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Real Estate Transfers

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Ernest Schorr to John Roller, Sharon, $400. Laura Sehiebel to Frederick Schill, Manchester, $800. Laura Schlebel to John Schill, Manchester, $800. Ira B. Hichcock to Lee Hitclicock, Tork, $1. Ira B. Hitchcock to Harvey Hitchcock, York, $1. John Manning to Archie Miller, Ann Arbor, $1,000. Joshua Cox te Naonxi Darling, Augusta, $1,175. Clarence G. Taylor to Lydia Morrison, Augusta, $2,500. Antón Latareguski to A. Maciegewskl, Augusta, $1,200. Of I'ilanti to M. C. E. R. Co., Ypallantl, $1. Theron Goodspee-i; to M. D. Prindle, Ann Arbor, $2,560. Frederick SchmH to John Burgardt, Ann Arbor and Scio, $3,450. John Schaufele to J. J. Schaufele, Dexter, $2,000. John Wheeler to Stearns Wheeler, Webster, $1. Jean V. Wheeler to Stearns Wheeler, Webster, $1. Levi Carr to Ellen Alley, Dexter, $100. Ellen T. Alley to Henry Beoth, Dexter, $1. Ernest Elsasser to Catherine Leoffler, Dexter, $1,600. Lucy Chüds to Mary Hoover, Augrsrta, $425. Henry Cornwell to Ann Arbor Water Co., Ann Arbor, $1. A. H. Hale lo Ann Arbor Water Co., Ann Arbor, $1. William Asquith to Ann Taylor, Dexter and Webster, $1. Mary J. Maynard to City of Ana Arbor, Ann Arbor. $1. Daniel Reeves to John Gates, Saline, $800. Minnie Salisbury to Martha X. Aiban, Augusta, $500. Harry Matthews to John Rose, Ann Arbor, '$2,642.49. James L. Babcock to George Huss, Dexter, $6,500. W. J. Wallace to James H. Taylor, Ypsilanti, $425. James H. Taylor to Martha L. E. Duncan, Ypsilanti, $3,028. John Podewits to Helena Podewits, Northfield. $1. Elizabeth Pray to William Wlnans, Northfield, $100. Helena Podewits (guardián) to John Podewits, Norttifleld, $1. George W. Thomas to Hugh Montgomery, Ann Arbor, $4,500. Herman Gottschalk to Nettie B. Gottschalk, Superior, $2,000. H. Hitchcock to Ira B. Hitchcock, Superior, $1. James R. Bach to Mary C. AVhiting, Salem. $1,100. D. A. Darling to John E. O'Brien, Augusta, $700. Adam L. Maier to Daniel T. Maier, Northfield, $1,255. James L. Rose to Christian Rentschler, Ann Arbor, $3,333. Jacob Price to Peter Fritzmann, Ypsilanti, $220. William W. Biddle to Israel Biddle, Saline, $1,500. William E. Palmer to Henry S. Simpson, Ypsilanti, $1,800.