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The County

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- A well-equipped roading-room is to be estalilished at the Ypsilanti depot. - Fred Josenbans of Kansas öhips ii car load of sheep from York to that state, this week. - Ypsilanti has a firecompnny of boys ander 12 years of age. They manage a chemical engine. - AI. Welsh will meet teachers of Dexter at Suiith'g school house, Saturday Oct. 25, for examination. - Jake Martin, tho big Ypsilanti wrestler, haa been elected constable. - Wheji tío y to n man "Comel" hu oouieth. - Unable to raise a salary sufficient to support a minister, Rev. E. P. Goodrich of Manchestar's Presby terian church has resigned. - Marcus S. Cook will examine the teachers of Lima at Lima Center, Saturday, Oct. 25. Those not present will be oharged $2 for special ex&nimatiou. - Henry Vinkle, an oíd and well Itnown citizen of Dexter, died at Berlin, Wisconsiu on Thursday of last week. - His remains were brought to Dexter, whero burial services were porformed on Suuday. - Dexter gossipers are refreshing their wagging tongue over a scandal that culminated in the kicking down stairs of a ruthless iuvader of marital privileges, and diaappearaiice of au erring wifo. - YpsilantiS'í)iíZ: TheCouncil propose to pass an ordinanca requiring saloons to close at nine o'clock. ïhore would be more hopes that such an ordinance would be of some use, if the present regulatioris of closing them at eleven were euibi oed. A.S a novelty we extract from an Ypsilanti exchange thefollowiug notice, and give it insertion, gratuitóusly : AU law business done at astonishingly low prices. Collectiug, conveyancing, drawing and foreclosing mortgages a specialty. Fighting suits my nature. No suit advised that cannot be won. F. D. Oitcutt, office with J. S. Jenuess, oppoaite P, O , Ypsilanti. - A Y has been ordered placed by the cormnissioner of railroada at the Junction where the Detroit and Hilladale and Toledo and Ann Arbor roads cross. Tuis will give a Tolodo coinpeting rnarket to Saline aud others, gruin producers, a valuable acquisition to farmers ot' this sectiou. Huivt.iroi-ii thisir surplus grain was obliged to go to Detroit under such freight discrimination as the Central might exact. - We would respectfully cali the attentiou of our readers to the advertisenient of Marcus Stevens, of Detroit, whichappears in another column. Tuis house, one of the oldest in the State, having been established over 40 years has always had the reputation of being ono of tbe best places to buy furniture in tho Wast. Wbile they keep cbeap goods - in prioe, not quality - they also nid,ke a specialty' of Fine Art Furniture, in whioh branch they stand without rivals. Tbey also have a very large stock of Curtaias, Lainbrequins, etc, embracing all the latest styles. They willmailpricüs, photographs and sample on application, and would be pleased to Uave all of our citizens visit thom when in Detroit.


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Ann Arbor Argus