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Gleanings Of A Week

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W. W. Wedemeyer was in Lhe city last Saturday. He had probably heard of that Washington dispatch stating that Spalding was sure of a. renomination for cöngress and he cami down to see about it. James R. Bach has just closed a deal whereby Mrs. Jane C. Schryver, of Packard street, purchases two lots at the point of Washtenaw avenue and E. University avenue. Mrs. Schryver will erect a íine residence on this property. Toledo Bee: Spencer Acklin, John Webber and E. A. Langdon, all of this city, returned last night after a successful flshing trip to the Slagle trout scream, near Henrietta, Michigan. They broug'ht home with them a strir.g of 500 beautiful brook trout. Slagle trout stream is one of the many attractive fishing points along the line of the Ann Arbor railroad. It is one of the features that make that road" unusually attractive to summer tourIsls. Detroit Tribune: Certainly there 3 nothing to be gained by bringing about the removal of a sanitary scientist like Health Offlcer Gibbes and rplaeing him with some one who has no special recommendation, except perhaps a w 11ingness to serve those who secure the place for him. Even in time of war there are some civil matters which may well enlist the attentioa of a patriot, and the governor will make a mlstake if he overlooks the present opportunity. The people are very much shrred up over the Michigan Central bridge questlon and it looks as if the alderman whr votes to tie the city to a contract such as Railroad-City Attorney Butterfield has proposed, can just as well commence to write "ex-" before hls title of alderman so as to git entirely used to it before the news is broken as to how his re-election pans out. The conditions may be now that some do not want State street opened across the track, but who can say what the conditions will be 20 years from ow ? The most striking case of "doubles" in this city is Rev. Thomas Young, of the First Baptist ehureh, and Alvick Pearson, of the Ann Arbor Courier. They look as much alike as the currency planks in the Democratie ana Populist platforms. Therefore, it woula be well for persons to make sure that it is Pearson before divulging any racy items. And we cannot teil what would happen if in leap year some young who had just been accepted would suddeuly rush up to the Courier editor and him for the Baptist minister, who she had selected to perïorm the ceremony, would ask him if he would marry her. The Harug-ari concert at Germania hall Friday deserved a far greater crowd Tor it was a most meritorious entertainment. The Maennerchor, under the capable direction oí Mr. Dansingburg, sang three selections very creditably. Miss Flora Koch, Mr. Mayer and Miss Cruikshank were at their best and were warmly applauded, Miss Koch and Miss Cruikshank responding to hearty reealls. Mr. Elbel on the piano, Mr. Schaeberle on the violin and Mr. Crego on the cornet added a great deal of interest to the program. The mandolín trio by Messrs. Davis, Parsons and Fenton was excellently played and enthusiastically encored. Following the concert came dancing which continued iintil 1 a. m. This is the last concert cJk season, m Local employés of the Ann Arbor received thair monthly checks last Saturday. Major Soule is drilling a eompany of boys who range from 9 to 14 years. The old veteran takes delight in these stirring times in doing or talking of anything pertalning to war. A letter from Sergt. Seabolt to his father says that he is well and enjoying himself and that he and Fred Huntoon while at CHattanooga took occasion to visit Lookout Mountain. Ex-Prosecuting Attorney Randall has returned from a visit with his mother in Burlington, Mich., who is quite feeble. She was born on the birthday of Queen Victoria, and is 79 years of age. Today County Treasurer Rehfuss handed over to City Treasurer Seyler a check for $1,920, that being the amount Ann Arbori is entitled to for the privilege of having saloons - and "Frozen Truth." United States Minister Angelí has entered a protest with the Turkish government against the action of the authorities in refusing to grant passports to American citizens to travel in the interior. The refusal. Minister Angelí holds, i.s -n contravention of existing treaties. These passports are withheld only from American citizens and Britisíi subjects. Monday winds up jury cases m the circuit court and -.omorrow a Chelsea foreclosure in which the parties are Maryette Snow vs. Wm. II. Snow, and the divorce case of Katharine Nagel VS. Jacob Nagel will occupy the attention of Judge Kinne. On Friday the case of Sarah L. Wallace vs. the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Electric railroad, to enforce a contract, will be tried. Major Nancrede has been appointed one of the chief surgeons of the army by President McKinley. He has all th'e ruallflcatlons of a military man in baaring, ability and unhesitating periormanee of duty, while his surgicai ability ranks second to none in the country, The unfortunate soldier who is wounded will be fortúnate if he is placed under Major Nancrede's care. At the recent session of the Homeopathie Medical society of the state of Michigan, held at Grand Rapids, the resolution was unanimously passed: "That a vote of confldence be given to the professors of the homeopathie college at Ann Arbor, and that this society extend its congratulaüons to each and every one for theif untiring efforts in the upbuilding of Homeopaühy at the TJniversity of Michigan." From the time at which the memory of man runnetü not to the contrary, Spring street has been known as Spring street and now the residents there are going to take a fall out of the ancient nomenclature and 33 of the oldest residents on the thoroughfare running from Miller avenue to Chubb road have petitioned the common council to change the name from Spring street to Dewey avenue in honor of the hero of Manila. All members of the Women's League are cordially invite 1 to a reception at the Women's building, Saturday, May 28, from 4 to 6 p. m. Reception committee: Mesdames Pettee and Carrow, chairmen; Mesdames Nancrede, Drake, Spaulding, Markley, Lillie, Lynds, Newcombs, McMurrich, Hinsdale, Higley, Chas. Cooley, Stevens, Goddard, M. E. Cooley, Herdman, O. C. Johnson, Asaph Hall. Dewey, Lloyd, Strauss, Gelston and Dean. During the May Festival in this city Master Freddie Daley, Ann Arbor's boy soprano, was afforded an opportunity to sing in private before the great soloists who were here and all pronounced his voice to be one of the most wonderful they had ever heard. In fact, Gertrude May Stein said that it far surpassed any of the great nuniber who were tried in New York city for the boy's part in the production of "Elijah" given there. About three weeks ago Bertha Klager, who works in the Hay & Toda manufactory, sold her. bicycle for 20 and put all but 50 cents of the money in her trunk. The $19.50 suddenly disappeared and she entered a complaint against Edith Lansing whom she claims had a key that fltted the trunk. The pólice arrested the Lansing gir! in Detroit last Friday and Marshal Sweet escorted her to this city today to answer to the charge of larceny. "Word has been received from Chickamauga Park, Ga., where Company A from Ann Arbor was sent, that tiie water supply is very limited. The sight of a hundred men around one pump waiung io set their canteens iiiled is nothing uncommon. This state of things has alarmed the military authorities very much, and steps will be taken at once to increase the supply. Also, a "canteen" has been establisncd unaer supervisión of the government. Mr. H. Lombard, from New York, professional stage director, who has been with some of the largest opera companies in this country, arrived here Monday ' to stage the opera, "The Tyrolean Queen," which for the last two months has been under thë musical direction of Prof. R. H. Kempf. This charming ehildren's operetta in four acts will be produced at the Athens Theater Thursday and Friday evening, June 9 and 10. The principal part, "the Tyrolean Queen," Mr. Kempf has assigned to Master Freddie Daley. There will be many other soloists which will be announced later. Fifty ehildren's voices, including St. Andrew's vested choir, will form the chorus. In obedience to general orders from National and Department headquarters, Memorial day will be appropriately observed by Welch Post, G. A. R. on Sunday morning Rev. T. W. Young will deliver before them a Memorial sermón. On Monday at 10 o'clock a detachment will decórate he graves in St. Thomas cemetery. At 2 o'clock all comrades and Sons of Veterans will march to the Fifth ward cemetery and decórate the graves of deceased comrades. An address will be given by Rev. .T. T. Sunderland. T-hey will then return and be conveyed from the depot to Forest Hill cemetery by street cars, where the Ritual will be observed. The Post invites military, fraternal and other organizations to join in these services. On Monday evening exercises will be held in University hall where Hon. A. J. Sawyer will deliver the address. National and patriotic songs will be sung. The case of Katharine Nagel vs. Jacob Nagel, for divorce, which came to trial in the circuit court Thursday, is most peculiar. The complainant charges the defendant with having a thirst that ought to make every man on the Bowery in New York city take off his hat if Jake ever walks down that thoroughfare. She says in her bill of complaint that in the fall of 1896 the defendant made and put in his cellar 23 barrels of eider and since that time he has drank it all up but about two barrels. She charges him with cruelty and drunkenness. If the complaint is true the defendant has made a pretty good (or bad) record. Twentyone barrels in 21 months ought to produce a continual Katzenjammer. The defendant acknowledges that he has made as high as 16 barrels of eider in one fall but that he was crippled up and had lots of hired help who helped him get away with the apple juice, an denies that he was guilty of hjjM 1 drunkenness. He files his _M H the nature of a cross-bill hat he is entitled to the tiybody is to get one. Col. O. P. O'Leary, of Adrián, is in the city in company with Mrs. O'Leary, who is taking treatment at the hospital. JIíks Marie C. Knapp, after a ten days' visit with íriends and relatives here, has returned to her home in Chicago. Eugene K. Frueauff has returned f rom a two weeks' trip in the interest of the Travelera' Accident Insurance company. The Frozen Truth cases will be tried in Judge Duffy's court on June 1. Judge Babbitt will act as prosecuting attorney. A decree of divorce was granted today to Ida F. Twist, of Superior, from her husband, Ennis R. Twist. Judge Kinne granted her $130 alimony, in gross. The various high schools throughout the state held athletic meets Saturday to select teams to represent them at the inter-scholastic meet here Friday and Saturday of this week. Adrián Telegram: Principal Stratton Brooks, of the Adrián high school, has received word from Ann Arbor that the school here has been placed on the diploma list for three years. M. J. Lehman, one of the attorneys in the Cari Wuerthner case against the Workingmen's , Benevolent society of Manchester, says that he will certainly appeal the case to the supreme court. Owosso Argus: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapell expect to take their little daughter to Ann Arbor next week. The little girl has a peculiar swelling on her knee. and it is thought necessary to consult the University physicians. By virtue of a chattel mortgage given Flora M. Phelps, the "Elite Cigar Parlors" on Huron Street, heretofore run by Sam B. Bluntach, were clcsed last Monday and the mortgagee will close out the business at public sale. The 30th convention of the Allgr. Arbeiter Bund of Michigan will be held at Saginaw June 14, 15 and 16. Eugene Oesterlin is the state treasurer and he will naturally be in attendance. The local society here will be represented by Titus Hutzel and M. Gauss. The department of oratnry will hold memorial exercises in honor of William Ewart Gladstone in the near future. The portrait of the great orator and statesman occupies a prominent place in the room where the classes in oratory meet, and he is 'held up as one of the ideáis to the rising young orators of the University. J. J. Kirby has been appointed superintendent of the Ann Arbor railway's express service, and has entire charge of the pabkage business on passenger trains; agents and baggagemen will report to and receive instructions from him concerning their duties in connection with this department of the company's service; he will report to the general manager, H. W. Ashley. The employés of the Ann Arbor road along the line are considering the proposition of subscribing to the great railroad battleship fund. This fund was started by the railroad men of California. The railway men of the country propose to build a battleship for the guvernment. It is estimated that SOO,000 men will readily contrtbute $5 each, making a total of $4,000,000, which would build a heavy battleship. The movement is certainly most worthy and patriotic. Owing to the threatening weather last Sunday only 35 Knights Templars turned out to observe Ascensión day services. Of the 35 there were included Sir Knights Gardam, Read, Moore, Carpenter, Guerin and Huil of Ypsilanti. The Knights marched to the grave of Hiram J. Beakes where a triangle was formed and an impressive sermón was listened to, by Sir Knight Gardam of Ypsilanti. The graves of deceased knights were decorated with appropriate floral designs peculiar to the order. Recently one of the well known bishops of a prominent church was in the city and in the midst of his sermon took occasion to relate a story of a man who was so near death that he could fairly see the Heavenly Gates. "But he returned to life," said the bishop, "despite the doctors." A well known Huron street physician was present and after church was out was introduced to the bishop. "Yes," said the man of quinine and physic, "I am one of those doctors who expect to go to Heaven despite of the bishops." The students of the medical department met Monday to take acción on raising a subscription to purchase Major Nancrede a new horse but word was received that Levi T. Barbour had 'already made arrangements to provide the great surgeon with a handsome animal. The medies were bound to do something, however, and a collection of $93 was taken up, which will go to purchase a fine saddle and bridle. It can be safely said that Major Nancrede will have one of the most handsome mounts and equipments in the brigade. For years a certain well known professor here was in the habit of turning quickly inte a side street with his horse, which was afraid of electric cars, to avoid a runaway. Recently he acquired a wheel, and whüe spinning along the railroad track he heard an electric coming from behind. He proceeded to scorch to the nearest crossing, when he turned off, dismounted and wiped his face. In answer to a question he replied: -'My horse is terribly afraid of street cars and I just reached this crossing in time to turn off and avoid a runaway." Mr. J. F. Thomas, editor of the U. of M. Daily, was married in Windsor, Ont., in November last. Aside from his bride and himself and the preacher, no one on earth was aware of the nuptials. Mr. Thomas's friends were wondering why the gentleman made frequent visits to Detroit during the last eight months, but concluded that he went there in the interest of his newspaper. The handsome young lady seen with Mr. Thomas on our streets about two weeks ago, is the happy bride. The Times congratulates the young lady for the reason that she's got a good thing. The remains of Mrs. A. C. Roberts, of Ft. Madison, Iowa, were brought here last Saturday for burial. The cause of death was paralysis. Deceased was formerly a resident of this city many years ago. In 1859 she was married to Dr. A. C. Roberts, of Adrián, Mich., and then moved to Ft. Madison, lowa, where she had resided up to the time of her death. She leaves a husb:;nd and three sons. Frank and Ed M., of Ft. Madison, and N. C. Roberto, of Keokuk, Iowa. Two brothers survive her, A. B. and B. F. Cole, of this city. The pall bearers at the funeral were Col. Henry S. Dean, John Sperry, Win. Everett and Charles Worden. The annual dance and ban-juet of the Choral Union took place in the Waterman gymnasium and women's building Saturday evening, and was even more successful than the flrst affair held last year. The young ladies had charge of the catering and furnished a very nice menu. Prof. Stanley, the director of the big chorus, and Prof. de Pont, president of the Choral Union, made appropriate speechs, and after a pleasant banquet, the crowd adjourned to the big gymnasium for the dance. The attendance was restricted quite closely to members of the chorus, although the young ladies ïiad the privilege of inviting a limited number of gentlemen to escort them, and everybody was made acquainted with everybody else. Marriage license: Clinton F. Stimpson, 24, Saline, and Minóla H. Cook, 20, Saline. Rufus Swain has been added to the pay roll of the Ann Arbor road's round house at Toledo. Editor Thomas, of the U. of M. Daily, will be principal in the Zeeland, Mich., schools next year. Dr. Ernest Lewis, an old Ann Arbor boy now praeticing medicine in McComb, 111., is in the city. The annual University Faculty V3. High School Faculty baseball game will take place on Wednesday, June 1. There are four hundred and fifty-one colleges in the United States, one hundred and fifteen medical and fifty-two law schools. Mts. J. George Brown, of Lodi, is in the city visiting her daughters, Mrs. A. Huss, Mrs. H. J. Meyers and also Miss Martha. Ernest Vanderwerker, of the Hannan Real Estáte exchange of Detroit, who has been the guest of Mrs. J. D. Murnan, returned to Detroit Monday. Ex-Regent Levi L. Barbour, of Detroit, has consented to act as presiding offlcer at the Peninsular Oratorcal League contest on Saturday evening. Harry Benham, who has been taking Jos. Miller's place in the jewelry store of S. H. Dodge & Son in Ypsilanti during his recovery from his accident, has returned to Ann Arbor. Mrs. Tyler entertained the Fifty club at an informal dancing party Monday, to close a very enjoyaöle series of parties that have been held every Monday afternoon from 4 to 6 during the winter. M. J. Cavanaugh has received word from Chairman Baker that the Democratie state convention will be held at Grand Rapids on June 22, the same time the Populists, Silver Republicans and the rest of the push meet. New York University graduates more women lawyers than our U. of M. Forty-seven women, sixteen of them married, were graduated with th3 law class of that university last week. It is said women lawyers are especially in demand in the four women suffrage states. The boys of the University of Michigan are waging war against the "coeds." Not one of the girls of the college was invited to the junior promenade. As a result the girls have started a remonstrance against the smoking of cigarettes and cigars in college circles. - Brown Herald. On Saturday afternoon, June 4, there will be a lawn fete given at the home of Prof. Russel. Refreshments will be served. The University Glee club and the U. of M. band will be in attendaiïce. The proceeds will go toward a fund to employ a regular nurse to look after the care of University st-idents. The kind of soldiers that Michigan is sending to the front is shown by the fact that Roy Alberto, a private in Company C, Thirty-fourth regiment, (Muskegon), graduated from the military academy at Orchard Lake as senior captain. Charles Watson, of Company A, was in attendance at the Orchard Lake academy two years. The vote for teachers' special prizes at the coming county fair is as follows: Miss W. L. Bender, 5; Miss Emily Gundert, 7; Miss Emily Marshke, 5; Miss Anna Shannon, 30; Miss Sarah O'Brien, 5; Miss Anna Clinton, 4; Miss Carrie Reed, 5; Miss Mabel Root, 5; Miss Lena Mallory, 7; Miss Laura S.' Mills, 50; Miss Ella B. Mills, 81. While bicyclists have so me times objected to the passing of ordinances compelling them to carry lighted lamps at night, yet it is a fact that after such ordinances become law, and the riders experience the great advantages accruing and the ïargely increased safety, they would not be willing to do without either the lamps or the law. At their newly furnished home on S. Ashley street. Mr. Edward Roehm and Miss Rosa Hoffmann were Monday night united in marriage. Rev. A. L. Nicklas, of Zion's Lutheran church, performed the ceremony in the of the most intímate relatives and friends of the happy couple. Those present enjoyed a bounteous wedding supper and extended best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Roehm for life's joys and trials. Edith Lansing was found "not guilty" of stealing.$19.50 from Bertha Klager, by Justice Duffy Monday morning. It seems that there is a good deal of animosity sprung up between the two girls. The Lansing girl accounted for the money she had in her possession in a straightforward way and although one witness swore she had seen the Lansing girl go into the house where the Klager girl roomed, Justice Duffy discharged her. "While enjoying the evening air on his porch last evening Judge Newkirk overneard a conversation between two young ladies who were passing by his house: "Are you going tó the party?" asked one. "Yes." "What are you going to wear?" "My shirt waist," answered the other. The judge did not inquire if that was all fout thought the attention of the officers ought to be called if there were any Seeley dinners going on in this city. A dispatch from. Washington says: At the urgent request of the entire Michigan delegation, who called Monday at war department, supplemented by a letter from the Michigan senators, Gen. Alger today issued orders for Col. Boynton to bring the Thirty-third Michigan Volunteers from their present camp at Island Lake to Camp Alger, a dozen miles out from the capital city. The Thirty-fourth havlng been ordered here, there will be mueh fraternizing among the Michigan troops at the national capital. There is a very amiable lady who uses her love letters to score off her husband when opportunity occurs. It is her custom when her husband says anything disparaging to her to fetch out one of these relies of courtship daya and reel off the glowing tribute to her vlrtues which is therein contained. These letters originally numbered somewhere about 200, but owing to sundry successful raids which the poor persecuted husband has made vipon them, the number has been considerably reduced. When he penned the tender missives little did he imagine what instruments of torture they would in later years become. Another will case is going on in Judge Newkirk's court that, while not as sensational as the Jerome SchemerhornMollie Bennett case, is still quite interesting. Richard Webb, of Dexter, died at the age of 77, leaving about $20,000 worth of property to be divided, after the widow received her dower rights, among seven children while Mrs. Stevenson, another child, was cut off in the will with only $100. The shares of the other children would be a little over $l,500.each. Mrs. Stevenson was naturally dissatisfied and is contesting the will on the grounds ofundue influence on the part of the other children and especially a brother named George. It seems that Mr. Webb married a second time and Mrs. Stevenson took her part and upheld her to her father, and alleges that for this reason the other children eombined against her. This makes the fifth adjourned day on which testimeny has been taken and two more days will be occupied before the case can be flnished. A. J. Sawyer appears for the proponents and D. B. for the cuntestants.


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