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Premiums Awarded At The County Fair

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c:assS-Sï„rd. StjiIJoii IïacL- - Mcmbrtan r.eorge, M. (i. Zibbl, Monro, S20 01 Kthall Mili, loc., V] liinti 2d, 20 00 Kniue i Kiire - Blonewall, ƒ r.. Dr. .1 Kamp, ut, 20 00 )rin_' Koy, Pat. Ir ving, 'zd, ÏCOO lince Agafnst Time - Fleet, - Fleming, tiuie 2.J7J 10 00 Doublé Team Race - Dr. Dnnald Mnclenn, lst, 15 00 M. . Ti:..tliv. l'l, , ft, L. Dow Buil, sa, 3 oo Tl' ree Minute Race- Membiino Oeorge, M O. Zibble., lst, 14 00 Toiei, .7. I.,ilsii'ttcT. 2 1, s i-o :ll,.Jr., Dr. .1 KPp, 3d, 6 0i' inriag Boy, I'. IrvÍDg,4th, so Nenrpst lo 8:31 Racv- Toney, D. W. W. Nichols lst, lo 00 I Fn 'I Ilusnii , j] 7 oo Flora, W. II. Townsend, 80, t iH) Slarüye, A. McDonald, Jtli, s Ou Nearnt to :'.:iio Minute Race- Toxer Hoy, i. llol!',tet(iT, lit, 10 00 BUI, T. -utherland, 2d, 7 i l.ntly H., Krd Duson, 3d, f oo Tuui-y, Ur. W. W. Nicbols, 4th, s 00 Class 19- Agricultura! Implemenll. Farm wiiidiflill.J.C.líros Bro., Snline, lst, 40 M. Berdai), riymonth, 2'1, 3 i'O Iliiy mok, Ch. WillUma, Webster, 2d 1 on Fruit ladder, H. 11 Ilenderaon, Pittsfield. lst, 1 00 Graln drill, llaory Paul, Pittstteld, lat, 3 oo Grestwt viirirty implemento, il. Kogci-s, Ano Arbor, lat, ft (o Aun Arbor Agricultural Co., 21, B 00 Tbiesber witt steamp .wer.l Jodele.Scio, 2d, 4 -0 dover thresher steam pover F Smith, Fittsfic-ld, 2d. ' 4 on Fannlng mili. N. H. Taylor, Radne, Wis., lat, 1 00 Stiam feed COoker.G. E Sperry, PittsISeld, 2d, 1 00 PoUto'digger, (ico. A. Peters, Stio, d, 1 00 ('O'iimittee- Wm. Osius, Jacob Braun, R. Salisbury. Class 20-Grain and Sccdi. Specimen dent corn, E. G. Bisbee, Ann Arbor, Ist, "se Husliel ryp, J. F. StaeVtfer, Aun Arbor, Ist, 1 0') 1 -., Irashei dent corn, the name, 75 12 cara yellow corn, tlie stune. 2d, Dis. 12 e.irs evurgnen sweet corn, A. S. Wood, Siilein, lft, 50 12 eura pop cora, Tí. C.CLirk, Ann Arbor, Ist, 50 Busbel Cldwson wheat, J. F. SlJteblcr, 2d 50 1 .. bush. uiii!! li v sei, J. M. Young. S iliue, let 1 00 L Im-h. clover sced, T. Sutberlund, PiUsfield, lat, 1 00 Bushei Clawaon whratfc the &ame, Ist, 1 00 Busliel white oals, llie same, lst, 1 00 12 eiiM yellow corn, S. II. Ostrander, Vpsilanti, Ist, 5ü ibusli. wbite bcans, Wm, Clements, Pittstiüld, lat, l 00 Class 21- Fruit. AI'ÏT.KS Plato oirCT-t liuugTi.r. 11. Ír-Cüít, Ann Al b., lat, 51 1 )je same, 2d, o-t l'lute malden blush, C. M. Osgood, A. A., lst, B J. M. Iiill.tteio W. 2") l'liite Porter, l.eo. Roberto, rittsUeld. lt, 50 A. II. Van V orhees, Balein, 2d, 25 l'l.iti' snow, A. 8. Wooil, Salino, Ist 50 c. M. Uubbell. Ypsllanti, 2d 2.1 Plato (Jayugii red sireuk, J. Oanzhorn.A. A., lat 5ü L. Towoseud, Buperlor, 2d, 25 Plato full ptppin, Solh Sumner, l'htsfield, Ut, 60 Geo. KubL-rls, I'ittïiri, 2d, 2" Itainbu, E. II Scott, Ist, i S 11. Win. nis, S.ilt-m. -M, 2j Plato Chcnango ntrawberry, J. M. IliU, ]at, ,10 O .V. Huübell, 2d, or i-uimd 8vvtet, the enme, lst, 5Í1 .1. U. Ulll. 2d, 25 Plate Baldwin, r. M. OsL-ood, lat, po W. II. Dell, Saline, 2d, oj Rbnde Isi:ina ireeniug, C. M. Osgood. lat, 50 E, 11. Beott, -21, 25 Canada red, A. II. Van Voorheis, lst, Sü e. M. ..o!, '-'d, jij IVtk's pluiwiQt, J.J. Parshall, AnnArbor,2d, 25 Col Icn russelt. S. B. Winans, lst, 5o C. M. Osgpod. 21. 9i Wüii er, J M. JIjIl lst, M IC 11. srciii.oa, '25 King Tumpfciiu r,. Geo. Roberts, lst, r-v .SL-tli Sumtitr, PiltsÜeld, 2d, 2,1 Esopua nlzi;iibur', thc same, lst 5Í1 , 8. Woed, 2J, 25 Iïoxhury russvit. A . II. Van Voorheb, lt, H H. .V Kicks. Ann Arbor, 2rt, 2ï Plaie waar, A. B. Wtwd, lt, an nelh Suinuér, U 5 Jonathan,]!; II. Scott, lst, m J. .1. i'.ir-h:ill, 2d, 21 Plte eek-no-fai ther, A. S. Wuod, Ist, SS S. 1!. Winana 2d, , 1 '.ai.' i""rtln.TiitI,y,A.H.Voorliei5,S.ilem, lst, B0 .1. J. Panhall, 2d, m Plate Tallman sweet, W. H. Dell, lst, 50 Geo. Eoherts, M, ei Urovenstein, li. II. Scott, lst, 5Í1 KaUwater, J. M. JUU, Ut, 511 J.J. Parshall, u !, .,- 1'.' ü Davis, A. I!. Voorhiis 2d H Hawley, E. H. Scott, Ist, ' ' so auübardsoi.1 nunsuch, N. T. White, Ann Arb ir, isi, ' r,,, J.M. HUI, Sd, o" XüeeSm %beiian crabbs. Sumner, lst, 1 50 1 t 75 C'lass Í3- Butler. Clirrsr. etc. 1 gal. jar butter, Mr. Newell Mitchell, Sülcm, l-l, 30 ;; loaves hop yeast bread, Mrs. J. A. Scott, Ann Arbor, 'át 50 4 gul. jar June butter, George Roberts, Piltsfield. lst, soo 4 gal. jar f.11 butter. the same, Cd, 2 00 3 loares bop r-in bread, J. Nixon, North(ield, lat, 50 3 loaves S'llt rising, thc same, 7" 4 boxes boney, T. Sutherliind, Pittsfield, lst, 1 OU 1 loaf Balt rising bread, Ann Lohr, Ann Arbor, lst, 7,4 gul. June butter, Win. elementa, PitteflelH, 10 1" rol] butter, Mrs. H. N. Hicks, Ann Arbor, lst, 2 " 5 che s, l. Tilden, Pittsfield, lst, Ï01 The une to same, 2 00 One to sume, 2 ÍK One to saine, 1 00 lu ib roil butter, H. Laraway, Northfleld, 2d, 1 W Class 24 - Carriages and Sletghs. Top phfêton, Schairer lïros., Siline, lt, 4 Ot Single open bugr-y, li. F. Arksey, A. A., lst, 3 00 Single top buggy, C. Walker Á llro., Aan Arbor, lst, 5 00 Democrftt platform wnon, the same, lst, 3 0( Lumber wagon, F Waiiner A Uro., . A. lst, 3 0 Discretioimry premium recommeadod to B. F. Axksey lor a side-bprin top phueton. CoraniHtee- Joseph I. Eliis, liobt. Cuthbert, Gco Cramptou. Class 2ó-Mechanic Art. Case ladies and gonts shoes, A. M. Doty, Ann Albor, lst, 3 oo lien i y Kruuee. Ann Arbor, 2d, 2 00 Pair tíne buou, ban1 inade, the same, lst, I no Pair coarse boots, hand made, the same, lst, i oo l'air line sho's hand made, the same, lat, 1 OC Displa; ol leather, the eame, 2J, 8 0" Display ot harneas and suddiery, Chas. Spoor, Ann Albor, lst, jj Qf 3 single baroass, the asme, lst, 200 Pouble carriage barness, the same, ' o 1 Doublf draí't haraeas, the same, lst, 2 00 Coiumittee- Wb, MoCreery. L. Burch. Class 26-Swcelmeals. Specimen canned peaches, C. H. Woodruff, Ann Arhor, lst, j po S:irti'; tu same, strawberries, lst, J OC Suinu to ame, grapas, lt, j qü Babm to same, td, do., 5Í1 Saiin' toaama, mangoea, lst. 1 o Oreatest 1 lely tí piekles, same, lst, 2 00 Spacimen cauued peaebea, George B. Sperrv Pittsfield, 2d, 50 Sume to saine, ftrawberries, 2d, r, S:inie to Bame, chcrries, 2d, 5(] Same tu ttne, blaekberrleá, 2d, 5(1 Same to sanie, raspberries, lst, 1 ou Beut anaareatest varletyjellies, S. T. Gridlev, i psllami, lt, ' 3 00 Speciineii caaoed quinos, Mrs. U.B. Henderson, Pittstield, ist, 1 00 Bottleil loante cataup, the same, -M, 50 Specimen c:inned pears, llrs. D. Sutherland Pittsfield, lst, 1 co Same to same, cherrles, lst, 1 on Sanie to same, vrhortleberries, 2ci, 50 Specimen canned pears, Mis.J.Niíon.Northti'M, 1. , 5() Specimen cannod wliortleberries, George Sprry, l'ittsfield, lat, j un Specimeu plums, the sume, lst 1 011 Specimen tómalo outwip, the mma'ut, 1 to S''e''Wr-M 'aS1'U'r""' HHHI?k. -nn -1 vaiiety jellies, Miss Sarah ï'letcher. Au Arhor, 'M, ' 2 00 Specimen canned pliwns, the same, 'd 50 .-picim canned hlackberrks, U.H Woodruil, Ann Arbor, lst, j Oo Specimeu caiincd quinces, Mrs J. Nixon 2d üo Ctau 27 - Flowers. milar Bahliaa, Mr. P. Wi negar, Ut 1 00 üolleclion üf pansies, the same, lst T, Sarah Fleteher. 2a, ' !l Cnt Bowera aud planta, the eame, lat, 2 ui ".?! Wíegr, id, 10„ Uoulhly ram s, s;iki1i Fleteher, lst. Geraniums all kinds, the game lt, 1 00 3 or more aoubki nerauiums, the name, lst 1 üi. K nster, the eaui, lat, ' 7Bnaket l.iit, ihe .-.ame, lst, ,, Tlie hume, M, j Committee- Mm. Wêbb Gillett, Mis. Clark, Miss CVajj 33- Miscdiantous Domestic Manufactures. Display fornitura and upbolstured eoods .lm Keek, lst, 5 rn Display red-nidectoth.A.L Noble, lst, 5 o Douglas, Hendersou A o M 1 00 a'T'' 's'SZ' s2,5ur"illlii"S BOM, Ue same, Ut, :, OU Display hardware, stovcs and tin J P % K' Schub, ut, ' ' ,„ rbach.M. - Sï Beet dlspli. dry gooda, Baeti & Abel, lst, 5 oo Drugwt, tóilel aud ÜMlriunaat., 11 J.Brown ' ' lst' S 00 WjrtodSMgramiet, 51 rs. Minerva Hossock, " ortl]llld, Ist, ' , n Display wall paper, uhades, &c, DoukUs lleudtiBOu A Co., "b"i ■ (1,„„liit,„.--B.Brown, F.B. Braun, P. J.Smitli' M. li. Uurlinghuube. """i Class 23- Otlier Mechanical Work. 1 pump, J. (i. ( ,v liro.Salini' d 1 nn 10 drain lile, A. _;. Lawrooce, Saline, '2d, so Committae- Jaeob ISiaun, Vtm. Osius.' (7,iss -n-Fattcy Keedle. and Crochel Work. Embroldered foot-rest, Ltazta Hen, A. A ut in LeD Hoffstotter, Ann Arbur, 2d, ' ' ,. ICmb. sofa iiilluw. W i -. i . W. Ames lt ÍZ Mr. Wid. S.Chever,2d. ' ? Silk emb ofa ciwhion, Mrs. E. Bnmnor, In S Slik emb. kirt. Mar, F. .iley, Ut, ' , „n Mr. Nelsou Bootli. ifl, li").. Iniubrequln, Mrs. IV. S. Perry, lst, í L;dia Helber, il, ' Emb. ctura, Mr. H. HuUel, lst, S -luiy 1 . Miley. ;d. J" Emb slippers, the unie, lit. Ê Mr. E, l:., l,i,], w, jfêfÏÏZZ?1 -iI-".t. loo 1 run TTofTö'.ptti!. 2i, 25 Pxlehworh gullt, Sarah Flelcher, lat 1 00 Mis. J Lockwood, )sit,iuti, 2il no Cnrrliure Atfchan, Mrs. Wm. Stevens, lal, 1 00 2 omb. hidkerchiefs, Mnry 1'. Mlley, lst, PO l.cim UofT-tiMler, '2(1, 2J 1 piecc Mik embroldery, Jrrs. I. Ueame, M. 25 Kuil skirt, I'. Miiey, lat, fo Crochet donk, tïie tuime, 2d, 2.r Crochet hnodi Marr F. Ulier, lst, 5u Mr-, i; Rffihm, 21, " b2 Crochet st.nkines, Mar? F. Miley, lat, 50Crochel leicginfrs, the aam, Ist, 50 Knii wool mittena. Ihssame, 50 M13. A. B. Covert, 2d, Jj Crochebmlttens, Mrs. 10. Roehm, 2J Lace lumbrequin, Lvdlii llelber, lst, 1 nu Lace tiily. Maiv E. Uiscook lst. 00 Floor nuil by trii-1 12 yr., Klizn V Smlth, lst, 19 Crochel ncarf, Aliee Weatherboe, Ypi., lst, 6" Worsteii emh Uly. the sa nis, 2e Doll and outfit, the aamo, 25 Committee- ld E, Noble, dura A. (jott. Clan 30- Fine Arts. Landscape In oll, liiu Lizzie Herz, Anu Arbor. Sd, o O1' Dnfr4 head in oil, the same, 2d, ' 5 Fruit pleoe In oil, LiUie M Nlchola,A, A, lst, 80 FTowcrs in oil, íhe same, 2d, 2 00 Cullection of oll naiutings, C. II. llichmond, Ann Arhor, ld, 4 i & Case Btuftod bint.i, A. B Covert, A. A., lat, 3 W) The parné, 2d, 2 00 OÍI pitmtlnfF, flowers, Mrs. N. M. SchoíT, Ann Arbor, let, 3 01 Oil portrait. Ka lie J. Kokers, A , Ut, 5 o ■ The same, 2d, 3 no i] luiilscüpt', thr sama, ?d, 2 00 Oil fruit pifcce thfi samo, 2i, 2 0i ' il doï'a he id. the snnrc, lst, 3 ihi Gollectfon of il pftlntings, thp sume. Int, A 00 Painting in water culors, Mrs. V. Ö. Terry, Ann Arbor, lst, 2 00 Mr. X. M. ScbofT, 2d, ba Pencil drtwin?, Bfattie Cornwell. A. A., lst, 2 "0 The same. 2d, 50 Penmauihip by n My, Sarah Fletcher, Ann Arbor, lst, 1 00 in pbotogrivphs, O. W. Barle. A. A , lst, l öj Photoffniph flnished in oil. hlim L. llubbard, Ann Arl)or, lat, 2 0 Comuiittee- Ida E. Noble, Enhene Laible. Ctaxs Sl-Misceilantnus. 4 pieces hotly Brussels carpet, C. i'antle, lst, Dis. Wines A Worden, 2d, Dirt. 7 pieces Ingrain, the samo, lst, Ii,' C. Fanile, 2d, Dl, fapestry Brussels, Winps A Worden, lst, Dis Display raga and mats, ihc same, lst, Ui Chinchilla mats, C. Funtlc, M, Dis 7 crunib oloths, Wines & Worden, lat, Dis! Piece Cantón oiattíirg, the saine, st, Bis. 1 Venetlan csrpet borders, the saine, lst, Dis! Piece oil cloth, C. Fantle, lst, I)is Wines A Worden, 2d, Dis! Ven. stair carpets and rods, the same, lst, Diï! On abore dlseretlonary premiums Wines A Worden wero aivurded $4 ; C. Fantle, W. , Westminster partor stove. J. rfeisterer, lst, 50 ;;ollecti..n scroll Work Austm F. Smilh, lst, Dip. I parlar orgnns rude iu Aun Arbor, D. F. Almpiiriirg r 1-t, 3 00 2showc;nescoiilectiuneiy, Mrs. J. Hangaterfer 1 t, j on Portable fenee, Meyer & Eggleston, lst, Dip tet reuee-butUen toola. Fre.i Alber, Dip. leel Boeket plow piiit-i, the same, Dip 2 hydraulic rains, L. IJ. Birk, Vpsilanti, Dip. rialloüu counter and ellees-; suales, Moses Hogers. nip colu apparatus and fonntaln, I!. F. üoylan, Dit Jol. picture, frames, Ac, u. McMillin. 2öu Display bread, bÍ8cuit. Ac. 8. HondrickaoB, 2 00 'ommktee- N. E. Suttou, J. H. Spürry, Andruw Siuiib. Ctass .)1-Miscii:,incou -Ladiet Drpartmcnt. Iseof hair work, Maggie Berry, Ana Arbor, 50 tiltil wreath, Ameria A. (iruneí, Aun Arbor. 5 i initted ioot rug, Mrs. Am. títevens, A. A., 2ï mlfM cfaair cover, the sam;1, 2" ?eather wrealh. Mr. N. U. (ioodnle, 8d, Dip. 4 nialts, collar, socks, silk patcliwurk c'hair cover, and enibroidried muttu, Mrs. J. lieruime, Ann Arbor, o ?air cardboard TOF68 tiud carel cas?, Fauline GernvT, Aun Arbor, 2,t i nages ranary liirds, John I'each, i so Nelttd lidy, Mrs. John Heuk-y, S,io, "5 Manuf. sewiiiL' machine. I. L. Orlniiell, A. A., DiT. Duhlni.iii. Lydia Hel'ier - 5u fap. eml.roidcry aifd ivory fan. E Wnson, ''5 ew Davis sewing m iclijne, .1. F. Sebuh Dip :auvas lidy mij orofli.'t lamp mat, Mary E. Hisoock, Ann Arhor, 2i Sample siwim; by niariiine without bastin" J.F.Sehuh, " Dip. auvas tidy, emh'd chair corer, and floorinat, Mi. 0. N. Hieks, Aun Albor, f o lair wreath, W, II Eira, m Coll Tileand China p.uuting, Mrs. W.S. Perry. 1 (i0 Mra. L. W. Moorc, Mrs. L. S. Warner. Chiss M-Boys Dmarlm-nt. CoHection cardhoard work, s. Cheever Aün Arhor, 7g BmbtoMrred picture. August Rcehm, A A., 1 ihj Bmnrotdered ibit rest, thes.nne, ■-, S iirlet ra.lishe, Keuben Frita Llm, js Svriaa clock ase, Frd S ttichmond, A. A.. 1 ö Oomnilttce- Mfas Carrie .Button, c. II. Darrali Miss M. F. S unsun, Flemish licanly J. D. Ba dia, A. A., lst, SO E. II. ricott, :' i. 2Ö Loulse Bonnede Jerney, (he sime, lst, 5,1 White Doymie, ihe same, lm q Ducheaa l)o A, the sume lst, ,, Burre ilurrique, tlie mme, Ut. e o .!.i.mí üaoziioro, 2d, - Seckel, O. AL. llubbell, Ist, ,v, 'I lie aai vj Clupp'a favorite, E. n. Scoft. lat, 80 OnoiHluji. C. M. HabbelV, lrt, 6fl Tlie s;ii!]!-.2 !, 25 icrative, F. H. Scott, lst, .18 Lawreoee, the tame, tut, 25 GKAPES. Delawaro, A. MrDnimirT Ann A i-h tB. 1- - "■■ ■ :Mn.l lx. - Hii'l1',v T.yf, '"" n'" r Is;ibel!í!, rtie same, let, 50 CoDCord, the ame, 8d. a, the Bame, 2d, "■■ Ilurlford proiitic. the sime lst, Ho Martha, 3icni rianzhorn, lst, 50 Diana, . McDonald, lst 50 The same ■.'.1. f," Ivos' Beedling, ihe same. it, 6U Salem, c. 1Í. Woodruil', It, go RoMrs' hj-brid, A. McDouald, lst. vi U il Wixxlruir, 2d, ' -Y-, ('itiiwl.i, A. Muüouuld, Ut. w Theaamo, 2d. ',, Clinton E. II. Scott, lst, hn The mme. 2d, j" Wuodruff's Beenling, C. n. W.iodruff, lt M QUINCES. Orante. David Mowerson, A n Arbor. lat 50 Jacob Gauzhoru, 2d, 25 l'EAOIIES. Jaoques rarcripo, ,T. Gaozhorn, lst, 50 Morris' wbtte. J. M. HUI, lst, 50 1-ate Ora-f„rd, K.U. tícnt, Ut, 50 The sa-iip, 2d, 5 ThS 'iSJ! 'idt1"1 Arbur' J' M13""1' lai' M Bmnck. JJü.'BaMwin, m, 50 3. E. MoDivitt, 2d, 25 Spicial Premiumi. "ranwUbnd rtnUion, (Abe Uncoln), Jacob IMKtetler, Aan Arbor, lst, JO Ofl ethSuinner,Pittaold,2d, 5 ou Best 18 ;one-yer oh! c„,,s the t of onp horso SSÏÏtaT"" loMisw' ■-- l0 00


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Ann Arbor Argus