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Biographical Sketches Of The Members Of Our County Legislature

Biographical Sketches Of The Members Of Our County Legislature image
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PlTTSFIELD. - Morton F. Caso, tlie supervisor of this town ia a nativo of Hopcwflll, Ontario Co., N. Y., boni in 1810, and removed to Michigan in 1805 at. 24 years of age. Mr. C ise was erluOtted fit the Canaiirlnigun Academy in his native stHte betweeu the years 1858 and 18G1. Mr. Caso taught district schools in lus o]d state five winters and then became an instruutor in the ticidemy he attended, diiring the term of six mouths. Pive tointtírs Mr. Case also tinglit in tlie district whcro he resides. The lirst office held by hun was township superintendent of schools iu 1874; the foliowing yo-ir proiuotedto theclief position in town, to which re-eleclicn has annually f'ollowed. 3Ir. C. is h member of the agricultural interests o: the state, the moderate farmer of 82 acres, Ho was joined in niatrimony in 1865 to Ciertiude Dibble of Hopewell, N. Y., the uuion reuulting in two children. SciO. - Jacob JVdele, Jï., supervisor o Soio first siiw the Hglit in the town rep reseuted by biin in the year 1851 ; is '2i years of age, and this town bas been always his hoiue. Mr. J"s eilucatiou was huiited to that deiived trom comuion -chools. The first jmblic position helH by hini was that of townsliip treasurer in 1877-8; the next and only otüer oue being that of' supervisor to which he was elected last spñng. Liko most of tbe membnra of the Board, Mr. J. is a farmer, the owner of 80 acres. He was joined in niMrriapc in 1874 toKliza Bock of Ann Arbor township, and t-.vo chil difii U tvi' li!ess;il the miiou. SllAUOX - Dcvid G Rose was burn in SliHiuu, Litcbfield Co., Coun., In 1825, Hiid is therefore 53 years of age. A'lcmg with bis parents, at tbe age of 8, oi in 1833, he settled in the township he reprisij!it=, and, with thu exoeption of a few yenrs, where he has residid. Froin a H'iKli'üH'ss, iihabited almcwt solely ly wild kiiíiuhIk, Mr R. !ihs witnessed its transformaron iuto beautiful farms, (feoked. with large and modern liuilt dweliings, indeel blossom (no pun in tended) like a iosr, or many ïosn. In üddition to themengre faoihties affordcd tiy ooiumoo schools, Mi'. R. atteoded tlic Gl!is L iUh Aucidpiny then uuder control oi the Presbiteriana. With tbe educ - tion tlius acquit, d )) aspirod to become a pedagogue and wieldöj tlin rod in the winters of 1840, 7 and 8 in Lyud m, lirass Iike and Norvell. Thu first ofiiciiil icsponsiliility placed apon him was .lirector aud inspector of schools in Shnrun. Moviug to Manchester villaje in 18(59, he wis eltcred a nicniboi of union sc1hii1 board. Displeaaed with vilhif:ilife he relamed lo nnd purchased a farm n Sbaroil in 1875 upon wlnoii lie now resides. Averse to bolding office his towngiiien eleuted bint justice, but be rffused to qualify until two ye-irs ugo. L,! spring th; y placed him on tüe irauk tr t-uprviÉKir, ami fillifaough oppos&d hy Kipubüciu üimI Un iiil'.-ick unndidotes, ÍK' .-liter H sf]:ir eflPtflatj íílííípii Mr. 11 was ünited in Qiarringrn 1850 to Looreti, daughter of the late Andrew BobUnu ot' Sharon, by vvlioni five, cbil dien wcre buru unto tbflB: Mrs. E. died in 1872. Mr. Rijsa is the most extensive frrar amung the man y large inius iipim th B iiird, in faut we miy s.tfely siy, in Wasbtenaw County, being the nwner if 800 acres of good fartiiint; land?, saying nulbing about vülage property. SYLVAN - Wm. E Dpew of Sylvan was born within what is the vil lage ot Cbelgea, the towu that honors biui by tuaking hiiu its leading officer, 111 1849, fot.'ÍDg3() years of age. Mr. D. is a gradúate of the law department of tli Uni versity, tnd prior thereto spent two years in the litcrary dupartment. lui luediati'ly ï er gi.iduatum he locatcd bunselt in Clu-lsea for tho practica of tile .aw, and bis sbingle hans out theie still WiiiIh ültmidinir the Univcrsity Mi. D was ik'cted schoul inspector which he adiiiinÍ8tered one year ; in 1875 elected township superintendt'nt and reelected in '76, '77, '78: and in thn autuinn of the ltttter year elected tueinber of school lOMid of Chelsea which position hu now holds; in 1879 eiected supervisor. Mr. Depew was joined in matriiuony in Sopt. 1877 to Mary Gate of Cliflsea, and has no childreu.


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