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If every man could live an out-door life, passing his time with gun 'and fishing-rod and canoe, tlierc woula be less illness in the world. Unfortunately, the demands of modern civilizatioa will permit very few men to live this idc-nl, hcalthful life. Many men have to pass the day shut up in offices and stores, and the nights in close apartments in crowded cities. They get little ont-door exercise. One of the results of this unhealthy, sedentary living is the awful prevaknee of that dread disease - consumption. Onc-sixth of all the deaths each year are due to this relentless enemy. Formerly physicians pronounced this disease incurable. It is now generally known that there is a marvelous medicine that for the past thirty years has been curing consumption almost without a failure. It is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cures 98 per cent. of all cases of consumption, bronchitis, astlima, laryngitis and other diseasfs of the passages. It is the great re-buildcr. It tears down, carries off and excretes oíd. inert tissues and replaces them with the firm tissues of health. It restores the lost appetite and makes the ditrestion perfect. "Four yearsago I had an attack of grip tliat lefl mythroat and lunrrs iu a bad condition," writes Mrs. M:irv Hartmau, of 300 Harker öt, Mansfield, Ohio. "The doctor said I had disease of the thro.ii and bronchial tubes. I coutinuc-d togrowworse. I had pain iu the upper pari of my chest and .1 severe cough, which grew worse at nilit aud in the morning, with heavy expectoro tion. I would cough up mattery scabs, after which I would experience a burning aud smartiug sensation in ray throat. I took the docior's prescriptionö without number, but they did me 110 good. I took sixteen bottles of cod livcr oil and was as bad as ever. I then took five battles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and thrce of the 'Pellets.' I began to improvc iu every way and uow enjoy good health and have taken no medicine for over six months," kilflUlftll I,IJ CBtTU.KKIANƒRE■CH.LATrEi3kREKK. L yMr our nndtncf m-t Vn doidfTëd over tb ycar Mkuew4ibi ftt It bai tnatt cburi dpublcd o thajJbf luL Nat o at of oulHÏQtï 13 at lejluiMte itOM Ui lul ai fAfST-r1 Kiraíñi(oiíi for oe?f ihrce antodalr iJan.l.lk9hj. üur Ü'Whl KEPiNti mlilHORTHANOfcRADJL'aTES belpcd (oatKid positlonsAi il Mhar school cn itudcnu s3 ooo (quallfy for Urd. íoú, 1( orJfA TE SÖÜU'lfATKS. We aro uñabk u ■ upolïail olli tot onj irttnic#tcactLcrn, VW win ukc youüi (tteu na pomen iBo cnnTTcliher funTor wTTUIInd teJWlhein ptivateTy from th íbecinnlni tVK ONiñM a ok ludeou deiTtod room and board, b (ciubblni togeiber lonmerNormil.l itcrki,!]. Scnd your ad pLys:'' r"a aw'ilTf'fi!,yM''r'j;rA"!j'''' TAfD. HERZ Painting and Decorating, Palots. Oils, üIüss, Bru.-iües aud si Pa mers Supplies. 112 W15ST WASHINGTON STKJÏÏKï Established 1869. New State Telephone: Office, 80-2 rings. House, 80- 3 rings. CEO. P. HENRY J. SCHLEMMEF. SGHLEMMER. : : : TUK : : inn Arbor Fluff Rug Faetón ; : : AND : : : ' Steam Carpet Cleaners Manufacturera of strictly flist-class Fluff Rugs ...FROM YOUR OLD CARPETS.., All Orders Promptly Attended to. For Circulara or any other Information cali en or address Office and Factory- 409-41 1 _V. HurBtreet, Both Phones, 176. Ann Arbor, Síích. Rinsey&SeJDolt NO'S. 6 AND 8 WASHINGTON ST, r Have on hand a Complete Stock of Everything in the Grocery Líit ! Teas, Coffees, Sugars, in Large Amounts and at Cash Prices and can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of Teas they buy and sell is good proof that In Quality and Price They Give BARGAINS. They roast their own Coflees everv week, as none but prime anieles are US6Q Their Bakery turns out excellent Breada Cakes and Crakers. Cali and see them. Music Store J. F. Schaeberle No. 8 W. Liberty St. Headcmarters for Harness,'Trunks: Valises Telesoopes and Dress Buit Cases at LOw PRICE8 A. Teufel, s. M3A% ST.


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Ann Arbor Democrat