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Co. G, 31 Mich. Vol.

Co. G, 31 Mich. Vol. image
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Chickamauga Park, Camp Thomas, June 20. - The people of Ypsilanti are luyal to the boys at the front. Boxe.; and barrels arrive every day and, stiange to say, the last are as welcorne as the first. The boys all gather around the boxes and intently watch 11 the good things that are brought to view, and the good people that send them would be fully repaid if they could but get one glimpse of the boys' happy faces. One little incident marretl our pleasiire. It seems that through missentation or the interference of some mischief-maker, the folks in Ypianti have been deceived into believing uur officers appropriate the things part of them that are sent to the men. So our last eonsigitment was sent npanied by letters stating that the ! s were not to receive any of the shipped. This was very unjust ,;:■ officers, as they 'have r.ot onl red everythtag that has been sent to them. but they have divided among the boys the things that have come to f rom their own homes. Major Kiik, alone, gave the boys of Comjany ■ all the things marked to him personvith the exception of one or two :ges. Let the boxes continue to c me and have no fear but tliat the good things will be distributed among' the men. The little shelter tents have been is. Each raam? il! have a half tent, whieh he will carry with him on Ihe march. These tents are scmetimes called "pup" tents. Tomorrow, instead of company drill. Company G wili march out on the drill ground and piten pup tents. Lieut. Green is oftieer of the guard today and he had the pleasure of being the fir-st offlcer to greet Gov. Pingree as he carne into camp. The boys accorded their governor a hearty welcome. The ; .vs spread like wild-flre, and hardly had the goveinor got over the guard line before he was surrounded by over half of the regiment, each boy in blue anxious to shake hls hand. Ho-wever, despite the great soldier mob, he was soon hurried to headquarters, where he is now taking a pleasant smoke with the colonel. Gen. Case accompanled the governor and was also accorded a hearty welcome. The rifles tOT the Thirty-flrst have arrived. As stated before in the Times, are the oíd Springfield riñes, same ris as the rifles used by the b..ys m the Xational Guard. As soon as the rifles are issued the boys of the Thirtyfirst will be equipped and ready to move. As each day passes the boys seern to improve in heaith and spirits. The rati ms are very good, in fact often bettei than you could expeet in the array. Col. Gardener is about camp all day, rain or shine, keeping a close eye an anjthing that might work harm to his regiment: His men are glad that they are under his eommand. Chickamauga, Camp Thomas, June 22. -(Special) - Major John P. Kirk was married Monday-to Mrs. Mary Acker who carne here from Ypsilanti for the purpbse. The major gave a reception t. the officers yesterday and was presented with a nice saber by Lieut. Freí Grenn from his associate officers. She will remain here. As we quietly predicted a few áays ago that a prominent person of tho thlrty-flrat would be married within a few days, the aftair has come about and Major Kirk is a married man. The iiews will be a surprise to most ypailantians, but on account of the rumor, like an under current. which has been floating around for the past week, his most intijnate friends only join in congratulating him. Major Kirk is one of the most popular young men in Ypsilanti a id it might be truthfully sald, in Washtenaw eounty, where he holds the office of proseeuting attorney having been elected two years ago by an exceedingly large majority. He is now spoken of for the nomination for congress on the Democratie ticket for the second congressional district. Mr. Kirk has . the firightest of prospects before him and if he survives his army life. he will be received among his home friends and will entertain the same feeling from Ihem as themgh he had not been absent. Mrs. Julia P. Kirk is well known in this city. having. like her husband, always made her home in that city. HILLMAN.


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