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C W Ro'gers has displayed in his wtndow three Belgian rabbits which are expeoted to produce some mythological Easter eggs. Mrs. C. N. Holmes died at the home oí her son. Edward Holmes, on Ypsilanti Plains last night aged 79 years. Her hüsband died just about a year ago. Electric cara will be running from Detroit to Wayne by April 15. The franchise expires on tfcnt date and in order to save it the company will push the work through. Miss Mabel Levens, of the Detroit schools, is visiting here. Miss Levens rormerly taught here and has presented the primary department with a bust of the infant St. John by Donatelli. Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Sni'ith uül sail for Europe on July 2. Dr. Smlth is getting to be au extensive Europfcan traveler, this making his sixth trip to Europe. Besides he has been once td South America. The accident to Insley Le Furge by the runaway of Wednesday was worse , than first thought of. He was injured internally some and suffered a broken nose, a portion of the bone of which had lo be removed. A gentleman who has recently returned from London said that he had seen the . j 1 ' 1 oak chest which is sup! to have figured in the story ui 'Mistletoe Bough." The poem will be i.ubli.shed next week. rapt. Kirk has divided Co. G up into i .ig-ht squads, each in charge of a I poraí, and has notified the corporals iiat in case of being called out just which men each is to notify in turn Tile milltla is setting very active. n Easter supper will be given by ladies of the Congrega tional society next Monday evening, April H, at 6 o'chck in the Methodist dining room. A.dmission -r cents. Proceeds for the benefit "f the building fund. Eggs served in all styles. They teil a gond one on Judge Babliiit. A law suit vías decided in favor of one f his wealthy clients. The oppoeing attorney stepped into his office and in talking over the result said: "Well, we will ceruünly caiTy the case i, the supreme court." "For Heaven's sake, don't do any thing like that," said the judge, "don't you know I have a iamily to support?" Under the auspices of the Ypsilanti townShlp Sunday school association there will be held a township Sunday School institute on this city April 29, at the First Baptist church. The association desires and expects that this meeting will be very helpful to Sunday school workers and all interested in Bible study and in the salvation of the young are earnestly invited to attend. A per.?on can harciiy realUe the 1 ber of people who travel between Ann j Arbor and Ypsilanti on the motor. Supt. Hemphill says that it averages 500 per day, which nieans that every flve weeks enough passengers travel to count for every man, woman, boy, girl and child in both Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. Friday the motor car carried 700 passengers. The Normal baseball team played its .second game of the season, Saturday, with the city team, which resulted in a victory for the Normalites, the score being 20 to 6. The prospects are vei-y bright for a winning team this year. The boys all manifest great enthusiasm in their daily practice. The first game if the Intercollegiate series occurs April 18 at Olivet. No preventing Provicience Albion will play here April 22 A oertain man went home Monday ni'ght and was questioned by his wife as to the result of the eleetion. "Davis won " said the husband. "What was ïhe matter with Dr. James?" she asked. "Oh! I guess he didn't have the pull." "Well, when I went to him to have a tooth extracted I thought he had all the 'pull' there was in town." kuil then the husband advised her to go joln the Political Equality Club and g-et posted on eleetion talk. The common council must remember one thing. If paving Congress st. is to be done at the same time t'.ie Detroit, Yppilanti & Ann Arbor railway is built - If the improvement is to be made so ihat only one tearing up of the Street íí: necessary- there is no time to lose. An ordin-ance should be passei and bids a.sked for immediately. Every landlord on Congress st. nearly wants paving. Why in the world don't the coun,cil let them have it. The proposed Detroit, Plymouth t Northville road starts from a point a few miles west of "Wayne and runs through the townships of Cantón, Plymouth and Northville, conneeüng the two villages. The township board of Cantón has offered the company a ■hoice of three roads-- the Wiles, the Truesdell or the Cantón Centre road- and has granted a franchise. Plymouth lso is willing to grant a franchise. The road will cover about eleven miles and will drain a región not too well served by steam railways. Some new faces wiil be seen on the local baseball nine this summer. Staffon, the shortstop of the Excelsiors, the champions of the Detroit city league, is in the employ of Johnson Bros. in this city' and will play. Monroe, the editor of the Commercial, for some time played witli the Minnc-apolis Western League team and will cover a large part of the outfield. Palmer, -mployed by D. L. Quirk, will hold down third base. Owen and Brosky will be the battery. The prospects for a winning team were never brighter. Win J. Wallace says he was in a theater in Boston recently during a performance of "Jack and the Bean.stalk" and was nearly knocked off from his seat by a gag sprung by the comedian ot the company. Little Jack Tiorner. Goody Two Shoes and all the rest of the Mother Goose characters were in a great quandary as to how to get into the Gitant's house. Suddenly the fairy queen (a farcieal lmpèraonation by a man) a'ppeared and to dispel their troubles waved the magie wand and shouted out the mystic words, "Ypsilanti, MicMg-anti." Such i.s fame. The 63d birthday ol' Mrs. Angeline M. Darllng occurring April lst, her daugnter, Mrs. P. W. Moore of Ann Arbor. planned a complete surprise by wrlting ülxiui. twonty relatives to be present at the home of her molher on that day. Sons and daughters. and nieces and nephews came at the appointed time. taking Mrs. Darling by surprise. At first she thought that all had come to visit with two cousins, Mrs. Doak and lira. Wentworth of Eaton Rapids, but when she found that it was to celébrate her birthday she remembered ïhat it was April lst. A fine memento was given, her and after a very enjoyable time which will long be remembered the friends took their departure. Mayor C. E. Hiscock announces that he has decided to affix his signature to the ordinance the lateat bicycle ordinance and the ordinance sranting the Detroit, Ypsilanti & Ann Arbor electric railroad a loop around the court house square. He refuses his approval, however, to the ordinance ehanging the name of Oxford Street te 'Oxford Raad.


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