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With this issue the Ypsilanti W Times is Consolidated with the Ann irbor Democrat, making it the most widely circulated English newspaper Washtenáw county. Those sub: The Weekly Times who havo in advance will be furnished ; without extra charge the expiration of their Subs The subscriRtion to The Demois one dollar per year, while that The Times has been flfty cents. The Democrat has during the past . . ., ,d a large Ypsilanti de; artment and the Ypsilanti subscrtbers ie VSTeekly Times will obtain all of their home news and secure in addicounty newspaper pubished in southern Michigan. The attention of adverti'sers is in! to the fact that with the six gubscrlbers of The Weekly Times in Tpsilanti and vieinlty and 2,100 subscribers of The Democrat, nów have a total circulation of 2,700 cövering Washtenaw countj ly and inaking it the most p advertistng medium obtainabie. Mrs M. T. Woodrufï is spending a days with her parents at Ovid. Mrs. Russell Spencer, of Charlot; vi.siting at the residence of Mrs. E. M. Spencer. The Arbeiter Verein will give a dancing party Monday evening in their bal] i 'irove st. ir and Mrs. Cari Warner, who have been the guests of S. E. Dodge, have returned home. Dr Thurston, of Cleveland, a former Normante, is being entcrtained by friends in the city. Miss Ida Parkinson, who has been the guest of Mrs. F. D. McKeand, has returned to Detroit. The ladies of the Congregational church will give an excursión to Deiroit Monday, May 30 George E. Sherman has left the Detroit Journal and begun work for the Detroit Tribune thls morning. Mts. S. E. Pulver and family have movod to Tecumseh, where her son, Benjamin, is engaged in business. warrant for disorderly conduct has be'en issued for Fred Anderson, who was mixed up in a row Saturday mght. Frank Showerman has just delivereü a large order of table silverware for the Eastern Star to be used at their, Frank Reynolds, who was mixed up in a scrap last Saturday night, pleaded not guilty before Justice Childs last night. The feeding cable for the new electric railway is being stitched and will be completed by the end of the week. banquets. One of the new eleetric cars is on the road from the shops and will be in shape to run as soon as the line is completed. The flrst soldier to die of the Th'.rtyfirst regiment was Private Maginnis of Company I. He died Tuesday of pneumonía. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bigelow, who lived in this city from 1852 to 1872, celebrated their golden wadding at Owosso Monday. There is a warrant out for the arrest of James Eaton, but the offlcers say that he, like Anderson, has "flown his kite" and is not to be found. Deputy Sheriff Ross left-for Lansing Tuesday with George Murrano, who is'guilty of truancy and will be conflned in the reform school. The first car over the Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor railway carne as far as the bridge Monday morning. It was a flat car with material. Mat Roser, who started out with a small show a few weeks ago, is broken up in business. He could not make expenses and is stranded in Jackson. Every one who has flowers to con tribute t'o decórate the graves should have them at the G. A. R. headquarters in the Union block by 9 a. m. Monday morning. James Davis changed the name of his dog from McKinley to Dewey because he is a scrapper. Jim says he only picks on dogs that run around without a license. Jacob Wise is circulating a subscription for Memorial Day exercises. He started out to raise $50 and ha.s been successful. Other years the common council appropriated the money. Hon. J. B. Wortley is now at rest. The fact that the McMillan crowd and the Pingreeites have made up, makes Mr Wortley feel that he will have it easy sailing for the legislature this fall. Joseph F. Miller, who has suffered from a diseased eye for several weeks, is again at his old place in Dodge s Harry Benham, who took his place during his absence, has returned tó Ann Arbor. Xext Tuesday night at Normal hall there will be a senior recital by Miss Sara Lodema Miller, pianist; assisud by Dr. E. B. Spalding, baritonc; Miss Abba Owen, violinist, and Prof. F. L. Tunck, organist. The following dry goocis stores vm u= closefl all day on May 30, Decoration day: W. H. Sweet & Son, Trini & McGregor, E. M. Comstock & Co., F. H. Rexford & Sons, Davis & Kishlar, Beal, Comstock & Co. Mrs M. .1. Ryan, of Cross strect, gave a children's party to 20 little ones Tuesday afternoon, in honor of her little daufhter Marie's birt'hday. Among those present was Hazel M. Woodruff, of Detroit, a cousin of the little hostess. Tt is reported that "Juice" Wilson, who it Is supposed had something to do with the McCurdy row Satúrday night, is also missing. It is believea that Anderson has gone to join the colored volunteer regiments being organized in the South. There will be a unión service in the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday evening, on account of the anniversary service of the YounL Women's Christian Association. The pastors will assist. Reports of the work are to be given and an address by Miss Taylor, of Chicago. On account of the feeling among local dealers about excursions to Detroit from here, the Congregational ladies have hit upon the happy idea of an excursión to Detroit and Belle Isle on Decoration day, when all can forget their cares and toil in a haipy Uay at Belle Isle. Tickets, 75 cents. The ladies of the Parish Aid society "will give an Bxperience sociable at the church house on June 6th, at S o'elock in the evening. The proceeds are te g-o toward liquidating the church house note. A short program will be presented at a popular price. All friends of St. Luke's parish are cordially urged to be present. The clothing stores will close Memorial day at 11:30 a. m., and remain closed all day. Mrs. Guy V. Thompson, of Grand Rápida, is a guest at the Hawkins house. Several of the proinoters of the Saline electric road are at Saline looking over the ground. Burt Holmes drove down from Ann Arbor last evening in one of the swell turnouts of Holmes' livery. The Ypsilanti High School team was defeated by the Wayne team Wedr.esday afternoon by a score oL 6 to 4. The lecture by Prof. Worceter last Wednésday night at Normal hall was very interesting and well attended. Ray Rowley narrowly eseaped from being a hospita) subject Wednesday He was his wheel down Pearl street hill, when it colüded with another and both riders started down the hill together, but fortunately neither one struek terra firma often enough to receive serious injuries. H. Edward Shutts, of the Hawkins House, was frightened enough Saturday night to make a person turn His eight-year-old son left the house In the afternoon, and even though they searehed till mldnight he could not be found. Later he was discovered about four and a half miles away safely sleeping, where he had gone to visit his little sister, who is also visiting there. "Why it it that a family of siix must pay as mueh water tax as a familiy of two? There are lots of people going to stop it. I'd like to see these aldermen . . j lor their water, or the professors, .hó use so much on their lawns. Some of the best people in town are goingr to stop it." The above is what Deputy Clerk Carpenter had to listen to this morning, and when he offered her a ra te book she refused and flew out of the door.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat