. 1 Mis, at 2 o'clock in the aiiemoon of thay day (subject to all encumbances by mortgaee or otherwiseexistinc at the time of the deith of said deceased) the following deecribed Keal Estato, to-wlt: E 'Í of s w ;-4 of sectlon No. 8, also 30 acres off the north end of thee 'i of the n e 'A of sectlon 17 all in T. I. S. K. 7 east, Townshlp Qf Salem, Washtenaw County, Micli. GilbertS. BfowE, i Adctiinistiator with a will aunexed. ÖTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washk. tenaw ss -At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Wastenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Aun Arbor, on Wednesday, the (th day of April In the year one thousand eight hundred and jWPÜÍT1' h' Wirt Newkirk' petition.d'jly verifled, h. E. Sutton, prayine that the admlnistration of said eotate mav sueiretepdeCWn" BUrke' r 'n,8eofhaeyr ocloi-k m theïprenoon, be aslgnèd for the hearing of said petitie,,, and that the devisees legatees and heirs at law of said deceased, and all othei persons interested in said estáte, are re qulrea to appear at a sessiou of saic ñfflrt (thf? to, be holden at the I'robatt Office n the city of Ann Arbor, and show ause, if any there be, wuy the prajer of said P't Moner should not be graeted: And it is urthc ordered, that said petitionet glve notice to the persons interested in said estáte pf the penaency of said account and thé orderr"f ereofy causlní a copv of tliif I)?mnpíStbe pub!lsh(!d in "-"e Ain Arbor ï'emocrat, a newspaper Drintpf] anñ P. .1. LEHMAN, Probate Register. 37.4 "A MAN'S WHAT HE KATS." The better the food the better the man who eats it. But only what 5-ou know is good and wholesome; that yhich contains the best nutritive qualKS IOUQÜ "d the Soods handled by Davis & Seabolt, Grocers and Bakers, up to the standard. WE WANT Tl) REiMIND YOU That the Ann Arbor Brewing Co."s Beers are pure and wholesome drinks. Cali up rhone 101 and order a sample case. Advcrtlse In The Democrat, Lfz fel ' FSTI THIS IS A CHANCE Forsome ono wanting a tu.tuern house to live in. I will build for anyone to rent a modern house - will build ro suiit tenant - in a good local i ty. no better In the city, between U.of M. and Main st. Any onn wishing tliis opportunity cali aud see me. Chas, A. Satier, The Architect and Builder. OFFICE- 305 SOI TH MAIN STREET. Shop- 512 Packard Street. New State Phone, res., 281 ; Office. 50. HOW'S THlsr We offer One Hunared Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh th;it ean not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. .1. OHENEY & CO., Props;., Toledo. Oh o. We, the UQdersigned. have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly in all business trausactïona and financially able to carry ouc any obiigations made by their flrm. West & Truax, Wholesale Dniggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kirman & Marvin, Wholesale Dniggists, Toledo, O'hio. Hall's Catarro Cure is taken internally, acting dlrectly upon the bloocl nnd mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75e. per bottle. Sold by all Draggists. Testimoniáis free. Special rates on meats for boarding houses at the Northside Meat Market. Special price on 50 pound cans of pure lard at the Northside Meat Market. Telepbone 42-3 rings. FORTUNE FA VORS THE BRAVE Ajid good healtli favors those who drink none but Ann Arbor Brewing Co.'s Pure Beer. Phone 101. DOX-T SWJJAR OFF But make up your mine! to buy your weats from U c. Wreinmann-S u'nexcelled stock. ONCE A YE .Vlt Christmas comes but once a year, but Weinvnan has everything sold in a flrst class meat market every day In the year. WEINMANN. THE MEAT MAN, Buys in quantity and handles only the choicest quallty of goods in his Une. BKFORE AND A!PTElt H'ating your dlnner use none but the Ann Arbor Brewing company's Pure Beer and yon wül ahvays be heaJthy. tf M. CLARK, 439 S. División. JOHN BURNS, Prop. OAXJIj UP Tho Ann Arbor Brewing eompany bv either PUones No. 101 uiSblpeJra?ÍUS Stamps and sec-e valuable premiums at the Merchante' SupPOR BBNT-nhe fam. known as the Eber White farm. Inquire at the


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat