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-Supervisors will viíit the county liouse to-day. - Jusüce Clnrk has removed his ofhca to rooms oooupied by Zina P. King, Esq. -Prof. Gatchell is annonnoed to address the Reform Club at tho opera büuse on Sunday next. _-It ís expocted tüc now telegraph cffioe will be iu rcadiness tbr the transnjission of dispatches by tho first of next nionth. -G. J. Pease, who has carried on the hardware business in this city for severfll yeara, has sold out to J. A.. Graf and Julin M. Slater. -Within a few weeks Alderman Ross bas been Oulled upon to müurn the loss of a second child, the last one aged four years and six uionths dying on Frïday. - Juclge Harriman's report to the Board of Supervisors showed that during thu past year he had oommitted six persons to the Eastern Asyluin for the Insana froru Washtenaw county. -The town clock on tho ooart house baving kept better time than was warrttiited, the cominittee reporting that the time had not -raried more tban three and a half secouds a, month, it was finalJy accepted. -The polls will be open at Firemens' Hall ou Monday, that taxpayers may decide the mooted question whether or not inonies shall be advanced by the citv to increase the tfliciency of the fire (Jepariment. - By special request Dr. Jones will repeattheintroductory leeture, woman's Sr'jore in Medicine, in the Homeopathie College on Friday, Oct. 17, at 8 l. M.- All iwterestud in woinau's professional education are invited. - Bev. J. T. Suuderland's subject uext Sunday inorning will be "A Plea for Eeasonable Treatment of the Bible." In tho evening he will give the first of a series of seven lectures upon Culture.- Subject, "Physical Culture." -Baiory Al bridge, Edward Gates and Charles Khodes, arraignfd for intoxication before Justice Frueauff on Monday, plead guilty. For a small contribu tion and brief sojourn at Hotel de Case, they were allowed to depart. -The Young Peoples' Society of the M. E. church will hold a social in the Sabbath school rooms to-morrow evening at 8 r. M. Admission, ten cents. Eefreshment committee will be ou hand to nttend tho wants of those in anee. -The officers elected by the Unitarisn Sunday school for the coming year are Prof. B. F. Nichols, superintendent; Miss Cora A. Benneson, assistant superintendent; Fred. A. McEeynolds, secretary; Mies Lillie Niehols, librarían; Mrs. Joseph Whitlock, treasurer. -Nearly every eeat upon niain íloor and in gallery of the eburch was occupied to hear Eev. Mr. Pope's farewell discourse on Sunday. Ilis successor, Eev. John Alabaster and family, will arrive froin Auburn, N. Y., to-day, and take possession of the parsonage. At a meeting of the Washteuaw Pomological Society hald on Tuesday the subjoined officers waire eleoted : S. W. Dorr, president; J. D. Baldwiu, J. C. Kousp, anil II. 'Woodvuff, vice presidents ; Jacob Garjzhorn, socre t'iry ; J. C. Hubner, Treasurer; and N. B. Covert, H. O. Kane, Mrs. ft. H. Pierce, and P. L. Page, Aan Arbor, executive cüniraittee. -The extensión of the Toledo c Ann Albor Kailroad to Pontiao seoius now to be assured. A party of men started out froiu this city on Mooday to begin grading at South Lyon, ana the work will be puslied forward nipidly froui that poiut aud Peebles Corners. The contract for grading tliis iart of the road has been let to Budd & Wüüauis of Ann Arbor. It is announoed that the iron will be laid as soon as the road bed is ready, and the iron for the extensión was purchased by Mr. Alley büfore the late rise in priee. A re-union of the Crossman family to celébrate tho üüth auniversary of the nuptial cereiuony which united Mr. Samuel Crossman with Miss Thilena Sheldon, was held at the residence' of Mr. Crossman in Ann Arbor town, on Tuesday. It was a social gatkering, attenied by the following branches of the fainily : Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hill of Senaat, Cajuga Co., N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Strongof Dansville, Inghaui Co., Mich., Ir., and Mrs. John S. Crossman, clerk of the House of Represen tatives D. L. Crossraan and wife of Williamston, Mich., and Charles S. Crossman who resides at home. A burglar, believed to be a colorea man, entered the resideuce of llegent Climie on West Iluron street, Sdturday inorniug, by meaus of an instrument which turned the key in the look, froru the outside. Ho passod through several rooms into that where Mr. C. aud wif'o sleep, took Uis panta banging on a door kuob, and in his exit becoming bewildered, struck a taatoh, awoke Mrs. C., who arose and ordered him out of the house, follownig the burglar to the hall. Sho did uot aiouse her husband beheving the niidnigUt intraden came to injuro hun. The burglar tlieu attompted to and did unlock in similar way the door of a. dwelling occupied by a Mrt. Miller about one block distant, but was frightened off by approaching footsteps betbre he had time to eirter the house. Mr. C's pants wero proniptly discovered a few rods away minus $5, keys both mail car and uiiscellauuous lyiug uear. Buffalo Express: A new play cntitled "Star; or Past and Diamonds," ■written by Mr. Charles Gayler expressly for Misa Mattie Vickers and Mr. Charles Hogers, was prosented for the first time last eveuing. A large audience wituessed tbe performance, and if enthusiastic manifestations of approval amount to anything the piece was a veTy pronounced sucuess. The play of "Star" is well constructed and in all eBgential points auawers the purpose tor which it was written. Somo of the situatious are very efítíctive, and the dialogue, whiuh is written io a vain of iningled humor and patlio?, is moderately enterfaining. Tha debut soene at the end of the second act is particularly Btrong. It made tho hit of the pioce last evening, and aroused a degreo of enthusiasm which the cjuieter beauties of tho last act fuliy sustuined. Teachers and offioers of the 14. K. church Sabbath school met at the rrsideuco of Dr. lioso on Monday evening, and together repaired to the resiliente of Mr. C. II. Worden wbure a surprise was in store for Itev. Mr. Pope. A presentation of a revolving book rack was made to the reverend gentleman, by Prof. Steore to whih Mr. Pope ruspoudod in a peculiarly happy manner.


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Ann Arbor Argus