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New Private Postal Cards

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The government has authorized the use, after July lst, of what is to be known as private mailing cards, and as there is considerable inquiry at the postoflice about the new order, we have obtaii;llowing facts froin Postin regard thereto: It wil! be lawful .uier July lst to transmit by mail, at the postage rate of a cent apieee, payaMe by stanips t) be affixed by the sender, oL cards the size of the Standard postal card, viz., 3%x5% mehes in dimensión, the quality of which must be substantially that of the government postal cards, and must weigh about 6 lbs. 3 oz. to the 100. The color of the cards may be white, cream, ligln gray or the shade oL the government card, which is light buff. Here is something that it would be vvell for these who contémplate availing themselves of the use of these card.= to remember. The cards MUST bear these worda, IX PRINT, on the aJ ■lvate mailing ized by act of C9ngress of May 10. ISaS." The card also shoild bear in the u right hand corner of the address side, an diagram with the words: e a one-cent stamp here." and in the lower left hand corner the following words should be printed: "This siüe i exclusively for the a Here Is'another important point. Nothing else than the superscription, either in writing or in print, must be placed on the a side. thougil in giving the addfess one is allonyed to glve the occupation or business of the one to whom the card la sent. Tht : appear on the message side advertisernents, illustratlons matter printed i;i black '':■ ii1 colors. ThU will give the suramlr resort ple, or university towns, Cor instance, the privilege of getting up hand postal eards, the same as they do in many foreign countries, to advertise the place. These cards are only for clomestic use. They eannot be mailed to foreigu countries except at letter rates, which would be flve cents for rd. This seems a little unjust, éspecialiy as our laws permit similar forelgn postal c.irds circulation here without additional cost. If people who expect to make use of the private mailing carel will observe the above rules, which are official, they may save themselves and the postoffice officials annoyanoe. It. will be seen that one eannot take a common card and mail it, but that the card must be of a certain size and of certain quality and colors, and bear upon its address side certain words.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat